[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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They are just showing us the "sideways" 2004 timeline now, it doesn't mean that it goes parallel with 2007 timeline.

Besides, the future was the past for those in 50's and 70's timeline. For them, everything that happened in their life up until 2007 was past, because in terms of their life, they were still in THEIR present in 1950's.

Some of them weren't even born in 50's , yet their past was from 70's on. It maked sense then, why wouldnt make sense now?

How can 2007 be their past when they're living it right now? For the sake of keeping the timeline simple, we'll stick with Sawyer.

Sawyer arrived on the island in 2004 and was there until he traveled through time. During the time travelling, he arrived in 1954, but the biggest significance at this point was the nuke. We learned a few things, but that was the only crucial bit, so you no longer have to keep bringing it up; they were only in that year for a matter of hours. Once the time traveling stopped, Sawyer arrived in 1974 and lived the next three years of his life on the island. Sawyer missed 2005 to 2007 as he lived those years from 1974 to 1977. That entire time was his present and no one argues that. A few days, possibly a week or two, later, the incident occurs. Sawyer then time travels to the present*, where he eventually reconnects with Locke (fake Locke), who he hasn't seen in over three years, and at this point continues to live his life on in the present.

So again, how is the other 2004 timeline the present, or future, of the first timeline if their lives are continuing after the bomb went off? It just doesn't add up.

* The present has no definitive year, but the math suggests early 2008. Before the island was moved, it was just before Christmas and the three years later isn't exact, so three years and one week or more puts it in 2008.

The events may or may not run parallel, but everything we've seen points to there being two timelines, not one as you're suggesting.

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How can 2007 be their past when they're living it right now?

It can, if another reset happens in the finale, erasing everyone's memory and bringing them back in time at the moment of their birth, for example. Then their lives will lead to 2004-no-plane-chrash timeline we are seeing now, with all their past experiences buried in their subconscious, therefore making them take the right directions in their lives (from what we've seen so far, most of the characters don't run away from their problems like in their "previous" life.)

In this scenario, Desmonds "see you in another life, brotha" makes much more sense.

Sawyer missed 2005 to 2007 as he lived those years from 1974 to 1977... but everything we've seen points to there being two timelines, not one as you're suggesting.

I guess we'll have to wait a couple of months to see who is right...

Nothing that TPTB can come up with won't surprise me:)

Anyway, I don't think that there was a TV show or anything TV related in history of mankind that triggered this much hype & debates all over the world :)

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WOW Now we know Smokey CAN'T be

stabbed to death with knife/sword!!!

He/It was more Immortal than Jacob

I wonder if Asian dude actually set Sayid UP?

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WOW Now we know Smokey CAN'T be

stabbed to death with knife/sword!!!

He/It was more Immortal than Jacob

I wonder if Asian dude actually set Sayid UP?

Remember, fate/destiny vs free will. It was Ben's free will to kill Jacob, so he died. It was not Sayid's destiny to kill Smokey, so he didn't die.

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What a crap episode. What answers were given in this episode? None, Zero, Zip, nada.... It seems this episode could be resumed in 5 minutes. Crap CRAP CRAP

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How the tables have turned. A great episode. Keamy being killed by Sayid all over again. (I know, I know, Keamy wasn't killed by Sayid on the island, but he probably would've eventually).

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Disappointing episode (N) The entire episode felt like it could have been told in about ten minutes. The flash-sideways felt even more useless the before.

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What a crap episode. What answers were given in this episode? None, Zero, Zip, nada.... It seems this episode could be resumed in 5 minutes. Crap CRAP CRAP

Completely agree, this episode was nothing special and did not answer questions, all it did was create even more questions. The flash-sideways are pointless at this stage and seem to just create more and more questions, they better all lead to something. Hoping next weeks episode is better, promo doesn't look too special

except maybe Ben getting attacked by smokey. However in the Promo shots it shows Richard and Jack at the Black Rock which is a big positive!

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Cant please everbody, i thought it was a fantastic episode. I dont want the last season to be people sat around giving me every answer, i want it to be a mystery right up until the last scene of the last episode. Lets face it a lot of people dont watch just to get answers, i LOVE the story of lost and although season 3 was pretty weak its been one hell of a ride and i want that to continue till the end so stop whining about how episodes dont give you answers and just let the show happen.

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Cant please everbody, i thought it was a fantastic episode. I dont want the last season to be people sat around giving me every answer, i want it to be a mystery right up until the last scene of the last episode. Lets face it a lot of people dont watch just to get answers, i LOVE the story of lost and although season 3 was pretty weak its been one hell of a ride and i want that to continue till the end so stop whining about how episodes dont give you answers and just let the show happen.

Just stating that last weeks promo clearly said Questions Will Be answered. Didn't seem like questions were answered but I do have a few new questions though. The second half of the episode was pretty good though the first half lacked. Flash sideways just wasn't anything important IMO. However I do agree some episodes are not for everyone.

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Here is a break down of spoilers and tidbits via Kristen at E! Online

1) Episode 6x15 Across the Sea - No series regulars will appear (Confirms what many might of suspected based on the filming for Year 23 with MiB and Jacob)

2) Rebecca Mader aka Charlotte will return (I believe from previous spoilers she returns in the flash-sideways of Sawyer)

3) Episode 6x09 Ab Aeterno:

- We will learn what the island is from Jacob. Last week she said that it is a 4-letter word with out an A or E but this week she says it has an O.

- We learn why Richard does not age

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Disappointing episode (N) The entire episode felt like it could have been told in about ten minutes. The flash-sideways felt even more useless the before.

+1 it's been hit and miss so far this season

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Just stating that last weeks promo clearly said Questions Will Be answered. Didn't seem like questions were answered but I do have a few new questions though. The second half of the episode was pretty good though the first half lacked. Flash sideways just wasn't anything important IMO. However I do agree some episodes are not for everyone.

To be fair, "questions will be answered" has been used for every single promo, not just last weeks. However, it didn't help that they hyped it up so much by doing this, "it's so good we can only show you snippets!" That's ABC's marketing team for ya.

It did cover something interesting however. Before the island was moved, Claire was with Christian in Jacob's cabin, and she believed he was her dad, not her "friend." At some point Claire was claimed, but we don't know at what point or if a deal was made that caused it. Sayid went from trying to kill FLocke to doing whatever he wanted in a matter of minutes/hours, so it seems that if a deal is agreed upon, you're claimed, possibly by either side since Dogan made a deal with Jacob. I'm assuming it's all part of the recruiting plan, but what I want to know is, where's Sawyer? FLock was with Sawyer and the next time we saw him he arrived at Claire's tent. He still chillin in the cave?

While the above was an interesting venture, they've surely blown useful time in revealing mysteries. It's like my fears for this show are slowly becoming true, that they'll only answer the mysteries they care about; while I knew that this was the case, it would appear that they care about just a few, not the grand many that they purposely included.

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Last nights episode was ok. Not the best but not _horrible_. I was dissapointed in the sense that I wanted more island action and less Sayid side story. The ending was cool. It definitely was cool seeing/hearing the smoke monster swoop in and attack everyone. Also I think its cool how they have the smoke monster sounds appear right before Flocke comes onto the screen.

with only 10 episodes left, I sure hope they have given themselves time to reveal what we want. But as Matthachew said above, they will probably only reveal what they want.

I want more Jacob action. I like his character.

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Episode 15, the episode currently being filmed, is a crazy episode, says Michael Emerson:

It pushes the envelope, this one. It's set in a time and a place that you will never have seen on a network series before, I would venture to say. When was the last time you saw a network drama episode where none of the series regulars were in the episode? That's how kooky it is.

And don't assume that Ben is dying any time soon. Also, Damon Lindelof hints Ben might find a way to worm his way back onto the "Candidates" list. Meanwhile, Charlotte is coming back soon ? and may have a major connection with one of the Losties in the L.A.-verse. In episode nine, the Richard Alpert episode, Jacob explains what the island is ? and that four-letter word has an "O" in it. We also find out why Alpert doesn't age, and it has to do with a request.

[E! Online]

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I have to say I have been confused by one thing since we found out Smokie was attempting to kill the Temple others.

Back before the Losties ever left the island, Keamy and his men were there to attempt to take Ben off the island, as such, Ben summoned Smokie to kill Keamy and his men. If Smokie was trying to kill the others, why would he let Ben live or even more importantly, let Ben summon himself to protect Ben?

I am wondering if Jacob had some control over Smokie......basically while Jacob was alive, both him and Smokie had to protect the island, the island found Keamy and his men to be a threaet, so Smokie protected the island by killing them. I am assuming Ben was touched by Jacob at one point (same with Dogen, which is why Sayid had to kill him, not Smokie), but it doesn't explain why Smokie would protect Ben and the others from outsiders.

Another thing, Smokie is now stuck in his Locke form (that is, he cannot change into other people), is that too due to Jacob being dead? If Jacob had some level of control over Smokie like I mention above, its possible Jacob was also the only reason Smokie could shift into the forms of dead people.

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