What to do with my netbook?

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So, I picked up an HP Mini 110-1030NR about 3 weeks ago, I am already past the point of being able to return it. Basically, I have gotten bored with it already.

1. I didn't care for the default XP Home installation.

2. I got OSX loaded up on there and it was okay, but the sound is not yet fixed for OSX.

3. The Ubuntu "Netbook Remix" is decent, but lame.

4. I don't care for Windows 7 or Vista.

5. Any other Linux distro would certainly work, but it is not a practical day-to-day OS for my needs.

What other options are out there? I am almost at the point where I am considering just putting XP Home back on there and throwing it up on Craigslist.

As is the case with Neowin, I anticipate the usual influx of witty and sharp responses from the peanut gallery :)

Thanks in advance, kids.

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So, I picked up an HP Mini 110-1030NR about 3 weeks ago, I am already past the point of being able to return it. Basically, I have gotten bored with it already.

1. I didn't care for the default XP Home installation.

2. I got OSX loaded up on there and it was okay, but the sound is not yet fixed for OSX.

3. The Ubuntu "Netbook Remix" is decent, but lame.

4. I don't care for Windows 7 or Vista.

5. Any other Linux distro would certainly work, but it is not a practical day-to-day OS for my needs.

What other options are out there? I am almost at the point where I am considering just putting XP Home back on there and throwing it up on Craigslist.

As is the case with Neowin, I anticipate the usual influx of witty and sharp responses from the peanut gallery :)

Thanks in advance, kids.

As a recent purchaser of an Asus EEEPC 1000H , I would recommend you give Windows 7 a try , I thought it was gonna be like Vista , but was pleasantly surprised.......go on don't be shy give it a try

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I anticipate the usual influx of witty and sharp responses from the peanut gallery :)
I'll have a go at it. You bought a netbook, told us you prefer XP Home to Windows 7, and now you're bored with it. Well, what exactly were you expecting this netbook to do? Help you lose your virginity?
From: Your Mom's House
What was that about the peanut gallery?
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Um.... If you can't think of anything you need it for then why did you buy it?

In any case you have it now so as you don't need it you could sell it but you aren't going to get all your money back so before you do that try and think a bit harder about what you could use it.

Plus if you haven't tried Windows 7 yet you should definitely give it a go. It might grow on you.

PS: I had to look up "peanut gallery" as i had no idea what that meant....

Actually this is a pretty funny thread (without the OP even realizing)

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Any other Linux distro would certainly work, but it is not a practical day-to-day OS for my needs.

I beg to differ. I use my netbook mainly for lightweight stuff like surfing the web and checking my email. I occassionally do a few text documents. Any OS is good for stuff like that.

What do you use your netbook for?

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I'll have a go at it. You bought a netbook, told us you prefer XP Home to Windows 7, and now you're bored with it. Well, what exactly were you expecting this netbook to do? Help you lose your virginity?

What was that about the peanut gallery?

Exactly what I would expect from a guy named booger :)

Thanks for the comic relief....

Um.... If you can't think of anything you need it for then why did you buy it?

You ever have one of those days where you tell yourself that a new useless/pointless toy would be nice? It was one of those days.

On other words, 11 computers just isn't enough apparently, I just had to have another one....

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Put 7 on it and use it to create remote desktop connections to your real computer. Aside from that, I can't think of any use for a netbook.

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What were you thinking when you bought it, or maybe why did you buy it? They are good for email,web and playing music, so if those are not reason enough to keep it - send it to me. I'm in Sierra Vista, AZ right now, but my mom's house is in Sacramento, Ca. - just give it to her and I'll check it out if it's working fine, I'll make an offer. ;)

Honestly, if the intended use for a netbook is not a good enough reason to keep it, sell it, trade it, toss it in the trash - those are your only options. Putting another OS on it isn't going to be a fix if OSX/XP didn't do it for you. The netbook is just not powerful enough for anything other than it's intended use.

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If you don't think you will need it anymore, I'd throw it on Craigslist and someone would buy it. I was debating buying an MSI Wind as a trip computer, but my friend was selling her MacBook Air for $700 so I got the Air instead.

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Well, what exactly were you expecting this netbook to do? Help you lose your virginity?

well those things are designed for web browsing only... and the casual encounters section of craigslist is waiting

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Well, what exactly were you expecting this netbook to do? Help you lose your virginity?

There are plenty of websites available that can be used to find **** buddies.

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Windows 7 is actually fairly decent - fiddling with it now, actually. I've generally hard good things about it when combined with netbooks, so that might be useful. Other than that, depending on what you think is 'lame' about the Ubuntu Netbook remix, just about every Linux distro out there will be able to handle everything you'd use a Netbook for.

In general though, I pretty much have to echo DavidM. Netbooks are designed for a very specific type of use: casual internet browsing and e-mail, for the most part. What OS you have on it won't really matter, because all of them can handle that sort of activity. So, if you're bored of it, it simply may not have been the best buy. Other than that, you might want to keep it around if you like to travel around a lot. I wouldn't mind one simply for the ease of portability, even over my smallish laptop.

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