[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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BTW, any know the snack machine trick, turning off the power and plug it back in, ACTUALLY works on stuck candy bars?

Have to try that! :D

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And a good tv show to you is??? I dont expect everyone to have that view but never has a show captured an audience the way Lost has. Nor has any other writing team been so creative and far thinking as these guys. They put lines in that made sense episodes and even seasons later. So you dont like it, Iv never been more happy with a show ending then I am right now. When you think about every aspect that went into this show, its above and beyond anything ever put on tv.

Lost just felt like a soap opera with mystery and complexity added to make it seem intellectual... that doesn't make a good show IMO. Especially when the dialogue, acting, directing and editing are as weak as they were in many of the episodes. And having a line put in episodes or seasons before it makes sense doesn't really matter, it should be expected with any such show.

And a good tv show? The Wire is undoubtedly the best tv show I've ever seen. Good shows would be The Sopranos or Deadwood, Lost doesn't come even close to that kind of quality. It's a bit sad that shows like Lost have so many viewers when shows like The Wire or Treme often go under the radar.

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Also why did Jack say "I am already dead" when Hurley said "I am not gonna let you die" ?

prob cause he knew he was dieing

Lost just felt like a soap opera with mystery and complexity added to make it seem intellectual... that doesn't make a good show IMO. Especially when the dialogue, acting, directing and editing are as weak as they were in many of the episodes. And having a line put in episodes or seasons before it makes sense doesn't really matter, it should be expected with any such show.

And a good tv show? The Wire is undoubtedly the best tv show I've ever seen. Good shows would be The Sopranos or Deadwood, Lost doesn't come even close to that kind of quality. It's a bit sad that shows like Lost have so many viewers when shows like The Wire or Treme often go under the radar.

It all comes down to opinions, I for one couldnt get into the wire, sopranos got old and deadwood was pretty dead after the first season. Personally I think Lost trumps them all but thats just me, well and many many others. I got into Lost cause Im a scifi guy, I ended up loving everything else about it from the music (non better IMO), the story ( I love that they didnt answer everything), the people and even the editing. :laugh:

I bought the soundtrack and I havent bought music in a decade. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

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This guy on Slashdot nailed it, it pretty much reflects my opinions on the quality of the show and the cheap finale:

Note: what follows is my own opinion. Many viewers that were more attentive than I were very satisfied with and emotionally moved by the ending.

I've always been bicuriously Lost as the show would sometimes give me a feeling that something more was going on that would eventually be revealed. So, having caught a number of episodes early on, I started watching Season Five religiously in order to prepare myself for the ending. But at the end of Season Five with no end in sight and only more questions and more characters (and a freaking reset button that later turned out to be a multiverse splitting mechanism), I gave up. Until I watched the last episode last night in hopes that the island would have some greater meaning. It didn't. Well, it tried to I guess but everyone's got their own interpretation of what they saw last night.

So many questions I have went completely unanswered. Questions about Walt, why Faraday never recognized Desmond (the guy that unexpectedly gave him the constants to time travel one day) when Faraday landed on the island, the properties of the multiverses (some people seem to care about the futures of the other multiverse even though they shouldn't know about it until they're dead), why the black cloud killed who it did and left others (especially now that we know more about the black cloud), the list goes on and on. The worst of it is if you take each character individually and reassemble their timelines in sequential order that the episodes slowly piecemeal it out to you -- everyone is a goddamn psychotic sociopath. No rhyme or reason to the actions of half the characters. And it's not even Lord of the Flies neurosis ... just unexplainable U-turns in morality and logic.

The show started out very concrete, real and physical and slowly absolved into symbolism with last night being such pure symbolism that you cannot say for sure when they died or what the afterlife was or what the church represented or where they went at the end when the doors were opened. It reminded me of a few anime series I watched in this respect where the shows digress into absolving themselves of anything earthly or logical in some sort of ethereal climax of visual and auditory sequence or cues. Problem was that none of Lost's resolutions sat well with me.

I sympathize with the writers as they had no idea how many seasons they would get but in the end I must admit I found the writing to be more or less utter drivel. Designed only to get you to keep watching with little if any satisfactory explanations. Everyone was a chaotic actor in the past, present and alternate multiverse. Writing that many flash sideways [wikia.com] scenes as plot devices is -- quite frankly -- juvenile at best. Also the lead writer had refuted the theory that everyone was dead, in purgatory, in heaven or in hell. Yet, at the end they're clearly in some sort of afterlife.

The series offered closure on what happened eventually to everyone but no closure whatsoever as to what the island was and how its mechanations functioned -- even on a magical fantasy level. I was intrigued with Donnie Darko when the ending was left open to interpretation but Lost takes it to a whole new (unbearable for me) level. I hope other people enjoyed the ending but for me it was a complete indication not to devote anymore time to this series or these writers. Still better than 85% of what you'll find on TV but that isn't saying much.

They could have done a lot of neat things with tying down loose ends, explaining the island and completing their work. Instead they gave us this. And finally I see no further point in discussing it because there's no hope of ever explaining anything. Unlike a finely crafted classic novel, the grand symbolism and allusions are too abstract to nail down. So what's the point? Everyone's going to experience the series differently and for me it was just some guys writing a serial (twists, twists and more twists) with decent soundtrack and okay acting for television. Not a whole lot more.

P.S. Lulz @ the college humour video, I can't believe people still actually claim the ending (and the show overall) was good.

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Apart from the healing powers, those were minor. The numbers were explained in the 'Lost Experience'

Care to explain or link?

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Im starting to think that those that didnt like the ending or the show for that matter, didnt religiously watch it. I think its an important aspect of the show to see it from start to finish to be able to fully appreciate it and understand it. How the ending didnt make sense to some seems silly, unless it wasnt a show you always watched. Its like jumping in a book but reading only like the scify chapters and skipping the character development. The last few mins alone made the whole "sideways" make sense. There is never going to be a perfect story of this kind of magnitude that lost offered. You will always find plot holes, its concentrating on those plot holes that will ruin it for you. Sure there are some answers we all want answered but for the most part I love leaving some of the mystery at that, a mystery. The show is about the people not the island and while they didnt cover all the people, they did get the main base.

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I just wanted to remind some fans that Lost is a sci-fi series not a drama.

I think the ending would have been far more consistent if all these weird stuff didn't happened on the Island.With such an ending in mind, all fictional concepts like Smokey could have been not done.

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I just wanted to remind some fans that Lost is a sci-fi series not a drama.

Actually the writers always said the show is about the people, making it a drama with an added bit of sci-fi. Remember is won best drama from the Emmy and Golden Globe.

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I just wanted to remind some fans that Lost is a sci-fi series not a drama.

I think the ending would have been far more consistent if all these weird stuff didn't happened on the Island.With such an ending in mind, all fictional concepts like Smokey could have been not done.

The show has always been about the characters. The island and the strange activities have always been the second priority.

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The show has always been about the characters. The island and the strange activities have always been the second priority.

So, they could have been opted out.

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So, they could have been opted out.

But they didnt, the show went on the way it did, its still a drama first and scify second. Whats the point of talking about "could haves"?

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The show has always been about the characters.

same could be said about star trek, or any other show, its a drama about the characters, sci fi was just a part of it. Lost however used the sci fi/mystical element for lots of its character development.

for eg Locke walking again on the island, his growth from timid to showing of his trek/hunting skills early on. Desmond, jacob, mib would have limited roles if it didnt used sci fi/mystical.

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I think I need a rewatch of the finale, but overall I really enjoyed it.

To be honest I'm glad they didnt go down the route of MUST ANSWER EVERYTHING since the show has never been about that so to expect it is naive and quite honestly i do not have time for those people who didnt like it because it never answered their questions - most of which are stupid and minor anyway.

Instead I appreciated that the writers gave us a far more fulfilling ending with all the characters getting what they wanted - a better life after the hardships of their time on the island. In the end it was all about friendships and the meaning we derive from them. And I'm happy with that. Even the final 15min which I've read alot of derision about because of the Purgatory thing; I actually don't mind simply because it was done in a really nice and fulfilling way.

Alot of it requires us to debate and fill in the gaps and thats why the show was such a success - think about what we'd be like if they did answer "EVERYTHING" and we all walked off happy. Never going to happen so the writers went for the over-reaching conclusion.

Oh and I was happy I predicted a while ago that the last shot of the show would be on Jack's eye - I thought it would be the left one opening as the right one closed but still - not too bad!

I need to read more/think more about this.

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Im starting to think that those that didnt like the ending or the show for that matter, didnt religiously watch it. I think its an important aspect of the show to see it from start to finish to be able to fully appreciate it and understand it. How the ending didnt make sense to some seems silly, unless it wasnt a show you always watched. Its like jumping in a book but reading only like the scify chapters and skipping the character development. The last few mins alone made the whole "sideways" make sense. There is never going to be a perfect story of this kind of magnitude that lost offered. You will always find plot holes, its concentrating on those plot holes that will ruin it for you. Sure there are some answers we all want answered but for the most part I love leaving some of the mystery at that, a mystery. The show is about the people not the island and while they didnt cover all the people, they did get the main base.

I watched it regularly since the pilot. My co-wokers and I are those that can't wait to come in the next morning and talk about the show.

same could be said about star trek, or any other show, its a drama about the characters, sci fi was just a part of it. Lost however used the sci fi/mystical element for lots of its character development.

for eg Locke walking again on the island, his growth from timid to showing of his trek/hunting skills early on. Desmond, jacob, mib would have limited roles if it didnt used sci fi/mystical.

Exactly. All stories are ultimately about the characters driving the story. But you can't ignore the story you created.

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I had a couple minor questions about the finale:

1) When Faraday's mom asks Desmond if he was going to take her son and Desmond responded by saying that Faraday wasn't going with him. What was he talking about? Maybe Faraday had a different place to go in order to get out of "purgatory" than everyone else since he wasn't as closely tied to the other characters?

2) Was there any significance to the dog lying next to Jack at the end or was it just a cheap way to get a dog in the last scene?

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2) Was there any significance to the dog lying next to Jack at the end or was it just a cheap way to get a dog in the last scene?

One of the main themes in the show has been live together or die alone, the dog was there when he woke up and the dog was there when he died.

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