[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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Quick question about care packages. Can you potentially get any killstreak reward from one? Or can you only get the ones that you have unlocked?

only ones u have unlocked

my friend got a 35 kill streak 2 days ago... during his killstreak he had a emergency airdrop but left all of them out and activated his chopper gunner and shot everyone down who were trying to steal them. if he decided to go for his care packages he wouldnt have got a big killstreak... care packages dont count for your killstreaks

i find that a well placed sentry gun can lay the foundation of a good killstreak.. instead of selecting a care package as your killstreak

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That annoys the hell out of me and I absolutely hate that map :p

The only thing I've found with MW2 is I just cannot play it for a long period of time without getting bored. Usually 1~2 hours is the max I can do. Which may seem pretty normal but I've played other MP games for hours before :p I didn't even play much MW so it's not as if I'm burnt out on the formula.

It's worse when they have that single window facing down the small tunnel camped :angry: Quite hard to dig them out if they're placed well. Riot shields come in handy for building invasions :p

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Quick question about care packages. Can you potentially get any killstreak reward from one? Or can you only get the ones that you have unlocked?

You can get any but I imagine you're more likely to receive ones that a lower down on the list. Though I've managed to get a pavelow a few times

Speaking of care packages, who's had one fall on their head and kill them? Hahaha...it happened to my buddy when we were playing yesterday lol. That, and today I saw one land on the roof of a building, totally inaccessible to anyone lol.

The first thing I did in this game was accidentally land a care package on a team mates head

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You can get any but I imagine you're more likely to receive ones that a lower down on the list. Though I've managed to get a pavelow a few times

Correct-o-mundo, I've got an AC-130 6 times even though I've not unlocked it. A mate got an EMP, Sentry & Steath (last one got nicked!) from his emergency drop.

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DL what objective type did your party play? Did you guys play any Team DM or just objective?

We tried Team Deathmatch, Ground Wars, Capture The Flag, and Demolotion. We tried most of the ones I would play.

It's. Just. A. Game.

The reason you die vs parties is because they've found a tactic which works instead of just running and gunning. I'd see it as a challenge to find a counter-tactic which disrupts their style. A good example of this is in Karachi where I've seen a few teams who stick to the buildings and next to never come out into the open. I never party up (mostly because none of my or my friends' invites work regularly enough).

Mind you, I also prefer Mercenary Team Deathmatch too :p It does seem to be a better game and it's LOVELY when you find a game with a group of people who are all of a similar level (not talking ranks).

I like following the guy at level 50 and seeing where he goes - far too often he's a camping sniper though :( but I tend to hang around behind him to protect his ass :cool:

And your first line said it all. I should not be getting ****ed off over a game, I really should not.

So okay, example of what we dealt with last night. This one group of younger kids thought it would be fun to all enable Marathon Pro and Commando at least Pro and who knows what else, honestly their characters looked sped up, and run around like rabbits and just knife everyone. They dominated us, and even before the round said "I am going to stab you guys." Sorry, I am not going to want to bother taking the time to find a counter-tactic to that as it is just gay. It would be one thing if we were playing the objectives and got dominated so bad at them, which we also did for sure by a few teams, but when you deal with stupidness like that and more than once, it just gets tired is all.

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We tried Team Deathmatch, Ground Wars, Capture The Flag, and Demolotion. We tried most of the ones I would play.

And your first line said it all. I should not be getting ****ed off over a game, I really should not.

So okay, example of what we dealt with last night. This one group of younger kids thought it would be fun to all enable Marathon Pro and Commando at least Pro and who knows what else, honestly their characters looked sped up, and run around like rabbits and just knife everyone. They dominated us, and even before the round said "I am going to stab you guys." Sorry, I am not going to want to bother taking the time to find a counter-tactic to that as it is just gay. It would be one thing if we were playing the objectives and got dominated so bad at them, which we also did for sure by a few teams, but when you deal with stupidness like that and more than once, it just gets tired is all.

AA-12 and a room that has only one entrance/corner with protected back. You win. :p

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There's so many noob perks/aids in this game if you're really good at it you absolutely destroy a lesser team :p I know you're probably thinking yeah that's always the case, but what I mean is sometimes the underdog team manages to pull a victory, or manages better tactics, but the games just chock block full of stuff some other games might call "cheats". That ****ing harrier needs to be towned down for a start. If your team is full of "pros" against lesser players and you get off to a good start it's hard for the other team to turn it around.

The matchmaking system is still a pile of arse, I was playing on the mode last night that doesn't allow parties and it's sill putting a team of 5 rank 50+ against me at 19 and 4 other people between 10 and 30.

And before people whine it's because of k/d ratio, the higher your rank the more you have unlocked/available to you.

The Harrier is so easy to deal with. One AT4 or Stinger shot and it's down.

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The stinger is fantastic. There is nothing more satisfying than taking out someone's attack heli or harrier before it has even taken a shot :D

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Hmmmm, weird night. Went from 21 to 23 rank but there were only v. small groups playing merc deathmatch. I managed to get some good k/d ratio's but there was one guy on Wasteland who was unstoppable - DeathThanatos or some such. He stayed close to the farmhouse with the low wall in front of it. He killed me about 8 times but I managed to kill him right at the end :laugh:

I've been tinkering with SCAR + Silencer/Holographic Sights w/ Bling/Stopping Power/Steady Aim and an AA12 in secondary. I prefer the AA12 to machine pistols because you get more bang for your buck - 8 quick shots from a shottie are better than emptying a machine pistol imo.

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I wouldn't want to sacrifice my secondary weapon for some terrible launcher! Plus, with Cold Blooded, the killstreak call-ins "can't see you", so they are very easily bypassed.

Neither do I but I always have one class with a stinger so whenever is dying from an AC-130 but not doing anything, I switch classes and take it down.

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is that me or the latter part of the game feel rushed and half done in the latter part.

i was thinking i am in like 60% of the game , was expecting to go after makrov (whatever his name may be )


sound/graphic/gameplay are all up to expectation. except as i said storyline meh.

COD4 story development was better IMO

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Neither do I but I always have one class with a stinger so whenever is dying from an AC-130 but not doing anything, I switch classes and take it down.

All my classes are specifically tailored for certain maps and situations, none of them carry a launcher. Plus, I have never had a problem with getting hit by other people's killstreak call-ins because they can't see me with cold blooded and it's so easy to duck behind cover for 20 seconds :p

So I don't find them a problem at all, I can honestly say, I have only been killed 2-3 times by any of those call-ins.

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Does anyone else think the spawn system needs a bit of a tweaking?

Sometimes it just seems like it flings you anywhere, and that anywhere is sometimes 5 feet away from where you died so chances are you end up dying again. Doesn't happen to me all the time, but I've had it happen a few times to the point where I'm like WTF is the reasoning behind me spawning here?

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Screw the Spawn system, the matchmaking sucks.

It was a team I was on from rank 7 to 15, then the other team was 30+ with 2 people on prestige.

But no one wants to do Spec Ops with me. :(

I need cooler friends. :p

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Rank does not equal skill, at rank 10 I was mowing down rank 30-40s.

Maybe, but they would double our points every match, and I like to think I'm not that horrific.

So I would say it was broken a little. :p

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Screw the Spawn system, the matchmaking sucks.

It was a team I was on from rank 7 to 15, then the other team was 30+ with 2 people on prestige.

But no one wants to do Spec Ops with me. :(

I need cooler friends. :p

Yeah there basically is no matchmaking, I think it just randomly fires people into teams. The only thing it seems to do is if you're in a party keep you together obviously.

I need to unlock the spec ops then I'll play with people. When I done it with one of my mates it kept saying I couldn't earn stars as I hadn't unlocked anything haha. I've mostly been playing MP.

It spawns you next to / around a teammate or "away from the enemy" like it did in MW1 - I think it's a great system.

I'll buy near/next to a team mate, but away from the enemy?

The problem I've had a few times is it just plonks you back down near where you died (enemy obviously around there), or just simply near the enemy.

Rank does not equal skill, at rank 10 I was mowing down rank 30-40s.

Uhh but you're naturally good at MW :p

You essentially weren't rank 10 at rank 10 if you get what I mean. You pretty much owned COD4, I don't have that pleasure. You pretty much started out at a higher rank than people new to MW2 as you know some of the returning maps, and know some general experience with how this engine runs.

Therefore when I'm at 10 and face rank 30-40s, it truly is noob vs people with at least a good amount of game time.

Facing them is pretty innevitable, but it's the balance of ranks in each team that's an issue at times. 5/6 low ranks vs 5/6 high ranks. That can happen when you do normal team deathmatch and get a "clan", but I've had many times when it's obviously just randoms.

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It "plonks" you down there because there's friendlies nearby and that's the basic of that spawn system - It's actually quite good, yes it has drawbacks like any spawn system. And by "away from the enemy" I mean, sometimes it plonks you down at the other end of the map away from teammates and enemies.

And rank does still not equal skills, people in prestige mode are sucking ass, I've seen lowbies trash the entire teams so you CAN'T TRUST A SIMPLE THING AS RANK and thus it would be dumb beyond words to match people up based on it, might as well make it random, it's practically the same.

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