[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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I've been just enjoying the season without trying to go too in-depth on it all.

Just trying to enjoy Lindelof and Cuse's ride.

You've been around though. Only slightly, but still more than these other guys. :)

I'm going to try and do the same for these last two episodes. No more theories from me (or corrections), although I will read what every one else has to say on here.

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i dont think the smoke monster is jacobs brother. I think it took to form oh his brother. it wants to kill jacob simply cuz jacob is what is keeping him from getting off the island.

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I've been just enjoying the season without trying to go too in-depth on it all.

Just trying to enjoy Lindelof and Cuse's ride.


Plus I don't wanna read 10 pages of the thread when I don't read it for the day. Like to read people's theories and generally discussion from time to time.

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The best thing last night's episode did is bring all the LOST neowinians out and about discussing.

Where have you guys been this whole season?

It's ending next week man, that's the thing.

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Not next week, the following week (last episode is on the 23rd).

Depends on if you look at Sunday as first day of a new week, I don't.

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i dont think the smoke monster is jacobs brother. I think it took to form oh his brother. it wants to kill jacob simply cuz jacob is what is keeping him from getting off the island.

Err, no ****.

It was made clear last night that Esau (if I remember his name correctly) floated out dead. Smokie came out as his replacement.

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Err, no ****.

It was made clear last night that Esau (if I remember his name correctly) floated out dead. Smokie came out as his replacement.

When did they say his name? My understanding is that people outside the show just assumed.

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Interview with Cuse and Lindelof mostly regarding 'Across the Sea'

There are a few minor spoilers including one about something that won't be shown:

They won't show who was in the other outrigger!



Something I found ironic and fitting from this interview:

When Mother slaughters the people in the human village, the iconography looked very much like the Dharma bunkers after the purge. Was this your way of suggesting why it was Jacob might have allowed The Others to slaughter the Dharma folk - that this is the punishment for anyone who gets too close to unlocking the island's secrets?

DL: In terms of what Jacob allowed, what he didn't allow, what The Others did of their own volition, with Ben basically saying "This came down from Jacob" is all in the area that is subject to interpretation purposely. What our intention was is that there is a repeating vicious cycle that seems to happen on this island, where people come to the island, they try to figure out what makes the island work, and the closer they came leads them to their own inevitable demise.

CC: Like Icarus

DL: The more curious you become about why the island has its properties, inevitably the protector of the island feels the need to engage in some form of mass genocide. It was more our attempt to say that history repeats itself, and this is an ongoing and continuing motif.

This can go hand in hand with the actual fans of the show. The more we want to know the mythology of the island and how it works, the closer we come to being disgusted with the show. I still think those two are extremely ignorant about what the audience truly wants, having been in a bubble for six years now. The episode wasn't polarizing because they answered questions, but because yet again, they presented more questions than they sought to answer.

In each and every review as of late they seem to almost apologize for what's going to come. Whatever the ending is, a lot of people are going to feel that it is in fact a huge cop out. It's either ignorance, arrogance, sheer fear about what's coming or a combination of all of this.

Post 1000 btw. How fitting as it pertains to LOST. :)

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When did they say his name? My understanding is that people outside the show just assumed.

He may never have been named but the rest of my point still stands.

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Jedi, His name isn't Esau. CC and DL have confirmed that. For all we know is that the person who uploaded the video made an assumption or wanted to toy with our minds. He has no name.

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WTF! They raised the shootout thing as late as S5 and still they can't manage to answer it. They just can't brush it aside like they did.

Also, Isabella is a smokie (I presume thats how she ravaged the settlement and filled up the wells). But, she was killed quite easily. So, whats the secret to killing a smokie?

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If the writers were smart, surely they know the whole village killed by Crazy Mother would be questioned by the fans "How did she do that?"

So, pretty sure, IMO, she is also a Smoke monster.

When she took out the black/white stones, she held on to/looked at the BLACK one specifically for a long time... meanings?

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I still think MiB is Jacob's brother. He has mentioned in the past that Jacob stole his body and that his mother was crazy.

Although when he said his mother was crazy, he was in Locke's body so he could have been talking about Locke's mother. Was she crazy? I can hardly remember.

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I still think MiB is Jacob's brother. He has mentioned in the past that Jacob stole his body and that his mother was crazy.

Although when he said his mother was crazy, he was in Locke's body so he could have been talking about Locke's mother. Was she crazy? I can hardly remember.

I compeltely agree. While I do not think MiB is directly Jacob's brother, I think it is more than possible that Jacob's Brothers soul was taken by the smoke monster, and is used sort of to power the smoke monster, which is why the smoke monster has memories of Jacob's brothers past. Remember, their mother said there is something "worse than death" in the light, meaning you do not completely die (you become something worse then dead, in the case of smokie, you become trapped as the smoke monster as long as the island has a protector).

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I thought she knew before she died but she just didn't have the time to say anything. That's why Saywer made Miles tell her.

So, I don't remember... What did she say to Sawyer before she died?

BTW, this video shows the statue, as if it has some huge significance:


And yet, interviews with the producers seem to indicate that the statue won't be explained any further...

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Yea I know right! If he has a name then this would've been the episode to reveal it on; now I feel like we'll NEVER get a name.

On another note: So close to the end, and they make an episode consisting of nothing but 3 non-main characters. Balls.

Actually, Jacob and Brother are very important to the show, so I'm glad they got more screen time. I'm disappointed that all they did was to leave us with even more unanswered questions. Each answer leads to several unanswered questions, it seems.

Also, not having a name makes Smokey/Brother/MiB a bit more mysterious. I kind of like it. If he had a name, something like "Robert", it would take away some of the mystery of the character. IMO.

What was kind of disappointing, BTW, is that Jacob came across as a semi-retarded, naive moron...

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Jacob & MIB's "Mother" is Eve. Maybe (See picture below for Mother Island). But they show their "Mother" and MIB laying there at the end of the episode. NOT husband and wife. How about Eve & Cain? Or how about Jacob & Esau (MIB)? Esau tried to take Jacob's birthright. Then suddenly out of nowhere at the end of the episode Jack & Kate show up topless (mostly). Jack is a candidate but Kate's name was crossed out, so how does that work for the next "Adam & Eve"? As all Lost cast members have said over the years including the most recent Evangeline Lilly appearance on David Letterman (see previous page for video), they don't even think the writers know what's going to happen next. Although since this is the last season, you'd think they would have planned ahead a bit for it. Or not. As Ms. Lilly inferred in the Letterman interview, apparently the finale is going to end just like every other Lost episode: "Hey!"

Uh, what are you trying to say here? It reads like a collection of random sentences with no real meaning.

Yes, Mother is Eve. Why "maybe"?

Why would there need to be a "next Adam & Eve"?

The writers do know what's going to happen next. The show is done, remember?

The thing I got from this episode is that Jacob is not as good as he first seemed. He was always the one who initiated violence and beats up his younger brother. He knew going into the light was "worse than death" and yet he had no trouble tossing his bro into it.

His brother had just killed his mother. Of course he was ****ing ****ed off at him. I agree that Jacob doesn't look too good now, but not because he isn't good. It's more because he comes across as a naive dumbass. Dim-witted. Easily fooled. Weak-minded. Not the cool "in complete control" guy I had the impression he was.

Jacob is good. Smokey is evil. But everything is not black and white. Jacob has bad sides, and Smokey has redeeming qualities.

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So, I don't remember... What did she say to Sawyer before she died?

BTW, this video shows the statue, as if it has some huge significance:


And yet, interviews with the producers seem to indicate that the statue won't be explained any further...

Well she just said "I have to tell you something. It's very very important" before she died.

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@red., but what was that important thing? Did we ever learn what that was?

Isn't this excuse exactly the same as making stuff up as they go along, and like "Look viewers, it's not the mythology you know, we made up our own mythlogy so accept this show as the BEST thing on TV"

They made up details as they went along. But the overall mythology and story was decided back in season 1.

The reason people's disappointing IS exactly the producers/writers avoided answering MAJOR questions they raised, thus making everything seem not as credible as we believe it to be.

The reason for my disappointment is not that the mythology is Lost's own mythology, but that there are so many questions. I still like the show, but I'm a bit ****ed off at all the mysteries that are left open. Unless the last couple of episodes really deliver on that, which I doubt since the writers seem to dismiss concerns like these, and have said something about the final episode being about characters rather than mythology or whatever.

Ultimately, I feel like shows like Lost give people a sense of the unknown in the age of immediacy and information. If the show attempts to answer everything, it will be disappointing because it will effectively eliminate the show's most potent element. I think this is exactly why Lindelof and Cuse said that they only have an obligation to answer only a portion of the questions associated with the show.

Give me a break. No one is saying we need answers to absolutely everything. But there's a huge difference between "still mysteries", and "the show constantly threw mysteries at us, and hardly any of it was ever explained". It makes me feel like we are being strung along.

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So, I don't remember... What did she say to Sawyer before she died?

BTW, this video shows the statue, as if it has some huge significance:


And yet, interviews with the producers seem to indicate that the statue won't be explained any further...

the statues story is over, unless its answered in the encyclopaedia they are releasing in the summer we won't know anymore plus that promo was for the beginning of season 6 and really doesnt mean anything other then the statue looks like a chess piece and they wanted that in the promo.

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the statues story is over, unless its answered in the encyclopaedia they are releasing in the summer we won't know anymore plus that promo was for the beginning of season 6 and really doesnt mean anything other then the statue looks like a chess piece and they wanted that in the promo.

This is what sucks about Lost. The statue is an important part of the show, and yet it is left as a huge mystery.

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