[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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It was a very satisfying finale IMO. I dont care we dont get answers about the light TBH. And desmond being on the island finally made sense. The way the losties inferred that jacob brought desmond to the island for a reason. And the way both (locke and jack) turned out to be right about turning the light off.

What I dont get is why jack didnt the 'worse than death' treatment when he turned the light back on. And those of you saying "why didnt he step out of the pool", he would have died anyway because of the wounds.

And I'm happy Hugo got to take care of the island in the end.

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In the end, I sort of understood 'the light' to be the gateway to heaven - not purgatory. And that's why the Island was so important - it is/was the entrance to a perfect afterlife.

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Agreed, but if Hurley was anything like Jacob and what Jack was suppose to be like, I am assuming Ben died LONG before Hurley? Unless, because the light was out, Jack couldn't pass the power onto Hurley, so Ben and Hurley went on to die natural deaths of old age?

Meh, more questions.....great season finale though, I am assuming Hurley never got the Jacob type of powers since the light was out at the time (which seemed to stop MiBs powers), but as Christian said, some died after Jack and they appeared there as well so its impossible to know whether or not Hurley got the powers Jacob had.

I'm pretty sure jack did in fact pass it on to Hurley, and if hurley was immortal (we dont know if being the guardian of the island automatically makes you immortal, but Im sure guarding the light gives you that sort of power), maybe he made ben immortal too, like jacob did with richard

So It ends ... dayum I had a few tears in my eyes!!!

Didnt get all the answers, bit of a shame, didnt entirely get it ... will have to rewatch it on sky1 now again in a bit

may I ask how you watched it LIVE before the sky1 broadcast?

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To be frank, I was thoroughly disappointed with the finale to the point where I feel like I was cheated. I see it being satisfying only for those who were mainly wanting closure because far too many things were left unanswered for the curious folk such as myself.

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I just found a fairly in depth discussion about the finale. Needless to say there are spoilers if you didn't see the finale yet (duh):


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What's the faraday stuff hanging?

I didn't mean left hanging so much as I meant what I now realize was just another a huge misdirection done by the writers which in a lot of people were led to believe that there was some bigger thing happening with Eloise/Whidmore, the electromagnetism, etc, etc. Ultimately they left us with a much better ending anyways.

The review posted above sums things up quite nicely. It seems plausible but I am not entirely sold on the Hugo made the sideways though. I'd rather believe that he was the protector for so long that by the time it was his turn to move on he did so like the rest and by then there were light sabers and galactic space ships. :p

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i am extremely disappointed with the ending... :devil:

Give it time, immediately after watching I was too, now I've given it some time to settle and reflect on it and actually, I can't think of a more fitting ending.

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Give it time, immediately after watching I was too, now I've given it some time to settle and reflect on it and actually, I can't think of a more fitting ending.

I can. One that doesn't waste time on pointless stuff and actually answers questions that they spent so much time making only to just ignore. It's like they just thought "Ah screw it, I have no idea how we're going to answer everything without messing it up, lets just ignore it all and try to cover it up with an 'emotional ending' and then call that good instead."

Not too say it was terribly bad, it was just a lazy way out I think. Though I guess there was just a whole problem with the entire series. Maybe a Heroes style "flash forward" at the begining of the series where we see the MiB destroying America would have been helped :laugh: (Though totally out of character for the show :p ) A sense of purpose. Every other season had some sort of clear goal - get in the hatch, get back on the island, etc. This one was more "walk around and hope Jacob actually tells us what the muffins we're meant to be doing".

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I can. One that doesn't waste time on pointless stuff and actually answering questions that they spent so much time making only to just ignore. It's like they just thought "Ah screw it, I have no idea how we're going to answer everything without messing it up, lets just ignore it all and try to cover it up with an 'emotional ending' and then call that good instead."

Not too say it was terribly bad, it was just a lazy way out I think.

That's exactly how I feel =/

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its like what AaronMT... When they are all dead and ready to move on, they somehow, come together. Till now dunno why.

But probably its like just a Jack moment, before he really dies. So, he live that moment, and just him and no one else. I mean, after the crash.

All to give and ending like this series was started. He open his eyes and he closes to the end... Im like, sad?. Damn it.

but we have to move on ;)

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I loved the ending but the one idea that I had turned out 100% wrong. I was hoping the twist was that Jack had turned into the Smoke Monster after going to the light, and the flash alternatives was Desmond and every one else tricking him into going back to the island to trap him once again.

But it still rocked.

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My short review:

Now that the Lost Series Finale has finally been showed, I feel very conflicted about this episode's TRUE Quality.

On one hand, Yes, it had Awesome actings and great fate/connection moments thruout the episode. They were really really emotioal I think any human being would be touched. And the EPIC showdown between Jack and Locke, but it still got dumbed down - You see, Monster was changed into a normal human who can bleed to be killed by Jack. We didn't get to see FLocke change into the smoke monster, etc. This happened 30-40 minutes at least the show was over. So in this regard, I definitely feel the fight was anti-clamatic.

Another major issue I had, was the end with Jack dying. I am one of Jack's fans and believed he was the one. Yeah Hurley is cool, but I believed Jack was THE protector.


So, I will think of other things to add. I am not sure I like the pugatory angle with the side-flash. Have to think about it, whether it's a good thing.

So, ultimately, I probably give it a solid 8/10

If you are someone 1) Didn't look for all the answers 2) Not really care Jack died 3) Had no problem with pugatory idea 4) Happy with the showdown/fight I think you might gave it a 10/10, but for me, it's not perfect or that good .

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Friend linked these paragraphs to me that helped sum up the somewhat hard to follow ending. Complete spoilers.

Everything that happened on the island, happened. It was all real. The flash sideways timeline we had been shown was a metaphor for purgatory. As Christian explained in the church, everyone dies eventually. There was no set time frame in the flash sideways, because time was irrelevant. This was simply a point when everyone of them was dead. Some most likely went on to live fulfilling lives (Hurley and Ben commenting that "you were a good number 2" "you were a great number 1", etc. hinted that they had probably continued living on the island for some time).

Before they could move on, they had to let go. It was coming together, finding all the people who were most important to each of them when they were alive, that triggered the realization in all of them that they were now dead. Then they had to finally let go. To stop holding onto grudges, guilt, hate and all of their many many issues when they were alive. This is why Jack was the last to realize it. Like Lost often reminded us, Jack has a hard time letting go. The main story ends with Vincent lying down and dying next to Jack, then Jack dying in the same manner he had woken up on the island. He died happy, seeing the plane holding his friends fly safely off the island.

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Im pretty dissappointed that ive wasted 6 years watching this rubbish.

I still believe they introduced so much stuff when things were up in the air in s2 and s3 not knowing how long the show was going to run for it was only till before s4 that they got an end date (i think) and thats when it started getting good again because they could start telling the end of the story but it was too convoluted to try and unravel everything.

What annoys me is that most of what happened on the island was irrelevant, the only thing that mattered was jacob and the smoke monster which means, Dharma and its experiments, the others, Ajira Airways, everything that happened once they got off the island, walt, vincent, all irrelevent, what a waste.

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WTF !Turns out that cuatro in spain cut off certain parts of the episode. Certain people are saying that it's only 6 minutes but I suspect more.

The episode ran from .. 6:30 am to 8:00 or something. I believe the episode is supposed to be 1 hour and 40 minutes?

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Im pretty dissappointed that ive wasted 6 years watching this rubbish.

I still believe they introduced so much stuff when things were up in the air in s2 and s3 not knowing how long the show was going to run for it was only till before s4 that they got an end date (i think) and thats when it started getting good again because they could start telling the end of the story but it was too convoluted to try and unravel everything.

What annoys me is that most of what happened on the island was irrelevant, the only thing that mattered was jacob and the smoke monster which means, Dharma and its experiments, the others, Ajira Airways, everything that happened once they got off the island, walt, vincent, all irrelevent, what a waste.


This show was so stupid it was unbelievable.. I I watched first 3 seasons and it was ok..and then it started going to hell and they just started writing crap to keep the show going.

And the ending.. well I was dead on the ending after Season 1.. there was no shocker at all... all was expected..

And I agree with someone else.. they haven't explained crap.. I'm sick and tired of these Sopranos, Lost and other shows that end like this crap.. all trying to be "artistic" and they don't wrap up anything. This is freakin' TV.. end it and explain that stuff like you should you lazy bums. If you introduced bunch of garbage in the story at least give the viewers the courtesy to explain it.

You can see that actors were sick and tired of the show too when I watched interviews.

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- every single solitary event from S1-S6 happened, with the exception of the S6 flashsideways

- Jack died in the jungle, Kate/Sawyer/Miles/Frank/Richard/Claire flew away, Ben and Hurley stayed on the island

- Kate and Co. went home, led their lives, grew old, died

- Hurley and Ben eventually died

- Once they all died, they arrived in the flashsideways, which is your purgatory

- They all needed to find eachother and be together again before they could move on

- They did at the end

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I refuse to believe that Vincent died at the end. I'm sure he's slurped up some god-juice at some point and is now the real protector of the island. Hurley is just for show.

My theory toward the end was that "sideways" was a construct built by Hurley, to give everyone a happy-ever-after. He was powerful, and rather than using those powers like Jacob did, he followed Ben's advice and ran things differently. I was actively avoiding coming to the "purgatory" theory because it was debunked around season 1. I was a little disappointed it turned out to be it, though.

Overall I thought it was a fine ending. Certainly better than Sopranos.

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WTF they explained 90 percent of that stuff in the final season are you dumb?

Rage. Rage. Rage. Rage.

Why did they bother with season 6? :s

What was the light, What was it doing, What was the plug, Who was jacob, how jacob did bring the 815 knowing it's desmond that didn't pushed the button, how did jacob know what he knows, How could jacob leave the island, what was smokey, What happened to hurley, What happened to ben, what happened to Frank, richard, miles, sawyer and kate. What happened to dharma, Why was faradays stuff dismissed? Why was the temple important, What was the statue, Who built the statue, Who built the tunnels, What are the hieroglyphs, What was the water in the temple for, How was ben bought back to life, Who was henry gale, If kate, claire and sawyer didn't die... and went away on the plane... Why were they in purgatory, What has the light got to do with electro-magnetism, Why does the electro-magnetism (source of the light) send you to the river side. When the donkey wheel light/electro-magnetism sends you to the middle of a desert, Why is there "Pockets" of electro-magnetism?

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I refuse to believe that Vincent died at the end. I'm sure he's slurped up some god-juice at some point and is now the real protector of the island. Hurley is just for show.

Im not so sure he did, one of the main themes of the show is live together or die alone, i dont think it would have been right for Jack to die alone on the island so vincent came and sat with him till he did.

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At first, I was somewhat disappointed with the series finale. I was hoping they would answer more questions instead of dragging things on unnecessarily. Now, I realize that it wasn't that bad.

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