[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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Not sure if this has been posted or not, but it is a graphics review of MW2 across the various platforms. I found it interesting.


I also saw another link a few pages back of a comparison of screen-shots, and I gotta give Infinity Ward credit where credit is due. There are aspects of the game that look better on the 360, aspects that look better on the PS3, and aspects that look better on PC (if I had to pick a overall winner it would clearly be the PC and I do have it installed on my comp and at 1920 x 1080 and everything absolutely maxed out it looks real sweet) but sincerely and truly each platform has something that looks better than the other, and that is awesome they really put some time into making sure they could get the most out of each platform.

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i think i posted this back somewhere. but i dig this comparison. this guy really did a good job of matching brightness/colors and slowed it to 30% for a much better comparison.


also, that video of the somewhat slow kid, is the reason media jumps on games as mw2 and gives games a bad rep altogether.

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That has nothing to do with context though - it seems to me like IW couldn't be arsed to provide a decent measured build-up and instead went from a coordinated taskforce dealing with russian nationalists in the ice fields to defcon 5 civilian slaughter just to speed the singleplayer campaign up a notch.

I'm not saying they sought controversy but instead took a shortcut.

So you would've rather had boring "earning his trust" missions instead of just jumping into that part of the storyline? It was a jarring transition, but I understand why it was jarring.

Am I the only one who likes short yet fast-paced solo campaigns. :p

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Just finished campaign mode. The story didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense in places, and some of the early missions seemed really dull. But the second and third act really picked up and I had to keep playing till I'd finished. Definitely a step up from MW1s campaign in terms of gameplay and set pieces. Shame I had to wiki the story to figure out what the hell happened though! :p

Spec Ops is a heck of a lot of fun. I really need to put some hours into unlocking all the missions. If anyone on PS3 is up for some Spec Ops online in the future add me, PSN ID ziadoz. :)

This fruitcake is NOT happy with MW2! :p


English accent ices the cake. This is hilarious.

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Wow. Did I really just watch that. I am... I am not even sure what I am. Damn. I honestly feel so incredibly sad for this kid if that is the truth. I truly do. If a video game can take control of him like that, he has really, really major issues. I truly hope this is a joke. It has to be, as I see no reason how a person could watch themself act like that and then feel it was a good idea to post it online for others to see unless it was a joke. Damn.

Am I the only one who likes short yet fast-paced solo campaigns. :p

Nope, you are not alone at all. Especially since my time is way more limited these days, I much prefer a game to be shorter. I personally would be cool if all SP games ever made were between 6-10 hours. That would be ideal for me.

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i think i posted this back somewhere. but i dig this comparison. this guy really did a good job of matching brightness/colors and slowed it to 30% for a much better comparison.


After putting my PC side to side with the 360 version it makes all warm inside to think of the hatred about to fly about in that comments section. Oh if they only knew. :(

Oh and I almost ****ed my self laughing at that video. I sure need some milk to drown my sorrows after a massive gaming sesh too! :laugh:

Nope, you are not alone at all. Especially since my time is way more limited these days, I much prefer a game to be shorter. I personally would be cool if all SP games ever made were between 6-10 hours. That would be ideal for me.

Well I wouldn't get your hopes up, Activison said on a conference call this week they are researching ways to turn the next CoD in to a MMO or at least adopt a monthly pricing system for it! 1 hour SP training and monthy fee for MP? YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!

Imo anything less than 10 hours for a ?40 game REGARDLESS of MP is a ****ing joke.

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What happened to the Mazerov guy?

Tune in next time in Modern Warfare 3!

Essentially what it seems is they are squeezing a small amount of the story into each MW game. You could literally take MW and MW2, add the campaigns together, and it would feel like a single campaign in a non-MW game.

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This is how I did it on Vet. The six people in a circle I threw a flash bang and sniped them all without raising the alarm. This saves you a lot of time. I then did the AGM on the helicopter / tank (if you aim near the gas tank you can get both). After that you raise the alarm you rush to the fence let your buddies do most of the killing and spawn another truck that comes towards you AGM that which should give you a lot of cover because it stops beside some gas / propane tanks and well that stuff causes a lot of chain reaction. Run to the under bridge wait for your buddies to catch up do another AGM right outside throw some flash bangs and run to the containers you should get a checkpoint and done.

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Just a side note, you can kill multiple people with a single bullet from the sniper rifle (probably other weps as well). I was doing the stealth spec op mission (solo), killed a guy from an open position then went and hid in some nearby bushes. A dog and 2 people came looking for me (they went to the area I shot from, the open area). The dog turned around and went back, but both guys were standing like 5 feet from me. Both there heads were perfectly lined up in my scope so I took the shot....I proceeding to shoot the second guy a few times after that cause sometimes after a sniper shot they will jump to the ground to try to duck outta the way but it occurred to me after a few other shots that I killed both of them in one shot. Was really cool cause I didn't know you could even do that until it happened.

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I finally did it.. omg.. took me a thousand tries and dies... X_O... soo much anger and frustration.. thank goodness it's over! Now to take on the Whiskey Hotel.

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So you would've rather had boring "earning his trust" missions instead of just jumping into that part of the storyline? It was a jarring transition, but I understand why it was jarring.

Am I the only one who likes short yet fast-paced solo campaigns. :p

All they had to do was add in a level where the Russian nationalists commit terrible atrocities despite our best efforts to stop it. That would've set us up for having to make the decision to kill civilians in order to infiltrate their group, imo.

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That's true but did they explain that enough in the prior cut-scenes in MW2? It might've helped alleviate the "shock" factor.

Anyway, it's a moot point - the single-player was still great :)

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This game is absolutely great! I'm halfway down the Campaign, maybe the storyline is a bit over the top, but the feeling is fantastic.

I failed bigtime with the ice-rock climbing though :p

(Playing on PC)

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well i just finished the game.. and its 2 times more engaging then MW1 :)

i loved every bit of the campaign.. and well the ice rock thing is done by pressing right mouse button.. keep it pressed and press left mouse button.. now dun leave left mouse button and press right mouse button..

all the parts where it was a little scripted were AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

in all i can say the game was LEGEND---------------- wait for it ::::::::::::::::::::::::: DARYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!

oh and i havnt even played specops yet. :D

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Wow yeah just finished the single player after playing multi for ages and WOW

that was intense! Best single player i've played in a while now

And the multi is still up yo scratch

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Anyone had a blast at the museum bonus level you get when you complete the game ? iv'e tried a couple of times and it's pretty fun ...currently running through on veteran again atm ...favela level on veteran really got me annoyed but i got there in the end ..not looking too forward to the airplane graveyard on veteran tho ..overall i really enjoyed the story really suprised me when captain price was the prisoner .

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So after having completed the game and going through it again on Veteran, also having played some Multiplayer I have to confess myself somewhat disappointed. I mean, the initial impression was "Oh my god!" and that feeling stuck for a few hours while you explored everything and was still processing this great new game but once you learn the ropes, get yourself settled in the disappointment slowly begins to creep up on you. For the Single-player part of the game, mainly the campaign, I knew from the very beginning I shouldn't expect a very coherent or immersive story and I didn't get that either so that particular disappointment wasn't a hard swallow - Yet, somehow it still is.

Call of Duty 4 had a red line running through the entire game, story and cinematics were weak as hell but you still knew the final goal ... In this, I'm not even kidding, I'm still a bit baffled what the hell I just went through? A lot of people died, more or less important characters, a war breaks out, there's traitors and it's like they want you to care about characters in the game but when something happens to them or involving these characters you just go "Oh ... k" but they are still building up this "OH LOOK AT THIS GUY, HE IS BADASS AND WE WANT YOU TO CARE FOR HIM!" and he dies.

So what am I saying? Stick to a cheesy plot and a simple goal, don't go all Hollywood WITH a cheesy plot and an end-goal that is so fuzzy you want to cry. Don't start implementing some "emotional" scenes either with orchestral music when you care absolutely zero about the characters, they could be cardboard cut-outs and it wouldn't change ANYTHING. I do admit however some of the scenes were stunning, the music and all went great together but that just goes to show, they should focus on creating an actual story and these sort of cinematics, not just the cinematics.

As for Multiplayer, that has REALLY taken a turn for the worse. The killstreak call-ins are way overpowered and now it's easier to build up a streak. The Harrier is not only an airstrike but also a hovering harrier fitted with a Gatling gun ( lol, rly? xD ) and that will hit everyone, everywhere! The reaction time is insane and it takes one second to kill you - Way too easy to get 10+ kills with that thing. So whoever gets off to a good start is 90% certain to be on top of the leadboard. All this crap with player controlled killstreaks and precision tools is becoming quite the joke. They didn't take an epic Multiplayer game and fine tune it, they took an epic multiplayer game and just kept on shovelling crap on top to please the casual-tards and live up to the immense hype. More is not better IW. ( The mention of the Harrier was an example, not calling that the only overpowered perk )

So basically, whoever gets a lucky start will also end out ahead of the pack in the end, that's almost a 90% certainty - Too much focus on perks and killstreaks now to give you an advantage and not the players behind the screens. So yes, for an hour or two it will give you a giggle but it will NOT cater to the players who'd like to play competitively in a balanced game environment.

Summing up the game: It's just a great recipe that has been covered in crap shovelled on by the developers, so there's still a gem underneath.

Oh and as for Matchmaking on the PC - It's not bad, as I expected, just one fundamental problem caused by PC users - I've seen several complaints about host leaving a lot and yes, that is very true and that is because PC players in general are a bunch of sore losers, so with dedicated servers people could always reconnect to reset score or just leave quickly and they still do, failing to realize they could be host ( Not sure they give a toss though ) - So I've experienced more hosts leaving in the past week than 3 months worth of CoD 4 on the 360.

That was my impressions of the game, a gem ruined by the expectations and developers trying to live up to these expectations, I'll still play it yes but you won't see me running around calling this GOTY or a revolution.

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