[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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I find that SMGs are great with the right perk combination. If you are imaginative in the way you approach enemies, you can close the distance quickly. At close range an SMG will tear up anyone with an Assault Rifle. If you get the drop on someone at a distance then firing in bursts will take them down in short order - I have killed a few snipers with the P90 at ranges that they should dominate.

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I think you'll find that's classified as cheating.

Getting on the roof in Highrise is not a glitch or cheating. There are even little easter eggs put up there by IW so they obviously meant for people to get up there.

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This game puts shame in the name of Modern Warfare.

What some of you consider "balanced" is what I feel is unfair and pure luck. I think a game is considered balanced when the better team, in terms of shot, reflex, and teamwork, wins.This game did exactly what Halo 3 did to the Halo series. Instead of winning because your shot or teamwork is better, you can now win by luckily having the right thing with you at the right time. However, Halo 3 has the MLG playlist to balance out the game.

IW has added so many thing that slow down the pace of the game so it's easier for the lesser skilled to play. Heartbeat sensors, thermal scopes, and overly-complex maps all promote camping. With the heartbeat sensor, you can literally sit in one building all game and pick off enemies. If someone tries to sneak up behind you, unless they have Ninja, you'll be alerted and can just sit in another corner and wait for them to walk in and kill em. The thermal scopes are now made for people who can't seem to see in the normal conditions on the map. Now a sniper with a thermal scope doesn't need to have a keen eye to spot people from afar, but rather he can just stare down an open field until an obvious white blob appears on the screen! The thermal abuse is most often seen on Wasteland, since snipers can just sit around in the grass, almost invisible, and spot a white glowing enemy from across the map that normally should not be spotted so easily.

They even screwed up with the maps in this game. Almost all of the maps are much too large and are overly complex. There is ALWAYS a tiny nook that someone can hide in and peek out to kill people. Maps are littered with rooftops that often only have one way to get up there, resulting in difficult takeback strategies when the other team is on top. Most of the maps are also filled with blind corners which just end up being a battle of luck when running through some of the streets and alleyways. They're so complex to a point that it's almost impossible to check all your corners when moving around the maps which lead to unlucky deaths.

In MW2, you can be losing and go on the streak of 3 or 4 and get lucky from an airdrop and get an AC 130! All of a sudden, because of the luckiest airdrop ever, you can go on another 10 kill spree if you play it right. Death Streaks are some of the lamest things I've seen in a game, but luckily, they're not too overpowered. A person who's doing poorly and died 3 times in a row can all of a sudden be a juggernaut that soaks up an entire magazine of bullets without dying.

Most of the weapons are fine, but SMG's have been completely nerfed. I do use the UMP45 with red dot and get a good amount of kills with it, but the spray from hip fire is a bit ridiculous now. The shotguns, however, are a completely different story. Somehow IW thinks that not being able to zoom in using shotguns somehow balances their power. Those guns don't even require any aiming and can kill from 30 feet away! What's even worse is that now shotguns are now under the secondary weapon section. A sniper, who made a choice to have a long range class, should not have the freedom to have a powerful mid and close range weapon so easily. The same goes for some of the machine pistols too. Some of those are practically mid range SMGs.

Lastly, the spawns in this game are horrendous. In Halo 3, if you pay attention and coordinate correctly, you can predict where enemies will spawn. In MW2, I've killed a guy on a roof in Karachi, when I was right behind him, and he literally respawned in the corner I was walking into on the same roof! The game didn't even try to respawn him away from the enemy(me) at all. What's even more confusing is why there is a spawn on a roof?!

The only thing that keeps me sane when playing this game are the Demolition, Domination, and CTF gametypes. If the teams are even remotely balanced in skill, then the gametypes force movement and coordination instead of corner camping. Overall, the game is much less competitive, putting the hands of the game more in luck than skill, and although I will still be playing this game for a bit, I don't see how I could anywhere near the amount I did for COD4.


Edited by Trong
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I agree with a decent amount of what you have to say more or less.

I will say the guy spawned on the roof right where you kill him because of a tacticaln insert flare or whatever it is called I think no?

And I dont agree that it is ALL luck, and what I mean is I tend to believe the people who tend to "abuse" the drops, etc. are doing so because they are very very good and earning the streaks, although I do agree it is now a much much easier game to do so thanks to the heartbeat monitor. I honestly did not know what to think about it since I do not have it yet but everytime I saw I was killed by one in my kill cam, which is definitely very, very often, I thought to myself how stupid, and after reading your breakdown of it I agree 110%. What a beat thing to put in a MP game honestly. So stupid.

So yeah I think a summary of what you said (if I may) is basically what IW has done is make MP for the masses based on what was an incredibly solid and tight MP experience, but making it for the masses means they dumbed it down a whole lot, to the point it no longer feels the best more skilled team wins, and just the luckiest do.

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I agree with a decent amount of what you have to say more or less.

I will say the guy spawned on the roof right where you kill him because of a tacticaln insert flare or whatever it is called I think no?

And I dont agree that it is ALL luck, and what I mean is I tend to believe the people who tend to "abuse" the drops, etc. are doing so because they are very very good and earning the streaks, although I do agree it is now a much much easier game to do so thanks to the heartbeat monitor. I honestly did not know what to think about it since I do not have it yet but everytime I saw I was killed by one in my kill cam, which is definitely very, very often, I thought to myself how stupid, and after reading your breakdown of it I agree 110%. What a beat thing to put in a MP game honestly. So stupid.

1. I completely forgot about that! Yeah, there's a definitely a chance that Tac Insert was the culprit. Although, that would be really lame :\

2. That's true, I didn't mean to say it that way but I do think luck is a much bigger factor in this game.

I just really needed to post that rant somewhere. The game drives me nuts sometimes.

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1. I completely forgot about that! Yeah, there's a definitely a chance that Tac Insert was the culprit. Although, that would be really lame :\

2. That's true, I didn't mean to say it that way but I do think luck is a much bigger factor in this game.

I just really needed to post that rant somewhere. The game drives me nuts sometimes.

Believe me I can totally relate, as I already posted my rant well over 20 pages back now. ;)

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to the point it no longer feels the best more skilled team wins, and just the luckiest do.

Utter ******** imo. Someone gets lucky in a care package. Grats to em. If you've got issues with the care packages. Shoot the heli it comes in on or shoot down the reward. Most take 1/2 hits and it's gone.

Instead of winning because your shot or teamwork is better, you can now win by luckily having the right thing with you at the right time.

Being prepared != luck.

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Utter ******** imo. Someone gets lucky in a care package. Grats to em. If you've got issues with the care packages. Shoot the heli it comes in on or shoot down the reward. Most take 1/2 hits and it's gone.

Being prepared != luck.

First off you are responding at me like it is what I was actually saying instead of taking the minute to actually read the entire sentence and see I was attempting to summarize Trongs feelings since someone else had asked for a summary. In fact I start the sentence with "So yeah I think a summary of what you said (if I may)"

And another fact is in the paragraph right above I distinctly say I disagreed with him about the specific topic of care packages and feel that a lot of people who get care packages actually earn them.

So yeah, way to not even read what I actually wrote.

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So yeah, way to not even read what I actually wrote.

I was being lazy and using your paraphrasing to reply to him, too busy trying to watch Never Mind the Buzzcocks at the same time. :D

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Utter ******** imo. Someone gets lucky in a care package. Grats to em. If you've got issues with the care packages. Shoot the heli it comes in on or shoot down the reward. Most take 1/2 hits and it's gone.

Being prepared != luck.

I don't see how it's fair that someone who went on a streak of 3 or 4 randomly gets a Chopper gunner from the care package. When your team is preventing any long kill streaks, you should be prepared for simple/smaller kill streak services. A completely random service like a Chopper Gunner or AC 130 is completely unreasonable for a 3-4 kill streak. And as we know, luck is a derivative of randomness. I can understand when it comes from an Emergency Care Package because that takes an 7-8 kill streak, but 3-4 is too little.

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I don't see how it's fair that someone who went on a streak of 3 or 4 randomly gets a Chopper gunner from the care package. When your team is preventing any long kill streaks, you should be prepared for simple/smaller kill streak services.

Simpler kill streaks still include UAV's which you still get points for shooting down!

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Simpler kill streaks still include UAV's which you still get points for shooting down!

I dunno about you but I care more about the win than I do the points :\

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I dunno about you but I care more about the win than I do the points :\

It's easier to grab unguarded flags on Dom when the opposition can't see you. :)

Most people don't give a toss about the win though unfortunately.

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Most people don't give a toss about the win though unfortunately.

Too many times I've seen people on my team just sat next to one of our flags on Dom and do nothing as the opposite team are taking it. The A point on Afghan seems most prevalent for this, people just seem to sit in the bunker and snipe people up on the cliff to bolster their k:d ratio, rather than turn to their left and keep the flag for us. The bottom of the hill leading to the back of A makes for such a great bottleneck too. :pinch:

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I agree with some of what you say. But I still find balance is alot better in MW2. This is perhaps because it is "easier" to get a kill with things like heartbeat sensor and thermal scope. The godly COD4 players get a few less kills and the not so great players get a few more kills.

I certainly found, with COD4, a good team would completely dominate a bad team. The killstreaks, especially the helicopter, would often leave no chance for a team to really come back. But with the chance of random care packages and the overly complex maps the tide can quickly change.

I wasn't really sure what to think of MW2 when I first bought it. But I quite enjoy it now, though maybe that's because I am alot better at MW2 than COD4.

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