[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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I need to unlock the spec ops then I'll play with people. When I done it with one of my mates it kept saying I couldn't earn stars as I hadn't unlocked anything haha. I've mostly been playing MP.

Spec Ops is unlocked from the beginning, you just need to play with someone that will do some of the earlier levels to unlock the later ones with you.

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It "plonks" you down there because there's friendlies nearby and that's the basic of that spawn system - It's actually quite good, yes it has drawbacks like any spawn system. And by "away from the enemy" I mean, sometimes it plonks you down at the other end of the map away from teammates and enemies.

And rank does still not equal skills, people in prestige mode are sucking ass, I've seen lowbies trash the entire teams so you CAN'T TRUST A SIMPLE THING AS RANK and thus it would be dumb beyond words to match people up based on it, might as well make it random, it's practically the same.

Of course you can't totally trust rank, but if you want to play devils advocate with rank why have it at all? All games have levels/badges/ranks etc for one main reason, to show people that have played for long enough to reach said point.

A general rule of thumb is if on average you need to put in 5-10 hours to reach rank 20, that's 5-10 hours of map/gun experience. At rank 1 with no COD4 experience, or little, I'm clearly at somewhat of a disadvantage to that rank 20, regardless of which one of us has 20/20 vision and lightning reflexes. He/She has more experience with MW2 than me, fact.

That's called a challenge though, yeah, but the matchmaking system has to have some sort of balancing, that is essentially one thing everyone always screams is "good" about matchmaking, it tries to find suitable players for you, so you aren't randomly joining a server off a server browser/list with no idea what players you're going to get.

MW2 just practically has very little balance in it's matchmaking, that's all we are saying. If that's a plus to you fair enough, but as I tried to say above my experience is it's difficult when you didn't ###### COD4 and essentially start MW2 at rank 60/70 (whatever the top rank in COD4 was).

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Just accept you aren't very good at the game and now you want to blame it on the matchmaking system :p

Maybe I'm not, but the game should somewhat cater for my skill level :p

If it sells 11 million copies again, you aren't going to have 11 million 31337 rag1ng pwn4g3 kiddiez, there's going to be a good mix of skill in there. I would like to see more of that range of skill rather than being pimped against those who eat/breathe/sleep MW2 constantly :rofl:

Obviously really I'm just annoyed that a 13 year old keeps killing me then screaming down his microphone whilst his dad refills his sippy cup.

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Just accept you aren't very good at the game and now you want to blame it on the matchmaking system :p

I prefer to pretend that I'm actually good, but that there just happens to be people who are like totally awesome amazing.

Helps me sleep at night. :D

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As a noob FPS'er on the console, I can say say I suck just as bad as I do on the PC :p

After about 7 hours I'm a rank 19, my k/d is 0.6 :p but I still have fun! :)

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I wouldn't want to sacrifice my secondary weapon for some terrible launcher! Plus, with Cold Blooded, the killstreak call-ins "can't see you", so they are very easily bypassed.

i got a stinger on all my classes bar 1

u may have cold blooded.. but if the rest of your team is getting blasted and u playing a objective game like headquarters then u more than likely gonna loose that hq. im the fly swattet, thats what i do! easy 500xp points per match and saving your team is better to me

ive adapted to using the famas at close quarters because of the stinger

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i got a stinger on all my classes bar 1

u may have cold blooded.. but if the rest of your team is getting blasted and u playing a objective game like headquarters then u more than likely gonna loose that hq. im the fly swattet, thats what i do! easy 500xp points per match and saving your team is better to me

ive adapted to using the famas at close quarters because of the stinger

See, then some other chump can gimp himself while I enjoy my custom spec that isn't dictated to me :p

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See, then some other chump can gimp himself while I enjoy my custom spec that isn't dictated to me :p

*looks forward to shooting all sethos helicopters down*

i even shot a enemy care package aircraft down before it dropped the package lol. i know someone was mad for that one

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Does anyone else think the spawn system needs a bit of a tweaking?

Sometimes it just seems like it flings you anywhere, and that anywhere is sometimes 5 feet away from where you died so chances are you end up dying again. Doesn't happen to me all the time, but I've had it happen a few times to the point where I'm like WTF is the reasoning behind me spawning here?

I actually sometimes like it, that you are spawned there where you just died. I even use Tactical Insertion to take whoever killed me by surprise. Its fun.

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I actually sometimes like it, that you are spawned there where you just died. I even use Tactical Insertion to take whoever killed me by surprise. Its fun.

Sure you like it if the enemy has moved forward a bit and you are now behind them :p

But if it's a camping sniper yeah that's great spawning right back in the middle of their crosshair!

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*looks forward to shooting all sethos helicopters down*

i even shot a enemy care package aircraft down before it dropped the package lol. i know someone was mad for that one

You can do that? Awesome. Personally I'd wait until he has the Package and see what's in it, save the ammo.

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How rude!

I only ever use the SCAR-H with Holographic sights with AA-12 Shotgun, though i do occaisonally switch to M4 with Holographic and AT4 launcher, im only level 19. Waiting for bling perk then the only gun i will use is the SCAR-H.

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Got my best kill streak the other night, think it ended up about 15/16.

10/11 kills from me, the rest from the support helicopter.

It was on that map in the desert area with the destroyed planes in the middle. At the back, at least I think it's the back, is an area with some destroyed cars, and a slope going up the side of the mountain there always seems to be a choke point at. Either one team is at the top of it and defending it, or at the bottom attacking it. At the top is the other side to that cave.

I had the pickup ammo perk, and basically was mingling at the bottom hiding behind cars/rocks when the enemy was trying to get to the top. Just managed to keep killing and raining the enemy with flashbangs every time they came back, due to me constantly restocking off enemy bodies. Kept moving around. I got a couple of kills with the semtex (sticky explosive) as well, I seem to prefer that to grenades as my throw seems to be quite accurate a lot of the times.

That ammo pickup perk is very useful, especially with the SCAR which runs out of ammo fast. However it was one of the smaller machine guns I had, not the MP5, the UPK or something? Can't remember exactly.

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It spawns you next to / around a teammate or "away from the enemy" like it did in MW1 - I think it's a great system.

That absolutely fails big time in Free for all. I play game mode a lot and most of the time I seem to spawn pretty close to where I died thus leading to me getting spawn killed most the time. Definitely an issue.

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Played for 1.5 hrs and the Act 1 is complete. Why is the single player so small ? im not big up for multiplayer as my internet is slow. Guess its gonna be a quick resale after 2-3 days.

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