[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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We should start a clan or at least have a few MP games for all of the PS3 owners on this thread - what do you guys think of that idea?
Hmm, PS3 online doesn't appear to be working today... :\


Always up for a PS3 match PSN: Pablo2008jedi
Awesome - add me too everyone

I would suggest making a topic in the Sony section, far easier for us PS3 gamers to arrange things without having to filter through other posts.

My PSN is CorrisD if anyone wants to add me.

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Back to WoW for me then, I realised why I stopped playing on consoles in the first place.

1. The ****ty controls

2. Bendy bullets (lag compo is a game killer for me)

Shame I can't get a refund since I'm working at the store, I'll have to put it under pre-owned bah.

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Part of me wants to buy the PC version, but the other part wants to not buy it at all. Seriously, how could the PC version be so crippled?

  • Lack of dedicated servers
  • Lack of 'console' for commands
  • Max player count of 18 (9v9)
  • Small but annoying pauses due to host migration (if a host rage-quits)

You can't even kick people in ranked matches. Honestly, that's just pathetic. I loved Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare so much that I basically told every gamer I knew to get it back in '07. Why? Well, it was an amazing game. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for its sequel. It's just full of cut-features that, for the most part, were present in a game that was released in '07. That's not all though. We're left with the icing on the cake: the game's price. Normally, new PC games are priced at $49.99 which is usually cheaper than their console counterparts. However, that simply isn't the case with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The PC version is priced at $59.99, just like the X360/PS3 versions.

Since when do you pay $59.99 for a PC game that isn't a Collector's or Limited Edition?


Random nitpick: am I the only one that absolutely HATES it when developers just upscale the image on console games? (Modern Warfare games, Halo 3/ODST, Grand Theft Auto IV)... I mean, what's the point in even using antialiasing if you're just going to alias the image by using a smaller resolution and blowing it up?

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lol there's like a 5 minute opening cinematic/whatever that you can't SKIP at all on any platform. Way to go IW!

...I didn't get any cinematic? :s

EDIT: Oohhhh you mean on Single Player??


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lol there's like a 5 minute opening cinematic/whatever that you can't SKIP at all on any platform. Way to go IW!

... that's ****in awesome! Considering how cinematic this game feels its just perfect there. Thou maybe an option to skip it would be great i never even reached for intuitive space bar/esc/lmb.

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was ok upto about 30 minutes ago, also invites should be fixed by friday

yeah I was able to finally join my mates party this morning, hopefully that continues tonight :)

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Maybe I spoke too soon. I'm reconsidering after I got an AC130 + Harrier strike + chopper in a row, went from 8/8 to 35/8 in less than a min. :D

The AC130 is mos def overpowered though, I got a quad kill off the howitzer, their fault for grouping together granted but, it's like being able to fire multiple predator missiles at targets then being allowed to finish them off with a 50 cal.

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BTW: The "skippable" level is crap. I have no idea why that was included in the first place as it really adds almost nothing to the storyline (OK, a little, but come on). For once I actually have to side with the anti-game crowd in saying it's definitely tasteless.

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BTW: The "skippable" level is crap. I have no idea why that was included in the first place as it really adds almost nothing to the storyline (OK, a little, but come on). For once I actually have to side with the anti-game crowd in saying it's definitely tasteless.

IW do a lot to put the image of gaming back 15 years don't they? Then again if you look at the official forums you see comments like: "but its only a game u *** they let us skip it".

Ugh. Just did The Pit in 28 seconds on my 3rd attempt on the PC. Still can't do it on the 360. Can we have a KB+M yet? Please?

Edit: **** YES! 29.9 seconds! *dances*

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How do you people finish the game in 4 hours.. I mean seriously?

I played on Veteran and it took me 9 hours and 12 minutes last night judging by Raptr site that tracks your gaming.

I think the game was an unbelievable ride. It's in every way better than MW1 technically and gameplay wise, unfortunately it is not as good in the story dept which was kind of a disappointment. Modern Warfare 1 had a very concise and clear story and I was actually much more emotionally connected to the game.

In MW2 I did have emotional moments but they were mostly like "Holy ****!" and kind of bad taste in your mouth type of deal, especially the US parts. MW2 is very very dark IMO.

But back to the story.. Did any of you who finished the game actually understood what the story was about. I seriously couldn't figure it out.

I mean it just felt all over the place and lacked connection. I mean it just felt they forcefully tried to connect the story from MW1 and then halfway through it's like they flipped the switch and story went somewhere completely different..

Overall though, the game was unbelievable from gameplay standpoint. I played for 9 hours without stopping how frantic and cinematic the experience is.

I especially liked the feel you get from the movie The Rock in that showers/breach scene.

Story wise, Uncharted 2 still holds the top spot in my book as the best storyline experience.

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How do you people finish the game in 4 hours.. I mean seriously?

I played on Veteran and it took me 9 hours and 12 minutes last night judging by Raptr site that tracks your gaming.

I think the game was an unbelievable ride. It's in every way better than MW1 technically and gameplay wise, unfortunately it is not as good in the story dept which was kind of a disappointment. Modern Warfare 1 had a very concise and clear story and I was actually much more emotionally connected to the game.

In MW2 I did have emotional moments but they were mostly like "Holy ****!" and kind of bad taste in your mouth type of deal, especially the US parts. MW2 is very very dark IMO.

But back to the story.. Did any of you who finished the game actually understood what the story was about. I seriously couldn't figure it out.

I mean it just felt all over the place and lacked connection. I mean it just felt they forcefully tried to connect the story from MW1 and then halfway through it's like they flipped the switch and story went somewhere completely different..

Overall though, the game was unbelievable from gameplay standpoint. I played for 9 hours without stopping how frantic and cinematic the experience is.

I especially liked the feel you get from the movie The Rock in that showers/breach scene.

Story wise, Uncharted 2 still holds the top spot in my book as the best storyline experience.

Yeah, the story made absolutely no sense at all to me. I have no friggen clue what it's supposed to be about. You'd almost think it was originally a Japanese game that got a poor translation to English.

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It kind of made sense to me...

Fighting the taliban (as we are today), then get chosen to go on a special operation that's undercover. Russians know I'm an american undercover dude, get shot and catpured / die? Think it was america pretty much starting a war. Terrorists sell ACS from a satelite to Russia, which they use to get into America undetected and kick ass. Then the american colonel / general? wants all the fame for himself as well as men under his command after having had his entire batallion lost (by the russians) so he thinks by doing this people will become extremely patriotic and sign up to join the US Army.

Pretty lax, I'm tired and can't fully remember but that was the jist I believe! :p

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But back to the story.. Did any of you who finished the game actually understood what the story was about. I seriously couldn't figure it out.

I mean it just felt all over the place and lacked connection. I mean it just felt they forcefully tried to connect the story from MW1 and then halfway through it's like they flipped the switch and story went somewhere completely different..

I guess the idea was that Shepard hired Makarov (the hired 'mad dog') to shoot up the airport so he could start his little war with the Russians and get revenge for the nuke which was set off in the first game.

edit: Apparently not this is from the CoD Wiki:

However, General Shepherd betrays them and kills both Ghost and Roach. He intends to take advantage of the global crisis to turn himself into a global hero as well as write history how he sees fit.

That makes zero sense. :|

I really don't understand my self. Yet morons are declaring it's the best story they've seen in a game. It's no wonder we get lumped with turds when the majority think like that.

Christ. Even Die Hard 4 made more sense than this!

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Yeah, the story made absolutely no sense at all to me. I have no friggen clue what it's supposed to be about. You'd almost think it was originally a Japanese game that got a poor translation to English.

Indeed that the story didn't quite make sense. They just throw in new characters and they do something to really impact the story then the whole thing changes perspective.

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Well to all the people saying the story was ass and / or just did not make much sense, which I agree with 110% actually, all you need to do is watch this episode of the Bonus Round on Gametrailers.

IW more or less fully admits that the story takes a back seat, they say they create the levels and stuff and then piece them together based on pacing of the game-play, which to me reads as nothing at all to do with if they fit or make sense to the overall story.

So basically they have set pieces (their levels) that fit into an overall story arc (not a very tight one at that) and they use the mission briefings to try and make it make sense in the grand plot.

What I am talking about it right around the 5 minute mark. "We build the story around what would be fun to play."

Another great quote... "The Story takes hold and starts crystallizing toward the end of the project." (5:33 mark).

Just watch from 5 minutes to a little past the 6 minute mark and that more or less explains their approach to story telling.

Link To Bonus Round Video Above

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Well to all the people saying the story was ass and / or just did not make much sense, which I agree with 110% actually, all you need to do is watch this episode of the Bonus Round on Gametrailers.

IW more or less fully admits that the story takes a back seat, they say they create the levels and stuff and then piece them together based on pacing of the game-play, which to me reads as nothing at all to do with if they fit or make sense to the overall story.

So basically they have set pieces (their levels) that fit into an overall story arc (not a very tight one at that) and they use the mission briefings to try and make it make sense in the grand plot.

What I am talking about it right around the 5 minute mark. "We build the story around what would be fun to play."

Another great quote... "The Story takes hold and starts crystallizing toward the end of the project." (5:33 mark).

Just watch from 5 minutes to a little past the 6 minute mark and that more or less explains their approach to story telling.

Link To Bonus Round Video Above

Interesting. I actually found the story in MW1 to be quite good. I wonder why the approach worked so well in the 1st one, and so poorly in the 2nd one.

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Well to all the people saying the story was ass and / or just did not make much sense, which I agree with 110% actually, all you need to do is watch this episode of the Bonus Round on Gametrailers.

IW more or less fully admits that the story takes a back seat, they say they create the levels and stuff and then piece them together based on pacing of the game-play, which to me reads as nothing at all to do with if they fit or make sense to the overall story.

So basically they have set pieces (their levels) that fit into an overall story arc (not a very tight one at that) and they use the mission briefings to try and make it make sense in the grand plot.

What I am talking about it right around the 5 minute mark. "We build the story around what would be fun to play."

Another great quote... "The Story takes hold and starts crystallizing toward the end of the project." (5:33 mark).

Just watch from 5 minutes to a little past the 6 minute mark and that more or less explains their approach to story telling.

Link To Bonus Round Video Above

Yes.. the game EXACTLY feels that way. I mean don't get me wrong, it was ONE HELL OF A RIDE. It had me feel awful, it had me feel frantic and in the middle of the all out war. They've created experience that tops even Uncharted 2. But story just felt they made to follow the gameplay and not the other way around. This is where Naughty Dog for example has it NAILED. Uncharted 2 provided both great action and awesome story.

What's puzzling though is that IW is great at stories. That's why I'm dissapointed. Every single COD that came from them had a very emotional and great story. It felt each and every time as a great connected experience.

I can feel it even more maybe because I played again COD4 before MW2 and COD4 story is soooooo much better because it's connected well. It made sense and it kind of went smoothly. It was very well connected, even those scenes in COD4 when the choppers go down and you have to rescue them, even though it was not a part of the story it complimented the story so well. It made it more real.

Bottom line though is that I'm not dissapointed with MW2. It's great and in many ways A LOT better than COD4 but as far story goes (as Game Trailers and IGN review both say) the story took a back seat. It just felt that they didn't have a good writer or enough time to piece the story properly.

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