[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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Depends what you are looking for, "balanced oh we're having fun" matches makes me wanna puke - I want to be pitted against some hardcore mofos with 100 hours more experience than me - It's the best way to learn the games and get better. Then you also get pitted against people with no sense of anything, then you can annihilate them <3

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The harrier is a massive pain in the arse, it's just way too overpowered. I swear it always hits me when I'm indoors too. Perhaps I just need to give the game some more time (and get better), but it doesn't feel as balanced or fun online as MW at the moment.

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Depends what you are looking for, "balanced oh we're having fun" matches makes me wanna puke - I want to be pitted against some hardcore mofos with 100 hours more experience than me - It's the best way to learn the games and get better. Then you also get pitted against people with no sense of anything, then you can annihilate them <3

It's a team game, balanced matches work better for team play. Unless you want round overs within minutes.

Unless you're playing solo or plain deathmatch, you can't win a game for your team on your own (all that often).

I have no idea what game modes you're playing, but the bomb detonation modes or holding the flags are not that fun when it's a team of noobs vs seasoned players. I can't say the matchmaking always arses up, just sometimes.

Guess it's different tastes in fun for us, I don't enjoy it when your team can't do jack, nor do I enjoy it when the opposition can't do jack. I always enjoy a well fought/close battle. That's more fun for me, I don't really care about scoreboards or pwning people :p

The harrier is a massive pain in the arse, it's just way too overpowered. I swear it always hits me when I'm indoors too. Perhaps I just need to give the game some more time (and get better), but it doesn't feel as balanced or fun online as MW at the moment.

The harrier does indeed suck on certain maps. Too much "aimbot" in it, it spots you when you're out in the open for a mere second between cover and basically 1 hit kills you :p

Those with lots of cover/levels it's not as bad.

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I'm playing Hardcore TDM and S&D - Both modes are extremely easy to dominate as a single player and it's possibly to turn the tide easily. Yes, it's a game featuring possible great team work but like any other game out there, teamwork is an unknown factor on public servers, it rarely ever happens - So might as well get used to playing lone wolf from the start and keep the teamwork to where it belongs, in parties with mates, not randoms.

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I'm playing Hardcore TDM and S&D - Both modes are extremely easy to dominate as a single player and it's possibly to turn the tide easily. Yes, it's a game featuring possible great team work but like any other game out there, teamwork is an unknown factor on public servers, it rarely ever happens - So might as well get used to playing lone wolf from the start and keep the teamwork to where it belongs, in parties with mates, not randoms.

Are they the 'one hit' kill modes?

Something more like counterstrike would probably be better for me in MW2.

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In broad strokes, yes and without a HUD and all this shabang. I hate this crap about having to empty half a clip into people - Hardcore matches are slowed down significantly, you rarely see people rushing around like CS kids in hardcore matches. ( I don't at least ) So it's a lot more tactical this mode and frustrating if you aren't very good at the game :p

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Since unlocking the cold blooded perk i havn't had any trouble with harriers. Add to that a stinger missile and your laughing when it comes to airborne threats.

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I'm looking forward to playing some hardcore MW2. It was always my favourite way to play MW. Need to rank up and unlock all the game modes first though. I'm only level 15 at the moment. Admittedly I've not been putting in the hours though.

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Just had my best game - 19k, 3d and I also managed to get my highest score in one game 6.5k XP.

I also got to fly the AC130...until someone killed me :angry:

Surely you stay in the AC130 and just get respawned after it ends? That's what happens with Chopper Gunner anyways.

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Surely you stay in the AC130 and just get respawned after it ends? That's what happens with Chopper Gunner anyways.

Nope, you go prone and open your lappy. I didn't choose that great a hiding spot, tbf - hid behind a pickup behind a water-pump warehouse in Underpass :p

Someone lobbed a grenade and blew up the pickup and me :(

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Nope, you go prone and open your lappy. I didn't choose that great a hiding spot, tbf - hid behind a pickup behind a water-pump warehouse in Underpass :p

Someone lobbed a grenade and blew up the pickup and me :(

No that's not what I mean, I know you open the laptop. If you die whilst in the AC130 do you stay in, yet when you go out you are back in a spawn zone or something.

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Nope, the default is perfect for me. I think the more you play around with those settings, the longer you're ultimately going to be fighting with the game and controlling. Whereas if you just stick with settings you'll get better at them with practise.

That said, some FPS' really have slow turning, so it's necessary sometimes. Strangely MW2 was just perfect for me.

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Ok any tips on how to NOT suck at FPS on Console :p question about sensitivity, has anyone changed their sensitivity.

Ya. You can go in and choose custom. I play on 6 atm which is higher than default setting of high. You can all the way up to 10, which should be near keyboard/mouse IMO. Hope you have better luck at it than I. I kept over moving and missing dudes rather than quickly killing 'em.

No it doesn't, you just suck with it :p Loads of people are using Cold Blooded so they don't even show up on Thermal - ACOG gives you a clear, unobstructed view of everything around you and I've never had that many problems spotting enemies. Plus, certain areas light up like Christmas trees in Thermal, allowing snipers to hide in there - So I'll rely on my own eyes to pick out the target.

out the target.

ACOG + .50 + Silencer is a mean combo, deadly at range, deadly close-up :cool:

I read your other posts and saw you said you play Hardcore only. If that's the case I'll stop talking. I haven't played Hardcore yet and don't plan on it till I have better unlocks. I'm assuming like in COD4, Hardcore is a different game so different things may work there. I just know playing in regular TDX (Team Deathmatch Express) that Acog is horrible. I have no problems spotting people in and out of thermal, but thermal just makes it so ridiculously easy, it's funnay.

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I hear what you say 100%. You know how I was with the original MW and this just feels different. In my last big post in this thread I talked a lot about the great balancing they have done and how I just can't go off and have 6+ games in a row where I do phenomenal.

After reading your approach, I realize some of that is my play style hasn't fully switched over yet. No matter what people say, with the original MW, you could run and gun ALL THE TIME. I tried to do that for my first 20 matches or so with MW2 and couldn't figure out why I was doing so poorly. Now I know that it is just how the game has changed. With everything being more balanced, you can't count on running straight at an enemy base expecting to mow down people left and right.

I'm starting to get better and playing a little bit "slower" but I still digress. You can still rountinely find me starting a match going 0 kills and 4 deaths or 1 kill and 5 deaths before remembering to take a deep breath and "cool it" :p . I always end up turning the match around and staying well above positive, but it just goes to show that although MW2 seems just the same to many people, it is a whole new ballgame in terms of play style for many people.

Audio: About the harrier, does anybody you play with shoot it down? Unlike the last game, you get a ton of points for shooting down the harriers, choppers, etc. Grab a rocket launcher or stinger and fire away. On another point, that is weird that you are getting teamed up with so many high levels that often. What game types are you playing? Maybe it is just different on the 360 with more people playing which probably averages out to a lower level in the mean time at least.

(Y) Good to hear someone relates to what I was saying, especially you as I know you know your stuff.

Today I literally had my best day yet, went 20-2, 16-5 and 14-5 in that order, and was top score in all 3 matches, team deathmatch and my team always won.

Then I decide why not try out the Red Dot site, and I went 1-16. Absolutely awful and I removed it immediately after that match. I am much better with just the iron sites. I guess I will just not be unlocking those challenges from using the red dot. But was really happy by the fact I had a few consistent rounds. My K/D ratio was at .54 when I started and in just about 4 or 5 rounds I got it to .78 (was .80 before that 1-16 round). So slowly getting better thanks to not freaking out as much is the easiest way to put it. LOL

@ SMELTN. Really just takes practice man, but I promise one day (and that day should be fairly soon) you will just get it. Practice that right stick as much as possible. And actually I usually go ahead and play with the controller settings a bit, but the default on MW2 feel literally perfect to me, I did not even bring the menu up.

And I had and still do not have a single clue what I was supposed to do in the musuem, and I searched everywhere. So where is this stupid button I missed? :laugh:

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I dunno how people keep such low death scores.

I seem to be dead more than I'm alive :laugh: I'm not a bad player (can I find my overall stats anywhere?) I just seem to have absolutely horrible luck. Always seem to turn the wrong corner, turn my back at the wrong second, be the 1 guy picked off out the group of 3, etc etc :laugh:

Sucks :(

I guess a good bit of it is still to do with learning the maps, seeing as I'm probably screwing up around camping hotspots or losing out to enemies taking shortcuts.

Is there a recoil perk or something? Sometimes in death cam it seems like the enemy player who's killed me literally has absolutely no recoil. That's even on some of the large machine guns at times.

What's some recommended setups for someone at level 20? I've been going with a silencer for a few levels now.

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