[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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I have seen about 3-4 adverts tonight from Sainburys offering the ?26 deal! I rang my local tescos and they said they wud b selling it at ?39.70 at midnight, im hoping that sainburys has good stock but a guy who works with me knows a guy who works there and apparently they got 4 copies on each platfor:s:s

Some stores will be "trial stores" they dont want to send a small store alot when they wont sell it, they will see how long after opening those 4 copies take to sell, the next day send a delivery of 8, see how they sell etc. Trial and error.

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Tesco advert in the Mirror today confirms the same deal as earlier in the thread (i.e under 30 quid... but only if you buy another game in the top 20....) I somehow doubt that would change overnight, as it would completely defeat the point in advertising today :p

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Omg, i'm loving this, as expected, got 3 Pro Perks now, level 20 now i think, I ran home off the school bus to get the box from my letter box :L, Parcelforce didn't make me sign for it either, so yeh :) Urm not tried Spec-Ops or Solo but I am enjoying MP, Party option is very annoying!

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Omg, i'm loving this, as expected, got 3 Pro Perks now, level 20 now i think, I ran home off the school bus to get the box from my letter box :L, Parcelforce didn't make me sign for it either, so yeh :) Urm not tried Spec-Ops or Solo but I am enjoying MP, Party option is very annoying!

So how are the Pro perks, do they have a real effect or not? Things like Sleight of Hand Pro reducing time to aim down the sights (Good for me considering I aim a lot in CoD4, and this is usually the death of me).

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Omg, i'm loving this, as expected, got 3 Pro Perks now, level 20 now i think, I ran home off the school bus to get the box from my letter box :L, Parcelforce didn't make me sign for it either, so yeh :) Urm not tried Spec-Ops or Solo but I am enjoying MP, Party option is very annoying!

I'm jealous of your sig! lol

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LoL at the losers waiting hours in line just to buy a videogame :D Just hilarious! I mean look at their faces. Like they are waiting to fu*k for the first time.

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Getting a bit bored of the respawn system. It consists of:


Walk three feet

Get shot in the back


Walk three feet

Die to pred missile


Walk three feet

Die due to jet

This maybe unique to TDM though.

that doesnt sound fun at all! :(

btw screw all you haters ragging on the guy with his NVGs!

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zomggg cant wait to get down to sainsburys at 8am tomorrow.

so syked even though i've played it on 360. Do want that awesome online play feeling. Havent felt it since I stopped playing CoD/Halo 3 about 6 months ago O.o

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man, ya'll are making me sick.. I am ready to play, but xbox is at home and of course I have relocated to a new job in a new city so... I can't go and get it till the weekend...... :(

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that doesnt sound fun at all! :(

I think it's a bit of an exaggeration. Most of the maps are well designed so that you can take cover under something when predator missiles, air strikes, choppers, jets and whatnot are called. Only reason you'll die that much is if you don't play it smart and keep running out in the open. Also, once you learn the maps it's a little easier to avoid dying that much.

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I think it's a bit of an exaggeration. Most of the maps are well designed so that you can take cover under something when predator missiles, air strikes, choppers, jets and whatnot are called. Only reason you'll die that much is if you don't play it smart and keep running out in the open. Also, once you learn the maps it's a little easier to avoid dying that much.

I'm actually looking forward to picking up this game. But I'm still undecided as to what platform to plunge for, X360 or PC. PC is what I'll play more MP wise and what I feel most comfortable with (K+M), but X360 will probably have the larger user base.

I'm stuck. Even though I won't be picking it up for a long while. I just don't know what platform. I might go with the 360.

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I think it's a bit of an exaggeration.

Come back to me once you've been on Wasteland. There is no overhead cover bar the middle of the map with bunkers which turn in to a shooting gallery with a 25% chance of surviving.

As a chopper gunner you can shoot the doorways, windows and still kill people. I know I've done it. They have a hell of a large splash range.

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Come back to me once you've been on Wasteland. There is no overhead cover bar the middle of the map with bunkers which turn in to a shooting gallery with a 25% chance of surviving.

As a chopper gunner you can shoot the doorways, windows and still kill people. I know I've done it. They have a hell of a large splash range.

Yes I've played Wasteland. Notice I said most, not all.

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