[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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So far Veteran is NOWHERE NEAR as hard as it was in previous COD games... and I'm a few missions into the second act. I like it more, though... less cheating AI/grenade spam, more strategic.

Special Ops is crazy hard though, which makes up for that.

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So far Veteran is NOWHERE NEAR as hard as it was in previous COD games... and I'm a few missions into the second act. I like it more, though... less cheating AI/grenade spam, more strategic.

Special Ops is crazy hard though, which makes up for that.

Yeah, The entire MW2 campaign on vet has taken me about the same amount of time as the sniper mission and 1 or 2 others on COD4.

@Ash_09 : Yeah, i got a checkpoint in the middle of the field, Wait for ghost to go ahead, kill anyone near you ASAP then flash bang your way down, Ghost should take the key ones out.

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Somehow i ended up coming out the house and down the hill ahead of ghost ..but the spam stun grenade method worked and i got there , just started on the airplane graveyard and so far it isn't as tough as i thought it was going to be , this was the level i was dreading more than the rest on veteran even tho the favelas proved to be a complete nightmare at times . Really enjoying the story again so altogether it'll be 3 playthroughs once i finish vet and then go back for the intel , as quite a few people have said tho it would of been nice if the story was a bit longer .

@Nicholas-c , even tho iv'e done it now , thanks for the tips :)

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just started on the airplane graveyard and so far it isn't as tough as i thought it was going to be

It's easy, just sit in a corner out of sight till the Ruskies move up then follow em.

Barrett .50 Cal + ACOG + Silencer with Bling (duh), Stopping power and Scramble = Good class ;)

Quiet, Sneaky and discreet. :p

I use the 2nd to last sniper rifle (forgot it's name), Motion tracker + Silencer (so bling), stopping power & Ninja. Never once been killed while playing as my sniper. :p

... Ok once, by an AC-130 I was too slow to outrun. :(

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Special Ops is crazy hard though, which makes up for that.

Found all of Spec Ops to be pretty easy. It took me and my partner a few tries due to stupid mistakes/rushing ahead, but for the most part it wasn't easy.

Hell the very last two Spec Ops (in Echo) is to kill Juggernauts.

One of 'em was 10 Juggernauts with only explosives and a knife and the other one was kill all 15 juggernauts on the oil rig. It only took time for both of those. All of 'em really shouldn't take more than once or twice as the spawns in just about all are consistent. So once or twice of dying you should know exactly where they spawn/how to spawn 'em and be ready for 'em.

Just by my experience of how easy Spec Ops was and what the people say about Vet, I have no desire to do the campaign if it's yawnable.

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I feel like today I sort of fell into my groove so to speak.

My biggest issue nowadays is when it comes to a game like MW2 MP on the console is being married and having a full time job blah blah blah, the truth of the matter is most of the time I play it is only for an hour here and an hour there. I never get to sit down and really have a good couple of hours sessions. As such, I have not up until today really settled on a play style so to speak.

So today, while I did not have outstanding or dominating rounds by any means, I had about 10 rounds in a row where I was positive in ratio every single time. I have settled down a lot and realize being slow and steady gets you much, much further than anything else. I do not know how to explain it, but the game itself seemed so chaotic with all the text flying around, etc., that is was actually making me play a much more chaotic, care-free type of style. Also honestly the whole thing with not being able to get to play as much and as often as I would like, means when I do get to play I want to do just that, get into some immediate action, so this mindset would make me just play reckless. But like I said I have now settled down, focus on just being crafty, and although I am on the move more often than not, I take my time and stalk rather than just run from one side of the map to the other like I was doing for whatever reason. I especially seem to be good at the maps with a lot of indoor options. Like Submarine for whatever reason is the map I just always do good on.

See I am an assault type of guy, I just do not snipe at all and never well, just not what I like to do in shooters, so I need to keep on the go so to speak. The problem was I wanted to be in the action so badly, I would just run blindly into it without any real approach, just with the notion I wanted to get into the action. This was undeniably making me do horrible.

So slowly but surely starting to feel effective finally. For awhile there I was really frustrated and honestly contemplated if I ever wanted to play the game again. Now I just need to settle on a gun or two and max it out. And I hate to admit it, but I love the Thumper. I am lethal with it. :laugh:

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Somehow i ended up coming out the house and down the hill ahead of ghost ..but the spam stun grenade method worked and i got there , just started on the airplane graveyard and so far it isn't as tough as i thought it was going to be , this was the level i was dreading more than the rest on veteran even tho the favelas proved to be a complete nightmare at times . Really enjoying the story again so altogether it'll be 3 playthroughs once i finish vet and then go back for the intel , as quite a few people have said tho it would of been nice if the story was a bit longer .

@Nicholas-c , even tho iv'e done it now , thanks for the tips :)

The mission I'm dreading the most on veteran is the one where you have to defend the house from incoming enemies; the one where Shepherd kills Roach. That one was annoying even on easy.

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I would disagree, there's always one or two enemies that can hide indoors etc, at least that happened to me and whoever it was on Neowin I was playing Spec Ops with earlier.

Got proper shotgun'd in the face too, lol.

Yeah, there are plenty of enemies spawning right in front of the ground-player and inside buildings they need to pay attention to.

Lure them out and have your friend howitzer their ass

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Lure them out and have your friend howitzer their ass

They don't come out, we've tried.

Seriously? Ya'll are using an ACOG on a sniper? ACOG sucks so hard on the .50 cal. I hated doing that. Give me my .50 cal with Thermal and FMJ and it's over.

No it doesn't, you just suck with it :p Loads of people are using Cold Blooded so they don't even show up on Thermal - ACOG gives you a clear, unobstructed view of everything around you and I've never had that many problems spotting enemies. Plus, certain areas light up like Christmas trees in Thermal, allowing snipers to hide in there - So I'll rely on my own eyes to pick out the target.

ACOG + .50 + Silencer is a mean combo, deadly at range, deadly close-up :cool:

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3 words. I. Hate. Campers. I've been hating them since CS. :p... kinda funny though when you sneak up on them and they are just standing there.. and you knife 'em. :D

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The mission I'm dreading the most on veteran is the one where you have to defend the house from incoming enemies; the one where Shepherd kills Roach. That one was annoying even on easy.

me too, i dont even want to think about it.

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me too, i dont even want to think about it.

that wasn't that hard.. lol. The hardest was the Village where you chase down a known source to Makarov

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They don't come out, we've tried.


But they do :p run into the yard, the 2-3 people will start shooting at you from inside the house. your AC130 friend can take care of them even if they dont come out..

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Seriously dude, I wasn't sleeping while we did it, we tried luring them out; nothing and I tried pummelling the house with the entire arsenal and they were still alive inside as every building in CoD is a nuclear fallout shelter in itself. We went through that mission a heap load of times.

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The worst level is on the oil rig where they use smoke and you've got to view the enemies using thermal. Took me forever to take out the snipers at the back.

The stealth missions though are brill :p love the silenced sniper.

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Yeah, that part was a real pain for me as well.

Currently I'm stuck, okay not stuck as I only tried a few times and haven't tried again since, at the submarine base - I just couldn't get to the checkpoint within the time-limit. I tried rushing as soon as I got past the gate and as soon as you get within 20m of the checkpoint, tons of enemies seem to be all around you and with a timer that says 15 seconds, I can't do it any faster without having hoards of enemies jumping all over me - Using the predator missile also cuts into your time, badly.

( Talking Veteran difficulty here of course )

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Yeah, that part was a real pain for me as well.

Currently I'm stuck, okay not stuck as I only tried a few times and haven't tried again since, at the submarine base - I just couldn't get to the checkpoint within the time-limit. I tried rushing as soon as I got past the gate and as soon as you get within 20m of the checkpoint, tons of enemies seem to be all around you and with a timer that says 15 seconds, I can't do it any faster without having hoards of enemies jumping all over me - Using the predator missile also cuts into your time, badly.

( Talking Veteran difficulty here of course )

I had to take things out in a certain order...

Helicopter first, then the enemies below you, then blow up the fuel tanks directly in front of you, run parallel to the wall along the main road which gives you a checkpoint. Then when price says "blow up that truck", do it, and you should have enough time. Took me about ten goes.

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There's so many noob perks/aids in this game if you're really good at it you absolutely destroy a lesser team :p I know you're probably thinking yeah that's always the case, but what I mean is sometimes the underdog team manages to pull a victory, or manages better tactics, but the games just chock block full of stuff some other games might call "cheats". That ****ing harrier needs to be towned down for a start. If your team is full of "pros" against lesser players and you get off to a good start it's hard for the other team to turn it around.

The matchmaking system is still a pile of arse, I was playing on the mode last night that doesn't allow parties and it's sill putting a team of 5 rank 50+ against me at 19 and 4 other people between 10 and 30.

And before people whine it's because of k/d ratio, the higher your rank the more you have unlocked/available to you.

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It's called a challenge Gavin, man up and accept the challenge - That's how you become better at games :p

A challenge is everyone playing on CS with the same level playing field :p

The only thing I like is you still get exp for losing, so if the matchmaking system decides it's a "lol" to pit 5 people with about 15-20 hours between them against a team with 30+ hours EACH, I don't have to rage quit as it's not pointless towards progression.

Everyone does have to admit matchmaking is a bit borked.

Also fun > l337 skillz ;)

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