[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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I got around to watch it last night.. that was so sad :( I only have one word to describe the ending of Lost.. "beautiful". Such an amazing show, it will be sadly missed!

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It's Tuesday!!! :woot:


Oh wait! :cry:

We have No Lost, No 24, No Heroes ANYMORE in our LIVES!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

*SIGH* :(


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I was lying in bed thinking about it, and now I get it.

First of all, the "alternate" timeline happened after they had all died, obviously, no confusion there. They made up a new world because they couldn't move on, they were in a state of limbo, then they finally found closure in this place and their souls moved on.

Now, everything else that happened, was real. Crashing on the island, it's mysteries, their adventures, leaving the island, coming back, Jacob, MIB, etc, all real. The real "ending" was Jack stopping & killing MIB, and saving the island. Kate rescued Claire. Hurley became the new boss man, with Ben as his number 2. The rest got off the island or died there. And then eventually, everyone died and ended up in the limbo state explained above. Finito.

Apparently, Lost was not about the island, because we didn't receive any answers to it in the finale, we already knew the light was the "heart" of the island. Lost was about the characters being truly rescued by either escaping the island, saving it, or running it. It's true, we did not get any in-depth "what happened after" closure, but I guess it wasn't about what happened off the island.

They could have made it an epic finale, but I guess it highlights the weakness of the writers. Overall, I enjoyed Lost, the epicness was just an illusion, take it for what it is, a good show.

The only thing that I don't understand is the final shot with the wreckage on the island. But I'm not worrying about that.

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I was lying in bed thinking about it, and now I get it.

First of all, the "alternate" timeline happened after they had all died, obviously, no confusion there. They made up a new world because they couldn't move on, they were in a state of limbo, then they finally found closure in this place and their souls moved on.

Now, everything else that happened, was real. Crashing on the island, it's mysteries, their adventures, leaving the island, coming back, Jacob, MIB, etc, all real. The real "ending" was Jack stopping & killing MIB, and saving the island. Kate rescued Claire. Hurley became the new boss man, with Ben as his number 2. The rest got off the island or died there. And then eventually, everyone died and ended up in the limbo state explained above. Finito.

Apparently, Lost was not about the island, because we didn't receive any answers to it in the finale, we already knew the light was the "heart" of the island. Lost was about the characters being truly rescued by either escaping the island, saving it, or running it. It's true, we did not get any in-depth "what happened after" closure, but I guess it wasn't about what happened off the island.

They could have made it an epic finale, but I guess it highlights the weakness of the writers. Overall, I enjoyed Lost, the epicness was just an illusion, take it for what it is, a good show.

The only thing that I don't understand is the final shot with the wreckage on the island. But I'm not worrying about that.

Spot on. In answer to your questions, read up, there's an answer to it..

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From: http://perezhilton.com/2010-05-25-so-you-want-some-answers-from-lost

making the rounds, here are some answers I think I've got. Give it a shot to! :)

Why did the moster kill the pilot

+ They'd just landed and smokie was obviously nervous about them escaping, also the pilot was clearly not on jacobs list and was therefore dispensible.

What did Locke see when he first saw smokie

+ Typical smokie, just the first time he'd encountered it so he was in awe.

Why did the physic insist she fly and insist she raise the child

+ Assuming the physics legit he saw that she needed to birth the child on the island and follow her destiny

Why did the others want Walt so badly

+ His un-natural power, obviously they'd observed or knew about them and wanted to test him, possibly as a Desmond like power

How does walt know about the hatch and ask Locke not to open it

+ again his powers can sense that he shouldnt unleash Desmond from pushing the button as it ultimately led to lots of trouble for the island

Why are supplies still being dropped on the island

+ The others kept in communication and Ben didn't report back they'd been killed? Plus maybe they wanted the button still pressed

Who triggered the lock down and who made it so the dark florestnt lights come on

+ Clearly part of bens plan

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Who triggered the lock down and who made it so the dark florestnt lights come on

+ Clearly part of bens plan

How would that work?? I still want to know if Ben knew about the numbers.

Also besides the point, what was with Kate's horse we saw in season 2?

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Those damn physics.

lol I have to admit I'm drinking red wine and coding 5 hours after work ended, excuse my grammar, spelling and mis-types ;p

Does anyone know if there is a Lost OST?


The first 30 seconds reminds me of Lost, would love to have the whole thing.


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lol I have to admit I'm drinking red wine and coding 5 hours after work ended, excuse my grammar, spelling and mis-types ;p

Does anyone know if there is a Lost OST?


The first 30 seconds reminds me of Lost, would love to have the whole thing.


Ahem: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Lost+OST&x=0&y=0

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BitTorrent Download Record Shattered By Lost Series Finale

The finale of Lost has shattered all previous download records on BitTorrent. In less than a day, close to a million people have downloaded the last two episodes, with more than 100,000 people sharing a single torrent at the same time. As expected, most downloads come from outside the US where the finale aired later or has yet to air on television.

Last year, Lost achieved the questionable honor of being the second most-pirated TV-show on BitTorrent. With more than 6 million downloads for a single episode, Lost was only trailing Heroes by a few thousand downloads.

There is no doubt that the final season of the show will again be a strong contender in 2010?s list. On average, an episode of Lost is downloaded nearly 1.5 million times in the first week after its appearance on BitTorrent, but there is an overwhelming demand for the series finale which aired on Sunday.

In the first 20 hours after they appeared on BitTorrent, the final two episodes were downloaded a little over 900,000 times, an amount expected to increase to four or five million by the and of the week. As far as we know, this is a new download record for BitTorrent in such a short time frame.

One of the main reasons why people turn to BitTorrent for missed TV-shows is because they air significantly later in their home country. In an attempt to take this incentive away Lost?s finale was aired in 59 countries simultaneously, or within 48 hours of the US broadcast.

Whether the narrower release window has indeed decreased piracy is hard to say. What we do see is that there is a huge demand for the Lost finale in Australia, as 15% of all downloaders come from down under. Coincidentally, the season finale is scheduled to air in Australia this Wednesday.

Another factor that contributed to the high number of downloads globally is all the fuss about the season ending. Undoubtedly, people who missed it will be more inclined to download the final episodes compared to those mid-season.

It will be interesting to see if Lost?s new download record can be broken in the future.

Source: TorrentFreak

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Maybe I missed the explanation (in the show or this thread), but what was the deal with the sickness or evil (I forget what they called it exactly) that was growing in Sayid and Claire?

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Maybe I missed the explanation (in the show or this thread), but what was the deal with the sickness or evil (I forget what they called it exactly) that was growing in Sayid and Claire?

Never got one. They both seemed to just 'get over it' as well. I think it was more of a mental thing. They were told they were sick so they began to believe it and act that way.

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BitTorrent Download Record Shattered By Lost Series Finale

Damn straight we Australians downloaded it. Stupidity to say the least, showing it 2 days later.

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What made locke mortal near the end? At first I thought it was when Desmond turned out the light, however locke's hands start bleeding when they are lowering Desmond down towards the light.

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What made locke mortal near the end? At first I thought it was when Desmond turned out the light, however locke's hands start bleeding when they are lowering Desmond down towards the light.

It was a trade off: putting out the light in the island made him mortal, which is why Jack and Locke were both right and wrong. The island would have been destroyed, but it also made it possible to kill the man in black. Plug the hole back up and the man in black, theoretically, would have been immortal again.

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It was a trade off: putting out the light in the island made him mortal, which is why Jack and Locke were both right and wrong. The island would have been destroyed, but it also made it possible to kill the man in black. Plug the hole back up and the man in black, theoretically, would have been immortal again.

That's what I had originally thought, however if you watch Locke's hands start to bleed when him and jack are lowering Desmond down to the light. Well before Desmond puts out the light. I don't believe it's a filming error either, as the camera focuses in on Locke's hands several times during that scene.

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That's what I had originally thought, however if you watch Locke's hands start to bleed when him and jack are lowering Desmond down to the light. Well before Desmond puts out the light. I don't believe it's a filming error either, as the camera focuses in on Locke's hands several times during that scene.

It wasn't blood. It was dirty hands + water from the rope

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It's Tuesday!!! :woot:


Oh wait! :cry:

We have No Lost, No 24, No Heroes ANYMORE in our LIVES!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

*SIGH* :(


but The Cape is coming, with the petite awesomeness that is Summer Glau :wub:

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so dead claire gave birth to a baby..um k. speaking of which, was there ever an explanation as to why there was such a strong emphasis on why Claire had to be the one to raise her baby? he wasnt that significant after all.

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But they didnt, the show went on the way it did, its still a drama first and scify second. Whats the point of talking about "could haves"?

I'm sure that many people watched Lost for the Island & its mysteries, and not for characters or love stories. Frankly, I couldn't care less if Jack hooked up to Kate or if Sayid meets Shannon again.

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