[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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What tactic did you use for the High Explosives one? (favela x10 juggers). Me and a mate did it on Veteran the other day, took about 3 hours! Then we saw the ''cheat'' on youtube -.-

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Echo just requires lots of planing and tactical stuff to take them down. More of setup and then retreat blasting them juggernauts. And lots of luck :D

How do you the Favela one though, that is just insane?!?

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Wait what? :|

sometimes we died after 5 minutes, other times it went on for about 10 minutes before we died. just kept going until we did it.

How do you the Favela one though, that is just insane?!?

Man, that took literally 70 attempts. We got to the last one about 4 times! so agonizing :( it's just luck, every time one of us were downed with 2 juggers around us, the surviving person had to run around the shante town and then revive the other guy.

One tactic: run and weave in and out of buildings.

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This is why I hate console owners. You think this sort of thing is fine.

Is this common for many UK people? I just don't understand how you have horrible pinged matches all the time.

One tactic: run and weave in and out of buildings.

That is what I have been trying to tell my friends but I guess we'll just keep trying.

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This is why I hate console owners. You think this sort of thing is fine.

I rarely get anything as bad as that on the 360 to be honest. Only had lag a few times. PC version seems to have more bars though than the 360 version.

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I rarely get anything as bad as that on the 360 to be honest. Only had lag a few times. PC version seems to have more bars though than the 360 version.

Yeah because I edited it to give a proper representation of the ping rather than the 200ms increments on xbox live.


Can't even be arsed playing today. No point. ;/

Edit: Mate gave me an awesome idea, going to run Wireshark, collect data on each host and the players in the lobby then use it for analysis. I'll be able to then give definite proof that their matchmaking system is toss.

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i have mostly moved on, the main weaps i use is the Barret /w thermal/FMJ ( given on start ) and the P90 w/Acog/FMJ/Silencer Variations ( Given early on ), got everything but Extended mags on each. w/ almost all the Perks on Pro that i use mainly

Is it me or are people already getting bored of this game? Most of my friends list have gone back to other games and I'm not playing it that much.
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The Favela one with juggernauts... well, we ended up cheating somewhat in the end, as it was just too frustrating dying at the last 2 or smth like that. Get in to a room and one guy just constantly melees him, while other one that cant be seen by juggernauts just revives him all the time. The last one on the oil rig was way easier actually, just plant lots of claymores, so he trips all the time and cant shoot you, while one guy blasts them with rpgs the other one just plants headshots from somewhere behind cover. Aint that hard. Atleast if you have someone that doesnt fail misserably at sniping (like me :D ). Now we are kinda stuck at Oil Rig hostage extraction one. Its all fine and easy all through out, till the last breach when they somehow manage to blow that thing up... ****ing frustrating.

And as far as ping goes, thers been just one time ive had some problems. Usually its like this...


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Spookie I dunno why you're bitching about the console versions of MW2, they're better adapted to this style of play than the PC version. Host advantage with a kb/mouse is better than host advantage with a gamepad (better as in the person has a bigger advantage, which is a negative to all the other players).

Yeah there's some pretty skilled people with gamepads, but everybody and their mom is skilled with a mouse.

Also, far less chance of game drop outs as people aren't running background applications and all that crap on consoles.

Aside from better graphics, I wouldn't touch the PC version. The console experience does not work on a PC, and no I'm not saying I like or dislike the console experience, I'm just saying it doesn't work/suit the nature of a PC. Player hosting kills the PC version.

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Spookie I dunno why you're bitching about the console versions of MW2, they're better adapted to this style of play than the PC version.

I wasn't, I was pointing out the flaws in Lives method of communicating ping. It's like having a GPS which gives you directions with a margin of error of 20 miles! Or a graph without any notations (like the bull**** you see on those skin cream ads!)

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This is why I hate console owners. You think this sort of thing is fine.

This is why I hate PC elitists! Moan moan moan *takes a break to boycott a game* moan moan etc.

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This is why I hate PC elitists! Moan moan moan *takes a break to boycott a game* moan moan etc.

We're going to go over this again?

Edit: In retrospect, AvP news will serve better in it's own thread.

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This is why I hate console owners. You think this sort of thing is fine.

Fine? I don't think it's fine. I think it's better! That's right, I think low pings are WIN. The game plays so much better with players flicking about the map.


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Bitch, bitch, bitch. Play a 'proper' PC game if you don't like it :rolleyes:

Don't be a dick. I enjoy the game, the hosts with a 256k upload located 100 miles away are unbearable.

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Which is console owners' fault, obviously.

I believe you to be partly to blame, yes. But you don't believe not having the option for even a local search is backward? What gets my goat is that you're more than happy to be 'nickled and dimed' all the way to the bank and don't kick up a fuss for even basic features that Halo is able to implement.

Can we get back on to the topic of IW's ****ty matchmaking system now?

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Because you dont know any different, im having a pretty ****poor time of it coming from MW1 to MW2 loads of lag issues on PC on a lot of hosts and my connection is perfectly fine in MW1.

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I believe you to be partly to blame, yes. But you don't believe not having the option for even a local search is backward? What gets my goat is that you're more than happy to be 'nickled and dimed' all the way to the bank and don't kick up a fuss for even basic features that Halo is able to implement.

Can we get back on to the topic of IW's ****ty matchmaking system now?

You're absolutely right, it's MY fault the PC version sucks. I'm sorry. I should be whining on the internet more. That'll make things better won't it?

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Because you dont know any different, im having a pretty ****poor time of it coming from MW1 to MW2 loads of lag issues on PC on a lot of hosts and my connection is perfectly fine in MW1.

The way live handles lag appears to be diffrent too. Rather than getting bullet loss and a 56k effect which is what I get. When I'm on the 360 you get bullets that bend round corners. To the casual gamer that might just seem like **** luck but when you look at it again in the slow mo kill cams you can definitely see the person was out of range for that penetration kill.

I can take the odd bullet loss leading to my death but when I've having to lead my shots, for an entire day, like I did over 9 years ago on my 56k modem while playing UT. It ****es me off.

You're absolutely right, it's MY fault the PC version sucks. I'm sorry. I should be whining on the internet more. That'll make things better won't it?

Stop being so immature? I didn't say the PC version, the matchmaking is C&P'ed from the 360 version. Any flaws I see will be exasperated by the way lag is handled on my platform.

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