[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Anyway, you don't have to worry, I will not posting any videos unless I really think they are nice ones, IMO Which is about 5 a day MAX.

So, it won't be an on-slaught of video posting, even if there aren't any posts in between 15 minutes.

Back to discuss last night's episode, I really LOVE how the characters keep tell each other "It's almost Over" LOL other than the fact the show is over by Sunday, how do the characters know that?

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Tonight's episode was great. The first half seemed Ben centric, then we kind of drifted away from Ben and focused on other people, but the pacing worked well I think.

I was hoping for a little more meat when Jacob was talking with the final four, especially why everyone could see him and not just Hurley, but now we know why Kate's name was crossed out: she was no longer alone.

The build up in the flash sideways is interesting, like some kind of grand musical farewell on one side as the other comes to some kind of finality.

Perhaps Desmond is the key to getting the man in black back into the light, where he came from, and thus trapped forever.

I'm still curious about the impact of the island being underwater in the sideways. Is the light out or is the island underwater the aftermath of the man in black using Desmond?

Sunday evening can't come soon enough!

116 hours :|

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especially why everyone could see him and not just Hurley

Definitely had to do with Boy taking the Ash and burned ash changed the boy into adult again, but doubt they'll answer how that makes sense, just like they probably never will answer WHAT the hell give thse people powers? Who is the Fake mother? Or how the hell someone can become Smoke monster or what's Smoke monster's TRUE origin?

If they do, however, answer these questions I will be MORE satisfied of Lost's Finale than I expect to.

Part of me still thinks none of this is all real, just a metaphor of sorts.

Unless, ****, a parallel universe CAN have such things as monsters that exist for real.

I think I remember a theory that the smoke monster is created by Quantum Physics....?

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Back to discuss last night's episode, I really LOVE how the characters keep tell each other "It's almost Over" LOL other than the fact the show is over by Sunday, how do the characters know that?

I think it's part of an all-new plot device: the flash-outward. The characters are experiencing flashes of actors who have read a Series Finale script, which is eerily familiar. Finally, we'll find out how Gilligan's Island was suppose to end!

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115 hours :|

Don't know, but if that's his death, that was too quick and cheap. Why now and not then? What's changed?

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What a waste of a thread, i thought great 4 new pages to analyse turns out it was Jedi as usual causing trouble.

I dont think the ending will have a satisfactory conclusion for me, they arent at a point in the last regular episode that makes me think that it will have a proper ending, i have a bad feeling that its going to end in a flash sideways and i really hope not because i havent enjoyed the flash sideways at all this series. There are far too many things unanswered and there is too much open to interpretation makes me sad that i wont get the ending i think it should have, but then you cant please everyone, the perfect ending for me might be the worst ending for someone else.

I bet its all been misleading, MiB thinks that he will destroy the island by using desmond but i think thats been the plan all along, Widmore knew that MiB would want to destroy the island and made MiB think that he needed Desmond to do so, it will be a big twist that Desmond is the only person that can seal MiB back into the heart of the island and just as we think all is lost and the island is about to be destroyed it will twist so that in that last moment MiB will realise what hes just done.

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What a waste of a thread, i thought great 4 new pages to analyse turns out it was Jedi as usual causing trouble.

I dont think the ending will have a satisfactory conclusion for me, they arent at a point in the last regular episode that makes me think that it will have a proper ending, i have a bad feeling that its going to end in a flash sideways and i really hope not because i havent enjoyed the flash sideways at all this series. There are far too many things unanswered and there is too much open to interpretation makes me sad that i wont get the ending i think it should have, but then you cant please everyone, the perfect ending for me might be the worst ending for someone else.

I bet its all been misleading, MiB thinks that he will destroy the island by using desmond but i think thats been the plan all along, Widmore knew that MiB would want to destroy the island and made MiB think that he needed Desmond to do so, it will be a big twist that Desmond is the only person that can seal MiB back into the heart of the island and just as we think all is lost and the island is about to be destroyed it will twist so that in that last moment MiB will realise what hes just done.

Yeh, I'm beginning to have the same kind of scepticism, I mean for me, even though it will probably be spectacular, afterwards it will be disappointing that hundreds of questions (major or minor) won't be answered.

And I was pleasantly surprised when I was remembering the finale is only on Sunday and not a week away, so I'll be able to watch it on Monday!

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Loved it! I wanted a bit more conversation with Jacob and everyone, but it was still great :)

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I bet its all been misleading, MiB thinks that he will destroy the island by using desmond but i think thats been the plan all along, Widmore knew that MiB would want to destroy the island and made MiB think that he needed Desmond to do so, it will be a big twist that Desmond is the only person that can seal MiB back into the heart of the island and just as we think all is lost and the island is about to be destroyed it will twist so that in that last moment MiB will realise what hes just done.

I don't know, after last night - I'm starting to think that the 'flash sideways are flash forwards' theory is correct.

They keep focusing on the cut on Jack's neck. As soon as he gets it, we know.

I just don't think they have enough time to do anything else, and resolve enough of the story to make people happy.

So Jack fails, Desmond is used as a 'last resort' and MiB destroys (and sinks the island). Obviously there has to be time travel at some point too, since the sideways are in 2004.

As far as conversation with Jacob goes, don't forget, they are trying to keep everything as mysterious and 'mystical' as possible without outright ****ing us all off.

Jack going 'I'll do it' nearly instantly made this entire series worth it. The character development we've been watching for 119 hours at that point was finally made.

Is Richard gone for good?

Looks that way. Kind of crappy, but they are tying up all the loose ends.

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As its always been, once the island is done with you, you can die at any time. And with Jacob about to 'burn out', Richard was no longer needed as an advisor.

Though I hope they can touch on the whole 'you can't kill him' part of that.

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Richard :(

Cheap way to go but heh as episode said loose ends tie up

Yeah, happened so fast :(

As its always been, once the island is done with you, you can die at any time. And with Jacob about to 'burn out', Richard was no longer needed as an advisor.

Though I hope they can touch on the whole 'you can't kill him' part of that.

Sounds right. Shame.

So people who have died now are:

Sun and Jin






Can't believe Ben is staying with Flocke :crazy:

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Can't believe Ben is staying with Flocke :crazy:

I don't know what they did with Ben's character.

He seemingly changed (for the good) and now he went bad again? Or is he just with Smokey because he doesn't want to die? He killed Widmore so that he couldn't tell Smokey everything. We know that, because Ben could have killed Penny already and didn't.

And now Desmond has given him a look at the other reality? So does that mean he'll want to sabotage what Desmond is doing? Because he is much better off in the alternate time line then in the primary time line.

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There we go.......Jacob says "You call him 'The Monster', but I'm responsible for what happened to him. I made him that way, and ever since then, he's been trying to kill me."

"Him" refers to Jacob's brother (the person who Jacob "made that way"), therefore "The Monster"/Smokie is Jacob's brother/MiB, not simply something that was released as result of Jacob throwing his brother into the light.

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I think it will be fine if they don't answer all these questions that no one knows the answers to. No one in the show, on the island knows everything that is going on, or understands everything with the island... so why should we? That's kind of what the show is about. A lot of things have been left open for interpretation, the writers purposely have left it like that.

Also, this may or may not make sense, but the finale is shaping up to be a showdown between Jack and Locke i think - like we've seen coming since a few seasons ago. And they've been fighting with each other since the very beginning. I think maybe Jack somehow "saves" Locke and takes the evilness of the smoke monster out of him. Locke flies everyone home on the plane. (he mentioned a few episodes ago that his flash-sideways accident was when he was piloting a plane, so we know he can fly) (and during interviews, they have said the ending is "beautiful and emotional", so this is what i thought of :p )

But i suppose there's still the possibility of the island still getting destroyed... the first scene of this season was the island underwater. So who knows.

Besides Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley... the only ones left on the island are Ben and Miles and Desmond. We have to find out what they are up to still.

And in the flash-sideways, i'm guessing everyone comes together... that seems kind of obvious it's building up to that.

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I don't know what they did with Ben's character.

He seemingly changed (for the good) and now he went bad again? Or is he just with Smokey because he doesn't want to die? He killed Widmore so that he couldn't tell Smokey everything. We know that, because Ben could have killed Penny already and didn't.

And now Desmond has given him a look at the other reality? So does that mean he'll want to sabotage what Desmond is doing? Because he is much better off in the alternate time line then in the primary time line.

His hate for Widmore is what changed him. Ben has always made what he thinks are "sacrifices" for the island, but has never fully admitted he was wrong. The only time he came close to it was when he was talking to Smokey in his daughter's form. We were briefly shown his daughter's death again. This coupled with seeing Widmore moments later brought that anger out. He still blames him for his daughter's death and not himself.

Ben is more than likely still the character we have seen as of late, but he still wanted Widmore dead. Good or evil, this will never change.

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