[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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I quite liked the final ep, i came away thinking that it didn't really matter that certain things werent answered

Im not sure if the egyptian/temple stuff really needed to be answered. The feeling i got was that, those things were before jacobs time, and the whole story line was based on from the point of jacob being on the island to the present day. As for the light, they did explain what it was, just not scientifically, but like most of the stuff on the island i doubt it could be, and i doubt Jacob knew (scientifically) what the light was.

As for Michael and Walt, maybe they couldn't get the actors back? or in relation to the story, it wasn't their time.

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I was actively avoiding coming to the "purgatory" theory because it was debunked around season 1. I was a little disappointed it turned out to be it, though.


Me too...

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They said the island wasn't a purgratory. The alt timeline was.

Still, having what they denied is the earlier seasons, only to make it exactly what is in the Series Finale, NO MATTER what is the situation, is a little bit 'cop-out'.

Just because the situation changed, doesn't make it SO much better.

If we haven't guessed the Island was pugatory in the first season, they probably would not done this sideways and ended the Series FInale with the island as the pugatory, I think.

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Still, having what they denied is the earlier seasons, only to make it exactly what is in the Series Finale, NO MATTER what is the situation, is a little bit 'cop-out'.

Just because the situation changed, doesn't make it SO much better.

If we haven't guessed the Island was pugatory in the first season, they probably would not done this sideways and ended the Series FInale with the island as the pugatory, I think.

Its not a cop out they specifically said that THE ISLAND wasnt purgatory and it wasnt, they arent going to turn round in s1 and 2 and say no the island isnt purgatory but the last season will have purgatory in some form, are they..........

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The plane didn't crash. It probably landed safely. And they all lived normal lives. Then they died, and ended up in (ugh) purgatory/limbo.

The problem with this, of course, is the obvious contradiction from the authors: They said people want to see what happened to the characters they love. Yeah, we saw Jack die. But what about everyone else? We did not see what happened to them. The characters. Even though the writers said that was what really matters.


So what worked? They would have come together anyway. Unless MIB had to be dead for it to happen, but there's no

I think what troubles me is that what happened on the island has no real relevance to the ending. Jack could have won. Smokey could have won. Eventually they would all die, and they would end up in this purgatory thing anyway. The island is just irrelevant to that.

So the ending didn't really affect the island, whereas I would expect the island to be at least relevant, seeing as it's what we've been looking at for six damn seasons.

Yeah, I think that's one of the things that trouble me about the ending.

I feel the same way. I liked the episode and thought it was a great "season" finale. I thought it was a HORRIBLE "series" finale. All that we saw on the island was totally irrelevant to "what the show was really about".

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You know they can even make another season(s) if they want. A lot happened between Jack's dead and the first scene of the first episode of Season 6. Hurley, Ben, Desmond, Rose, Bernard, Vincent, Cindy and kids? are still on the island. They can answer some of island mysteries, show how Hurley and Ben protected the island and how they die. They need to bring candidates to the island and choose the next protector and even with Hurley running the island you will have people opposed with the way he is doing it, so you will have new enemies. You can have people trying to get to the island to study it or even a new Dharma Initiative. You have the ones that left. Sawyer, Kate, Miles, Frank, Richard, Claire. You can tell their stories off the island or even bring some of them back to the island at some point. I know it's not going to happen but I was just thinking that that could be a nice way to answer a lot of those questions. At the end it would be sad because you know that everyone dies.

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One explanation of Walt not being there (which of course defeats Aaron being there unless thats just part of Claire's life) is that his greatest memories/bonds/relationships were not formed at the island, but somewhere else in his life which means he could be elsewhere meeting a different group of people waiting for the same thing.

Cause I also wondered why Sayid was with Shannon and not Nadia at the end (since Nadia seemed to be his lifelong love) but I guess that his greatest bond was with Shannon.

Question: Was that water Jack woke up in before he died supposed to be the same one with the light (he just couldn't see it cause he wasn't ready?) or are we supposed to think he got transferred to that place? I'm confused about whether we are supposed to think that source has been right there in that location the whole time

Also, I don't quite understand how MIB became Smokey, just by entering there (seems like maybe he reached the area where they would release you down with the rope. It seems like nothing would have happened unless you went towards the light. Which he couldn't have done since he was knocked unconscious by Jacob.

Side note: Did anyone watch the Q&A stuff from the crowd online from Jimmy Kimmel? They were asking the most retarded/irrelevant things. Even Jimmy said something like "I thought you guys were going to ask stuff about the plot and instead you are just asking BULL***"

some questions were:

1. Any restaurant suggestions for when I go to Hawaii? (Maybe this was planted so Jin could name drop his restaurant)

2. Would any of you go back to Hawaii?

3. Are any of you scared to fly?

You would think the crowd would ask more plot specific questions. Although, one guy asked about the Polar Bears which I was surprised none of the cast had an answer for. I thought it was explained why the polar bears were there, yet the cast was clueless about it. Although Michael Emerson was not there for the Q&A session and he seemed like he was the one that knew things about the plot and cared (opposite to Sayid - who said he never even watched any episode but the pilot)

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Do You think Kate and Sawyer got back home safe, and they had MORE sex and they maybe married?

Are you kidding me? You cannot possibly be serious.... of all the possible questions, you asked if "they had MORE sex"? Just when I thought you couldn't have surprised me even more.

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I watched Valhalla Rising this week, towards the end of the film somebody asked why he had to go through it all, he got no answer.

And then the Lost finale, and the same thing. The island was a parody of life, in that we chase our tails throughout life just trying to realise what's going on. No doubt everything can be explained, but in the end you have to let go, there is no question that can be answered without leading to more questions. The island was full of mystery for everybody, most who thought that they found meaning had it all thrown back in their face the next day, in the end none of it mattered apart from their connections to each other.

The biggest parody being that even though it was all spelt out to us, we still need to know what it was all about, move on, it's over!

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One thing that I can't stand (unless I have totally missed it) was a detailed explanation of what the Dharma Initiative really was all about.

Who funds it?

How are they capable of moving to and from the island if Jacob didn't permit it?

How did they find the island in the first place?

How did they become aware of Jacob's numbers to input them into the computer?

Too much stuff left hanging in my mind to just say, "oh you just must not get that it was all about the characters and the 90% other story lines was completely arbitrary."

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Oh and for those that were questioning if Jack passed it onto Hurley the right way. (which I agree, Hurley/Ben's convo outside the church nullifies that debate). Just keep in mind what Ben said to Hurley, about that being Jacob's way and you can do it your own way. So just cause Jacob did it his way, doesn't mean Jack has to. Just like how Jacob didn't use the wine like his mom did

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I will admit when I saw Jack say he chooses Hurley and they flashed the camera to Ben (wasn't sure if it was a look of jealousy or anger or just shock) but I thought Ben was going to pull a fast one at the end so that: (A) he would kill Jack or Hurley or both to become the leader or (B) he was going to enter the source or go down there and driven by his jealousy he would become the new smoke monster

However, the happier ending was chosen which was good closure for Ben.

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@Aaron. Only one I'm sure to answer there is...

The Hanso Foundation funded Dharma.

I'm sure a few more of them were answered (vaguely) as well.

I... surprisingly enjoyed it.

This season will forever go down as one of my favourite TV shows (series) of all time. Amazing music, characters, adventures and story.

Just no answers. Which I don't mind because I know answers will eventually come to surface. :)

Lost :wub:


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I enjoyed the finale for what it was (although I had a feeling going in they weren't going to answer much, and instead do kinda what they did)

... many many many questions throughout the seasons will remain unanswered... oh well :(

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One thing that I can't stand (unless I have totally missed it) was a detailed explanation of what the Dharma Initiative really was all about.

Who funds it?

How are they capable of moving to and from the island if Jacob didn't permit it?

How did they find the island in the first place?

How did they become aware of Jacob's numbers to input them into the computer?

Hanso foundation funded it

There was a narrow specific corridor that they could use either by boat, sub or plane. I think jacob generally stopped ppl from leaving (or rather made it harder) by always moving the island, but there just happened to be a small gap, maybe he created the corridor so he could travel to and from the island, but had no way of stopping other ppl exploiting it

the lamp post station was how dharma first found it, and it allowed them to go there and back as the station gave the islands location at a certain time http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/The_Lamp_Post

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I thought there were a ****-load of commercials last night, but it is usually hard to tell. Well guess what?

'Lost' series finale carried more than 45 minutes of commercials | EW.com

ABC packed roughly 107 spots ? or more than 45 minutes of commercial and promotional time ? into the two-and-a-half-hour Lost series finale, according to our (very unscientific but pretty reliable) count. Just when the finale would unveil a major plot point, a break would occur featuring anywhere from five to 11 ads and/or sneak peeks for fall shows on ABC. Granted, some of the spots were extremely clever (Target used images of the island?s smoke monster to peddle fire detectors) but numerous, nonetheless.

Though it can (and will) vary depending upon the circumstance, a network typically runs anywhere from 18 to 21 spots ? or roughly 9 to 10.5 minutes of commercial time ? per hour to accommodate 44 minutes of content (the rest of the time goes to network promos and local ads). Within the first hour of last night?s finale, it appeared that ABC squeezed in roughly 37 ads, along with seven promos for ABC and local programming. HBO got in on the fun later in the broadcast by buying a spot to promote the upcoming season of True Blood. Ad time was also gobbled up by the likes of Home Depot and the iPad.

It?s hardly a surprise that ABC would want to make hay out of the much-anticipated finale: In March, Ad Age reported that the network was expected to charge around $900,000 per 30-second spot during the Lost series ender. A 30-second Lost ad was only selling for a reported $213,000 at the start of the season. Apparently, advertisers are willing to pay a premium in programs with a rabid fan base, according to the article.

?I expected there would be a significant amount of commercials in Lost,? concedes Bill Carroll of Katz TV Group, a media buying firm. ?It didn?t seem like any more than you are seeing in primetime these days. Does there appear to be more commercials on TV? Yeah. Obviously, ABC was able to put in more in the two-and-a-half-hour broadcast.?

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An hour long show airs for approximately 40-45 minutes. What fills up the missing 15-20? Commercials. With 2.5 episodes last night, 2.5 * 15 = 37.5, 2.5 * 20 = 50.

With that said, 45 minutes worth of commercials over a 2.5 hour period sounds about right. I don't like it, but the difference between that and stacking two hour long shows and a 30 minute one and gauging the commercials would likely be minimal.

Note, I consider network promos and local ads in that 15-20 minute commercial space.

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I've seen some people going on about the so-called purgatory theory, but if I recall that theory was that they died in the plane crash and the island was purgatory. As I understood it in the final episode, the island and everything that happened on it was real, and the alternate reality in which they never crashed was the purgatory. The island being sunk in that reality continues to bother me, though, because I don't think they would have showed it so dramatically if it didn't have any significance.

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I've seen some people going on about the so-called purgatory theory, but if I recall that theory was that they died in the plane crash and the island was purgatory. As I understood it in the final episode, the island and everything that happened on it was real, and the alternate reality in which they never crashed was the purgatory. The island being sunk in that reality continues to bother me, though, because I don't think they would have showed it so dramatically if it didn't have any significance.

Given what we know now, the island has no significance in the sideways. It's what brought them all together, but now the entire sideways world served that purpose so that they could move on. There's probably a more thoughtful explanation, but the gist of it is that it isn't needed.

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Given what we know now, the island has no significance in the sideways. It's what brought them all together, but now the entire sideways world served that purpose so that they could move on. There's probably a more thoughtful explanation, but the gist of it is that it isn't needed.

That's what I don't like about how it ended. The island and all the mythos and clues, etc. could have been anything at all.

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I've seen some people going on about the so-called purgatory theory, but if I recall that theory was that they died in the plane crash and the island was purgatory. As I understood it in the final episode, the island and everything that happened on it was real, and the alternate reality in which they never crashed was the purgatory. The island being sunk in that reality continues to bother me, though, because I don't think they would have showed it so dramatically if it didn't have any significance.

I think they only showed it to show it was a different world then the one they were in.

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I want to say Lost was awesome, but I can't. Not yet, it will take a few days to "get it". For now I feel slightly cheated.

I think that most people are saying that today, seems to be the overall reponse

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An hour long show airs for approximately 40-45 minutes. What fills up the missing 15-20? Commercials. With 2.5 episodes last night, 2.5 * 15 = 37.5, 2.5 * 20 = 50.

With that said, 45 minutes worth of commercials over a 2.5 hour period sounds about right. I don't like it, but the difference between that and stacking two hour long shows and a 30 minute one and gauging the commercials would likely be minimal.

Note, I consider network promos and local ads in that 15-20 minute commercial space.

This was the first episode of Lost I've actually watched on cable TV. I now remember why I stopped watching TV altogether. Freaking commercials.

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This was the first episode of Lost I've actually watched on cable TV. I now remember why I stopped watching TV altogether. Freaking commercials.

I'm sure it kills the moments. I've only watched a few episodes on TV here in the UK, adverts are annoying..

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