[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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Having played over the weekend online for about 15 hours...I gotta say for my first FPS on a console I am getting the hang of the controls :D Going to pick up Killzone 2 at some point....can't believe I hadn't tried these games on my PS3 cause I thought "nothing can beat a mouse and keyboard"...

Must admit I'm liking the online play and have some great matches, even though I am rubbish and only a rank 16 just now :p

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Its unfortunate, as no dedicated server and good bandwidth does cause trouble. But these things cost alot of money. I can see the only wahy of getting these is through a subscription.

But for me, I've not had that much trouble, I've had a few games be a bit laggy at the start.... *hugs his 50Mb with 1.5Mb upload*

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loved the snow level with the snow mobiles :D

Really? I though it was kinda lame and the only fun part was when going downhill really fast

Vehicle missions in COD just generally suck because the physics and steering is awful :p

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I really enjoyed the snow mobile race in Spec Ops - Epic fun (Y)

Got a question here, yesterday me and a friend wanted to play some Hardcore TDM. As I'm the only one high enough rank to select Hardcore I had to be lobby "host". Each time I clicked the game-mode, any game-mode in fact, my game crashed with "iw4mp.exe". Now I just tried alone and got the same crash error! This hasn't happened before.

Anyone read about this particular issue, is this a local problem or a general problem with the game? It's really annoying =/ We tried like 8-9 times with me starting the lobby and it crashed every single time! He tried hosting once and game started fine, the game after I was able to find one match, then it started crashing again after that - Really weird.

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i swear there was this guy on xbox live playing on 56k, guy was so laggy you could unload a full lmg mag into him and the ****** wouldnt die, then hed kill you.

f'ing ridiculous, even nades wouldnt take him out

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Really? I though it was kinda lame and the only fun part was when going downhill really fast

Vehicle missions in COD just generally suck because the physics and steering is awful :p

Oh I agree about the steering...the steering of the snow mobile was atrocious but the speed and the adrenaline was cool

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+1 on the snowmobile steering..!

i play cod on the ps3..can you chose which map you want to play in online? it just randomly selects one for me and i really dont like some of them.. :(

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Man, I love how all of the perks are actually viable. In the first game, some of them were never even worth considering. In this one, they can all make a difference.

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Man, I love how all of the perks are actually viable. In the first game, some of them were never even worth considering. In this one, they can all make a difference.

Read: Sonic Boom, Eavesdrop

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Got my first remote view for getting the winning kill :cool:

In that game I had a stupid kill where it triggered a billion messages...headshots, kills from hip, kills with steady head, kills with stopping power, payback, revenge, stopping a kill streak, recovering from a death streak...it distracted me so much I got melee'd :angry:

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Got my first remote view for getting the winning kill :cool:

In that game I had a stupid kill where it triggered a billion messages...headshots, kills from hip, kills with steady head, kills with stopping power, payback, revenge, stopping a kill streak, recovering from a death streak...it distracted me so much I got melee'd :angry:

Bad timing and alignments then :p

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