[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Just giving my two cents on the episode.

I don't expect the light / the fake mom to be explained - and it's better that its not. How fake mom got there and her back story is a different chapter and one that may be continued after our losties chapter gets closed (I like the idea that she is actually Eve though, but I suspect there were people before her (the Egyptians)). The episode reminded me a bit of the film The Fountain in some respects, which is a brilliant film and again doesn't slap you in the face with answers but leaves you to make up your own mind about what you have seen - it has similar themes about the source of life and immortality.

People wanting to know what the light is - any answer you would be given would be a disappointment. It's life, energy, rebirth etc as the woman said. It can't be explained any better than that. It's the center of all life on earth, and probably contained the devil (or equivalent) until it was released.

That's the positives. The negatives. Esau's 'name' - why this is being held back I don't know but they better have a good WTF moment lined up or I will be pretty angry at them purposely keeping back mundane answers just to try and add "more mystery" to the show. I would have liked the temple/Tawaret answered a bit but I think they were from a time before this period. The same with smokie, still not giving up to much information.

Also assuming the woman killed all them "others", why didn't she just do that 13 years ago then there would have been no chance of 'esau' finding them and joining them and all the other events occurring. The way she appeared to know she was going to be killed suggests she was manufacturing the whole situation in order to make Esau angry enough to kill her (assuming she can't die/commit suicide as well) and knowing that her death would be the turning point for Jacob to decide to look after the light - I don't think she knew Jacob was going to throw his brother into the light and release Smokie though.

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Just giving my two cents on the episode.

Also assuming the woman killed all them "others", why didn't she just do that 13 years ago then there would have been no chance of 'esau' finding them and joining them and all the other events occurring. The way she appeared to know she was going to be killed suggests she was manufacturing the whole situation in order to make Esau angry enough to kill her (assuming she can't die/commit suicide as well) and knowing that her death would be the turning point for Jacob to decide to look after the light - I don't think she knew Jacob was going to throw his brother into the light and release Smokie though.

Or... she engineered the whole thing to get Esau to replace her as the smoke monster :p I mean she did somehow manage to kill all those other people by herself, and she didn't have any problem killing the mother after seeing Esau :whistle:

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And, I disagree, because at this point if they don't answer, it will seem like this show was "Made up as they go along" the whole time.

NO fan should ever likes a show like that.

umm..no. that's how television works. They wrote season 1, saw it was a big hit and then thought of some stuff to make season 2, 3 etc

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Maybe she needed one "candidate" only but was presented with two so she had to wait to see which one of them would grow into someone suitable to be her replacement.

Her surprise at the twins at the start seems to support this!

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umm..no. that's how television works. They wrote season 1, saw it was a big hit and then thought of some stuff to make season 2, 3 etc

I seem to remember them saying in interviews during the first season that they already had general storylines for around 5-8 seasons already lined up... and most story writers do have a general idea of where they'd take their show after the current story is up.

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Please god I hope they don't answer any more questions. Because more answers DON'T lead to more questions. More answers lead to more disappointments.

I'm really looking forward to an awesome season finale and wrapping up the story with the main characters. It's been an awesome ride, and I hope they wrap it up well.

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Didn't know what to think of this episode, it's an episode that needs to be watched again...

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If THIS theory was true then I'd find the episode far more interesting... I think it' probably the only explanation that'd make that episode good :p

Like many of you, I was disappointed about tonight's episode. Then this theory popped into my head that made me appreciate the episode so much more...

Jacob and MIB's "mother" spent the whole episode building up to her replacement. Were lead to think she has chosen Jacob to replace her duties of protecting the island. But what if she actually chose MIB to replace her job as...wait for it...THE SMOKE MONSTER! The whole episode is about her manipulation on Jacob that eventually leads him to throw his brother into the light which turns him into the new smoke monster.

She left the game on the beach to start a rivalry between the two boys. She used her "smokey" powers to appear as MIB's real mother and guide him to the others. She saw that MIB had all the qualities to be the evil smoke monster (able to lie.. ect.). What kind of woman beats a pregnant woman with a rock and steals her babies? an evil woman! a smoke monster! How did she ruin the camp and destroy the well in such a short amount of time...well, if she turned into smokey then poof! easy! She told Jacob the light was a fate worse than death. hmm..sounds like she knows from experience! She knew MIB would kill her, so she showed Jacob exactly how to get his revenge on MIB, throw him into the light! Which made MIB her replacement, which was the plan all along! Jacob was only a pawn! And just like the surprise dagger in the back ultimately killed her, you may recall Dogen giving Sayid the dagger to go kill fake locke, but he didn't manage to catch him off guard.

thoughts? have I lost my mind? it is 4:30am afterall...


Hey in that video clip above' date=' does anyone else see the dudes walking in the background behind Jack and Sawyer?[/quote']

Yep, I can see Hurley, so I guess kate is there too

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Didn't know what to think of this episode, it's an episode that needs to be watched again...

You will probably fall asleep, dont do it :sleep:

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And, I disagree, because at this point if they don't answer, it will seem like this show was "Made up as they go along" the whole time.

NO fan should ever likes a show like that.

And, believe me, I have thought that was the case many times, but I HOPE it isn't so. I had some faith that the writers were knowing what they were doing from the beginning.

I agree that Mystery was the most potent element, but that's only for majority of the show but not the end. In the end, No mysteries!

Granted, we still have 3:30 hours left (So I will give them that benefit of doubt) ... anyone know series Finale will have commericials?

If so, really just about 2:30

Not only are there commercials, but they are getting $1m for 30 seconds.

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I seriously think people are reading way too deep into the show.

Basically I take it as this...

A few people crash into an island with its own mythology and history and they are trying to escape

Crazy stuff happens in the meantime

The beauty of the show is that it has so much intrigue that people are possessed to talk about it after the episode is over. The problem is that most of what people know about the show are the theories and analysis people put into it. Not the actual plot.

My best suggestion is to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show

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It was a good episode, but not one of the best this season. The intensity wasn't there. But after reading so many theories, especially the one ~Johnny quoted, it made a lot of sense. I do hope they're all false though because I wanna be blown away. I should really stop reading all these but I can't help it! Still hoping for a wikid series finale and a mind**** in the end. :p

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Theres another episode left yet before final 2 episodes.

Well, 3 episodes being combined into 2.

One next week on the 18th, then 2 others being shown concurrent on the 23rd as 1 episode (Part 1 and Part 2). So yes, 3 "episodes" but only 2 more timeslots.

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The best thing last night's episode did is bring all the LOST neowinians out and about discussing.

Where have you guys been this whole season?

I've been just enjoying the season without trying to go too in-depth on it all.

Just trying to enjoy Lindelof and Cuse's ride.

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The best thing last night's episode did is bring all the LOST neowinians out and about discussing.

Where have you guys been this whole season?

I have given up with discussing because my views are way off from others :p so I just tweet it and move on :rofl:

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