[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Was the map before or after the purge? It could of been a planned map (like with the cross out stations etc)

does make you think whether or not Radzinsky knew about the light or at least the well.

'Lost' fans 'don't know what they want'

The executive producers of Lost have claimed that fans don't know what they want from the finale.

According to Fancast, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse admitted that they expect a wide range of reactions from the show's viewers.

"For the Lost finale, people don't really know going into it what would satisfy them," Lindelof said.

"If you say to someone, 'What thing would need to happen in the story for you to feel satisfied?' they'd say something like, 'Well, I want all my questions to be answered'. But they can't tell you what they want to happen to the characters."

Cuse added: "They don't even know what the questions are they would want to have answered."

However, Cuse also revealed that he is "satisfied" with the ending, saying: "[it] feels like a fair way to honour the fans, the characters, and everyone's commitment to the show."

Meanwhile, Lindelof said that he wants viewers to realise that the show has ended once the finale is over.

He said: "[We] hope that they acknowledge that it's an ending, and they don't feel like it's a cop-out, with a to-be-continued quality about it."

The series finale of Lost airs on May 23 at 9pm on ABC in the US. It will air at the same time in the UK, on May 24 at 5am on Sky1.

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They still keep avoiding the issue they created.

What do I want to happen to the characters? The only answer I can give is to do whatever they want to do with them; I wouldn't have had that any other way.

As for answers and mythology, I and nearly every Lost fan want resolution, a pay off for being strung along for six years. It's really a no brainer. I don't want them all, but I didn't expect to be this close to the end and still have so little.

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does make you think whether or not Radzinsky knew about the light or at least the well.

'Lost' fans 'don't know what they want'

He said: "[We] hope that they acknowledge that it's an ending, and they don't feel like it's a cop-out, with a to-be-continued quality about it."

The series finale of Lost airs on May 23 at 9pm on ABC in the US. It will air at the same time in the UK, on May 24 at 5am on Sky1.

That's all I want, no cop-outs, or to be continued insinuations. It's been a great ride so far and leaving a few things open won't hurt. Just do it right.

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Still want to know these things:

a) The Hurley bird

b) The Pallet drop

c) Generally, Henry Gale..

Illana confirms she was meant to be Jacob's Daughter

A bit of breaking "Lost" news (well, as breaking as news can be about a character who died four episodes ago): Ilana Verdansky was Jacob's daughter.

That's what Zuleikha Robinson, the actress who played the vest-wearing Ajira Airlines flight survivor, revealed at the Wednesday opening of a "Lost" gallery exhibit at the Vilcek Foundation in New York. She was chatting with me and another journalist when we asked if she could tell us anything more about her character's relevance to the broader narrative on the show.

"I was supposed to be Jacob's daughter," she confirmed, adding that the writers ultimately decided they didn't have enough time to fully address that part of the "Lost" saga in the number of episodes they had left. Which is why Ilana got the "Boom goes the dynamite!" treatment in "Everybody Loves Hugo," accidentally blowing herself to smithereens after mishandling some explosive sticks.

Source: Washington Post

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I would like to know why

+ The others locked them in cages and walked around strangely watching them. Also was the flight attended already an other, or did she join them when they crash landed.

+ Why the bird flew into the little black kids window and what part of the island he really played, he randomly appeared to help Locke after ben shot him: WHY?

+ Why could only certain people see Jacob? At one point Jacob inhabited a house in which Locke could see him but Ben couldnt: WHY?

There are tons more in my head but they have faded, I'm sure some of you will pick em up

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I would like to know why

+ The others locked them in cages and walked around strangely watching them. Also was the flight attended already an other, or did she join them when they crash landed.

+ Why the bird flew into the little black kids window and what part of the island he really played, he randomly appeared to help Locke after ben shot him: WHY?

+ Why could only certain people see Jacob? At one point Jacob inhabited a house in which Locke could see him but Ben couldnt: WHY?

There are tons more in my head but they have faded, I'm sure some of you will pick em up

1) Watched them to keep an eye on them? The purpose to take Jack, Kate and Sawyer was to Jack to perform surgery on Ben, and Sawyer and Kate was a backup plan. Yes Cindy, still don't know her story yet.

2) I was just watching that (Season 3 finale). Walt used the term "You have work to do", which is exactly what Christian Shepherd uses, meaning he was Smokey. But Walt is alive, off the island, which doesn't make sense. The bird flew into the window cos Walt is "special" and we still don't know how 'special' he is.

3) That was the smoke monster, what Locke saw was a smoke monster as a random person. Ben admitted he made the whole Jacob thing when he and Locke went to see him, but realised when Locke heard something he didn't say, Ben was worried/jealous, hence the shooting. Ben must of believed that Jacob lived in the cabin and he was invisible. I think..

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Still want to know these things:

a) The Hurley bird

b) The Pallet drop

c) Generally, Henry Gale..

Illana confirms she was meant to be Jacob's Daughter

a) Don't think we're going to get that.

b) Something Dharma set up to make sure those in the Swan were always pressing the button. Remember, they think the island is 'quarantined'.

c) The story Ben told was true. Except that he wasn't Henry Gale, the rest of everything was how it happened.

Ilana as Jacob's daughter. Interesting. Wonder why he didn't make her immortal.

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a) Don't think we're going to get that.

b) Something Dharma set up to make sure those in the Swan were always pressing the button. Remember, they think the island is 'quarantined'.

c) The story Ben told was true. Except that he wasn't Henry Gale, the rest of everything was how it happened.

Ilana as Jacob's daughter. Interesting. Wonder why he didn't make her immortal.

For the pallet drop, I know the purpose, but I want to know where it came from, why then during the lockdown, and why a lockdown occurred at the Swan etc.

Ilana was meant to be Jacob's daughter, but the storyline was rewritten apparently. Sometime back in November, DarkUFO released a spoiler saying she was his daughter but the scene never aired, the spoiler was true but it has been rewritten and Jacob was "like a father" to her.

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For the pallet drop, I know the purpose, but I want to know where it came from, why then during the lockdown, and why a lockdown occurred at the Swan etc.

yeah that's something I'd like to know!


* In the Sri Lanka video, a clip of a helicopter is seen. The helicopter shown appears to be a Sikorsky H-5 Dragonfly, a common American helicopter dating back to the 1940s and early 1950s. While the clip is shown, Alvar Hanso states, "...all of the support you will need, including regular medicine and food drops will be made in perpetuity." (The Lost Experience)

* While searching the basement of the Flame, Sayid found a DHARMA binder labeled "Supply Drop Protocol". Before the station's destruction, it also appeared the Flame computer was capable of initiating drops by entering the code "24".

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Quick question, will the finale episode be available online the next day as always?

I assume it would be.

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Quick question, will the finale episode be available online the next day as always?

I don't see why not, ABC should have it up!

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24 hours :|

Since Jack is now the protector of the island, does that mean Locke can kill Kate and Sawyer without breaking any rules? Technically, they should no longer be a candidate.

I think the biggest Lost moment for me was when they actually moved the island. It's one thing to hear it, but to have seen it was incredible, coinciding with the instrumental "dunnn" sound as they looked at open water from the helicopter.

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Kate wasn't a candidate since she returned anywho xD Sadly no one managed to kill her! (grr) Besides. Locke could kill them... Not directly but...

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Kate wasn't a candidate since she returned anywho xD Sadly no one managed to kill her! (grr) Besides. Locke could kill them... Not directly but...

Jacob told her it was chalk in a cave and that the job was still hers if she wanted it, so I take that as she was still a candidate even though she was no longer lonely. She went to the island to get Claire and bring her back, and the result of that would've been Aaron going to Claire or Claire's mom. Assuming Kate was able to do exactly what she intended, she would end up being alone again, seemingly the only criteria to being a candidate.

Anywho, that's not the important part. The role of protector has been filled, so that should mean the three others are no longer candidates. The man in black cannot kill candidates directly, but going with the previous statement, they should no longer be that, which would enable him to kill them. That is, unless, being a candidate lasts until death, regardless of whether the role is already filled. If that's the case, then the obvious answer is no, Locke can't kill them directly.

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Kate wasn't a candidate since she returned anywho xD Sadly no one managed to kill her! (grr) Besides. Locke could kill them... Not directly but...

From what Jacob said, she could have the island if she wanted it, so she definitely was still a candidate. But, I do not think them being a candidate was why Locke couldn't kill them, I think it has to do with Jacob touching them. But now since Jacob is dead (burned the ashes) and Jack has taken his place, I doubt Sawyer, Hurley and Kate are still protected from Smokey by Jacob.

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The JKL promo said they are showing alternate endings after. I hope it's not some joke endings. :p

Remember when locke was in the coffin and they had the alternate ones with sawyer... Jack... etc? Same thing to prevent leaks maybe?

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Remember when locke was in the coffin and they had the alternate ones with sawyer... Jack... etc? Same thing to prevent leaks maybe?

The thing about 'alternate endings' is that they have said that the ending shot of the show is the same one they planned when it was only going to be 12 episodes long.

So yes, to confuse/stop leakers makes sense, but nothing else does.

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call me nuts but i just woke up from a nap dreaming about the ending of lost and this is my theory...wait...are we allowed to post our ideas of how it's gonna end btw? technically that's spoiler free seeing as how i have no idea

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