[Spoilers] Lost - Season 6

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The Valenzetti equation stuff was from The Lost Experience, and isn't considered to be completely canon. The 'correct' explanation of the numbers is what was presented this season.

I see. Still, hopefully we'll eventually get an explanation of how the numbers in the cave relate to the numbers in the Dharma computer.

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anyone want to buy a bobblehead :p


Coming in July: Daniel Faraday & Richard Alpert!

Coming in August: Locke, Hurley & Dr. Edgar Halliwax!

Also coming in August: 2 sets of 8-inch action figures!

Set 1 includes Kate and Ben, Set 2 includes Locke and Hurley.

Each set is $37.99.

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The Valenzetti equation stuff was from The Lost Experience, and isn't considered to be completely canon. The 'correct' explanation of the numbers is what was presented this season.

I think the numbers' story is incomplete then. Why would they be transmitted and used for the computer? (Of course *anything* could've been chosen as the passcode for the computer.) Their significance outside Jacob's use hasn't been explained, that I can remember.

(Note that I'm not familiar with The Lost Experience, so I don't know that part of the story.)

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I still question why MiB can't leave the island. What's stopping him. What he needs to do in order for him to be able to leave. And why Jacob could leave & he can't. Still a lot of questions between these two immortals. Guess we'll find out soon.

Any regligion experts here know that compass bearing is actually a bible chapter?

Was it like 135 degrees?

Edit Oh... 325 http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Compass_bearings

After the island moves

In "The Lie", after the island moves and the time shifts begin, Juliet suggests escaping on the Zodiac raft. However, Daniel says he would have to calculate a new bearing based on "where we are now, in time."

108In "Lighthouse" Jacob instructs Hurley to rotate the lighthouse mirrors to 108°, which is the total of all of the 'numbers' summed together, suggesting that this is the new bearing.

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The NEW Clue/Guessing spoiler. What is the series about?

Another 4 word No As, but has E -

My guess = Time

Wasn't this answered a few episodes ago, they ("they" being Ben teaching history) said Elba.

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I'm pretty sure that's been brought up before. I think it's all a play on religions. They are both trying to convince people to play for their team. Which is and which is bad depends on who you ask. The numbers in the computer are probably just another example of how Jacob thinks/says he doesn't force people to do anything but in reality he has a lot more effect on people than they know.

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The numbers in the computer are probably just another example of how Jacob thinks/says he doesn't force people to do anything but in reality he has a lot more effect on people than they know.

But Richard didn't really have any pull with Dharma (to say the least). I doubt Dharma would just say "Sure, no problem." to a request of "Build a transmitter and transmit these numbers." The numbers must have another meaning.

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After seeing this last episode, I dont believe Jacob is the evil one. But granted its Lost and anything could swap around on us. But im very skeptical on it.

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Haha look at his external Harddrive. "Big Disc"

Haha, good spot :rofl:

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