[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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Took me 2 hours to finish the SP game on Veteran.

Very good story line, very good!

2 hours?


You just unlocked the rocket launcher in Resident Evil :p

The game just feels like kill rooms to me so far, some nice use of set pieces, but my god those loading screens used to tell the 'story' are monotonous. The fact IW can create such good feeling set pieces makes it disappointing more work hasn't gone into story.

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I think trophies are still bugged - I just completed the Ghost trophy and got nothing :angry: I've done it three times now and even followed the youtube trophy guide for it and nothing :angry:

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I care. I would've gotten the PC version if not for all the issues.

Agreed, that's why I've chosen the X360 version as well. I need to expand my X360 library anyway (It consists of PGR4, Halo 3, N+ and Forza 2 at the moment, other games on my profile are through friend's discs).

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I think trophies are still bugged - I just completed the Ghost trophy and got nothing :angry: I've done it three times now and even followed the youtube trophy guide for it and nothing :angry:

My two friends who have ps3 + mw2 have completed that level without being seen or killed anyone 3 times each tonight, with no trophy.

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It's a shame the PC version has gotten so much bad rap. This would've been my first Call of Duty game, too.

I'm not buying the 360 version asn I'm not paying to use Xbox Live anymore (Rarely play online. Maybe once a month).

Ah well. I'm gonna hold off again.

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it's just not worth paying for. I perhaps will just download it from you know where
Who said I was going to steal it? You obviously have a guilty conscious. I can naturally get a free trial off my ISP since new games mostly come on their site in form of a free trial with the SP unlocked and MP unlocked. It's what you get when you pay premium price for the internet. Alternatively, I'll just go to a mates place a play it on a 360 but I'm not a big fan of consoles and controllers.

Right... "you know where" suddenly became your ISP. :laugh: cool story bro.

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Here's my impression of the multiplayer iv got from the past 2 days:

Bad stuff : The matchmaking is a bit annoying, i mean u cnt choose what particular map u want to play on, you cant choose what team ur on which can get a bit confusin when u keep changing between the US and the Terrorists.

The whole "if the host quits the server is smoothly transfered to sum1 else" is a load of bull crap. Its happened to me 3 times today. First time, came up sayin it had sent the data to a new host and was waiting for there reply, 3min of waiting later, server timeout and got kicked to main lobby (so lost match bonus;s etc), i was confused as to why it didnt try to find another host if that one wasnt responding. Second time, took 2min to transfer to sum1 else. Third time around a minute.

The ping system is a bit sketchy 3green bars if ur <150ms 2 green bars if ur <200ms and yellow bars +250ms. these are approximations i made monitorin my ping on hlsw and wot cod was telling me. And u can tell who yellow bars but it doesnt seem to kick them, so i dont know what the max ping ur allowed is.

Spawning - Big problem on some maps, the amount of times iv spawed with an enemy a few meters behind me is stupid, and does bug me a bit

Ok thats all the bad stuff about mp on the pc iv found so far

Good stuff: I am growin to like some maps, even though a good few of them feel the same just with different skins. Weapon choice is very good as are the perk upgrades and attachments, though they got rid of Deep Penetration and instead made that a weapon attachment so u either have that or a scope. Its a bit annoying you cant unlock all the modes untill ur lvl50+ but i guess it keeps it more interesting that way so u dont get bored after a while. Spec ops is quite fun, though havent tried that on co-op yet

Overall view: Its an alrite game, I spent ?25 on it and for that its good value, but there is no way id pay more for it for the pc. To me i can see it being a great console game but a bad PC game, they really did develop it for consoles and ported it to the pc

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Just updated to 1.02 and I am unable to connect to the matchmaking server.

Do they even test this before pushing out the update?

they're updating/adding servers.

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I'm thinking about getting this but can't make up my mind between XBox 360 version and PC version. PC version is $59.99 (wtf?) and I have more friends that have the 360 version. But I like keyboard mouse for FPS more than gamepad.

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I'm thinking about getting this but can't make up my mind between XBox 360 version and PC version. PC version is $59.99 (wtf?) and I have more friends that have the 360 version. But I like keyboard mouse for FPS more than gamepad.

Join the other million of us PC gamers who are all getting it on console instead of PC.

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or just not get it at all like most of the guys i game with and we all have ps3/xbox360's. They ruined the PC version for us so i refuse to play it at all.

Edited by ph0bia
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Bad stuff : The matchmaking is a bit annoying, i mean u cnt choose what particular map u want to play on, you cant choose what team ur on which can get a bit confusin when u keep changing between the US and the Terrorists.

Same as the other Call of Duties.

I prefer it that you can't choose the map, less boring that way.

The actual matchmaking seems slower though :turned:

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I just read this quote of Gaf.

360 timed online exclusivity deal.


may i ask how it broke online? I was just playing, and at the moment it would seem 212694 people are playing on the PS3

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