[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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Yep, I'm going to have to side with the wasted 6 years of my life watching it group. Thankfully I never really liked Lost all that much in the first place, because I kind of had the feeling that they've only confirmed. To me it almost seems like they just made up a bunch of **** and tried to see how long they could string people along in the shows ridiculousness. For a while I hoped and even thought there might be deeper meaning. Something I couldn't understand yet, but would as I watched. That's the only thing that drove me to keep watching episodes, however, as I watched the final season and the finale, I see that there was nothing deeper that I didn't understand, they just made lots of random crap up, and most of it wasn't even explained in any kind of reason.

But I think what bothered me the most was how bad the last episode was. It was just one season finale cliche after another. Instead of being bold and giving the show a fitting finale, they gave it a finale that will make everyone happy and smile at the end, and I think this show deserved better.

Say what you all will, and for those of you who liked the show, I am very glad you did, however, in my opinion I feel no less fulfilled by this show today than I did the day it started.

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I think the ending is an allegory to life in general: there will always be unanswered questions and irrelevant details, but in the end, the only things that matter are the people you spent your most precious moments with. I believe that to be the ultimate point which the writers want us to get. But first, we have to let go of the irrelevant details (dharma, statue, etc). Do we hate the writers for leaving us in the dark about a lot of things? Yes. But eventually even the haters must thank them for teaching us a valuable lesson about life, it's tragedies, and it's joys.

For the people who only watch to get answers, I truly hope you rise above the "I'm only happy when I get what I want" mentality and enjoy the ending for what it is. In other words, LET GO :cool:

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For the people who only watch to get answers, I truly hope you rise above the "I'm only happy when I get what I want" mentality and enjoy the ending for what it is. In other words, LET GO :cool:

See, this is what I can't accept, and you can use this as further fuel for saying I'm one that needs to let go, that's fine, but to me this was sort of left for the fans to pick up on, and many of them, such as yourself, have done so just as expected, but to me, it's a poor excuse to cover up the fact that they didn't answer a LOT of questions. I could make a show about complete non-sense, and then just say that the point was for you to accept that you don't understand. That doesn't make my show any better or less non-sense.

Here's the thing, there are a lot of things I don't understand (in real life), and I'm fine with that, but I didn't watch this TV show to walk away and still not understand half of what happened. To me it just feels like I wasted my time on an incomplete show, and I don't give any further credit to the writers or producers for leaving it to mystery. It's one thing to end a story to your own interpretation, it's another when half of what you experienced makes no sense still.

But I won't go further on that subject, because I don't want to sound like I'm trying to impose my view on anyone. I'm certainly not trying to convince anyone who liked the show to think it was terrible, it's just my humble opinion. :)

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Don't be too disappointed. :p It was pretty clear as the final season was unfolding the way it was that they weren't going to answer everything or even a lot of the major questions people had. I'm pretty sure the writers even said that way before hand. They said the way it ended would make sense or something along those lines and it did. I don't think there's any doubt about that.

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This is probably the best write-up I've read on the finale so far


Here are some awesome quotes

Anyway, moving on?a component of Tibetan Buddhism, bardos are the different phases the deceased experience between dying and rebirth. It's a dream-like reality, created by the "awareness" (or a soul) that is freed from the body upon death. Because of the disconnect of the awareness from the physical body, the deceased doesn't immediately realize that he or she is dead. In the different bardo phases, the "awareness" needs guidance?from different deities, or, you know, guides (hello, Desmond)?to attain enlightenment, i.e., realize that they're dead. A karmic mirror (remember all those mirrors?) is held up to the deceased so that s/he can reflect and eventually recognize. Once this happens?and it can happen in any of the bardo phases, depending on how much emotional baggage a person has packed for the afterlife?the deceased achieves Nirvana, and can "move on." Depending on your belief system, this can be heaven, reincarnation, or some kind of simulated reality, like Eloise Hawking for herself and her son. The final scenes in last night's episode showed Jack's first and final bardo phases, occurring simultaneously. (Because time is no longer relative.)
Back on the Island, we saw Jack stumbling from his wounds, past his father's bloody, white tennis shoe, to collapse in the place where it all began for him on the Island. As he looked up at the sky, he saw the Ajira plane fly above his head, and he looked fulfilled. And just as Jack was taking his final breaths, Vincent emerged from the trees, to sit with him, so he wouldn't have to die alone.
When Juliet died in the first episode this season, she was drifting in and out of consciousness, talking about going dutch on coffee, and most importantly, saying?in death, via Miles' communication with her?that "it worked." The collective thought at the time was that she meant that the hydrogen bomb had worked, creating this alternate timeline. However, she was just verbalizing the flirty conversation that she was having with Sawyer in her bardo, discussing the vending machine.
During the credits, we saw the wreckage from the original Oceanic 815 on the beach. And some footprints. I don't think it had any meaning other than that: a footprint. It symbolized that they were there.

Because a part of the shared human experience?which is basically what the entire show boiled down to?is that we want to leave our mark, so that people know that we'd been here. (I mean, that was the point of all the different ****, like the statue, and hieroglyphs and the empty Dharma barracks. They were all just footprints of the people who had been on the Island before.) And a large part of that, of leaving a footprint, or a mark, is to establish a basic need: To know that we matter.

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Rage. Rage. Rage. Rage.

Why did they bother with season 6? :s

What was the light, What was it doing, What was the plug, Who was jacob, how jacob did bring the 815 knowing it's desmond that didn't pushed the button, how did jacob know what he knows, How could jacob leave the island, what was smokey, What happened to hurley, What happened to ben, what happened to Frank, richard, miles, sawyer and kate. What happened to dharma, Why was faradays stuff dismissed? Why was the temple important, What was the statue, Who built the statue, Who built the tunnels, What are the hieroglyphs, What was the water in the temple for, How was ben bought back to life, Who was henry gale, If kate, claire and sawyer didn't die... and went away on the plane... Why were they in purgatory, What has the light got to do with electro-magnetism, Why does the electro-magnetism (source of the light) send you to the river side. When the donkey wheel light/electro-magnetism sends you to the middle of a desert, Why is there "Pockets" of electro-magnetism?

Rage on, I LOVED it and thought it was the best ending to the best show in tv history, but thats me.

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I think they mostly focused in give all the characters a happy ending and left most of the mysteries to ponder by the fans, that being said, I couldn't help but feel a lump in my throat when I saw the Claire-Charlie-Aaron reunion :cry:

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Some other things you can recall

Christian says the time Jack spent with them was the "most important time of his life."

Kate says "I've missed you" because she presumably lived without Jack for a time after leaving the island.

Hurley tells Ben he was a great number 2 because they actually served on the island in the real world for a time.

Ben tells Locke he doesn't need the wheelchair. He didn't need the wheelchair (or PT to learn to walk) because it wasn't real.

Ben tells Hurley he's not ready yet because he's got "more stuff to work out" before he can move on. This is a traditional purgatory motif. Similarly, Ana Lucia and Daniel Farraday are not ready to move on.

Farraday's mom asks Desmond if he is taking Daniel along. His response: I'm not taking him.

Great recap for those that just dont get it, as for what I put in bold. I think Ben wasnt considered part of that group as a whole, thats why he didnt go in. I also think Farraday's mom was just happy being in purgatory with her son.

I think they mostly focused in give all the characters a happy ending and left most of the mysteries to ponder by the fans, that being said, I couldn't help but feel a lump in my throat when I saw the Claire-Charlie-Aaron reunion :cry:

My eyes leaked a bit :whistle:

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Why Daniel and Charlotte didn't remember?

And, what the water in the cave would really do to you? Seems the water in there is very lethal.

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People do seem to "get" it for the most part and they have reason to be disappointed. The previous 5 seasons relied heavily on the mysteries and all that so it's understandable that there would be a certain expectation in how it would end.

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Rage on, I LOVED it and thought it was the best ending to the best show in tv history, but thats me.

how you could rank Lost as the best tv show and that as the best ending is beyond me... :rofl:

i think Lost is probably one best examples of how bad TV drama can be. primitive directing, sub-par acting, horrendous dialogue, overly dramatic music and dragged out emotional scenes... The last episodes were just painfully bad.

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Eh, what? The island was a metaphor? The whole show was just about Jack?

Hey, if that's where we're going, maybe the whole show happened inside Jack's head! He actually died in the first episode of the first season, but the whole show is what he saw as he was dying.

One could interpret it that way too.


Man, I really hate that the after death and purgatory is a BETTER place concept.

No where was it implied that purgatory was a "better" place. If anything they made it a stepping stone.

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how you could rank Lost as the best tv show and that as the best ending is beyond me... :rofl:

i think Lost is probably one best examples of how bad TV drama can be. primitive directing, sub-par acting, horrendous dialogue, overly dramatic music and dragged out emotional scenes... The last episodes were just painfully bad.

And a good tv show to you is??? I dont expect everyone to have that view but never has a show captured an audience the way Lost has. Nor has any other writing team been so creative and far thinking as these guys. They put lines in that made sense episodes and even seasons later. So you dont like it, Iv never been more happy with a show ending then I am right now. When you think about every aspect that went into this show, its above and beyond anything ever put on tv.

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No where was it implied that purgatory was a "better" place. If anything they made it a stepping stone.

Desmond told Jack somewhere along the lines of "You beating Smokey, Smokey destorying the island, it doesn't matter. You going to a better place"

Maybe he was referring to Heaven, rather than the sideways, but still...

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