[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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Just got mine in morrisons for ?25.99 (ended up spending ?47 ther:laugh:h: ), no queues, no fuss, took a while to find the box lol.

Although it was great for me, I kind of feel Morrisons dropped the ball on it, seeing as how much Sainsburys advertised.

I also need amazon to drop their price no:(:( , as i've got a 'dispatching soon' order since yesterday.

Edited by acnpt
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I don't really get what's lol worthy about that. They said quite clearly they aren't talking censorship but how they can ensure shops don't sell games like MW2 to kids whilst also supporting our great video game industry in this country.

Absolutely. I agree with them too. As long as adults can make the games they want, and adults can then buy the games they want, without any censorship it's all good. Children shouldn't really be buying or playing these games. I think it does come down to parenting too. The parents should be taking an interest in the games their child is playing and if they think it's too violent or inappropriate they shouldn't get them it. Wonder how many parents were queuing up at midnight so their kid could play MW2 before school.

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I've had some REALLY bad connections to games. 1 bar. That's not right, I have an 8 MB line and 80% wireless signal...it's never need that bad before.

PS3 user here.

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I've also got a weird bug, that I can only assume was triggered when I got signed out of PSN. It no longer updates what my friends are doing (at least 2 of them). Can't be bothered to reset my console - I'll just play story instead.

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Damn, reading through this thread, I'm becoming less hopeful that Best Buy or Future Shop will have copies available this morning. It sounds like a lot of those midnight launches were actually pretty packed. Still, I'll try though.

I'm buying the 360 version, but I believe my brother is buying the PC version (despite my best attempts to dissuade him). At least I'll be able to see just how bad IWNet really is.

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Anyone know if this can be forced into 1080 on the PS3 by deselecting the other outputs like the first one?

it defaults to 1080 for me, no trophies have unlocked though which is kinda annoying

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I personally actually like the fact they got away from dedicated servers on PC version. The reason for this was that there was too much hacking, there were too many pirated versions and you had no real control over who was playing the game and cheating was rampant.

IWNet system solves these issues because it keeps stuff going through IW and uses Steam like anti-cheat.

What Bowling (FourZeroTwo) said:

The biggest benefit of using IWnet by far is the fact that you don't have to worry about joining a server full of aim-bots, wallhacks, or cheaters," Bowling writes. "Or relying on the server admin of the server to constantly be monitoring, banning, and policing it.
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i think traditionally, you try to get there before the stock runs out... one thing led to another and now its midnight releases and super long queues

Can't this issue be alleviated by pre-orders though?

because aside from getting the game a bit early, one could say that the social atmosphere is where its at. some of us do get out of our houses and socialize with the rest of the world.

i met some people, great convo and had a blast. it was an great turnout at my gs location. even met a couple friends i havent seen in over 10 yrs. it was great.

hmm, i couldve ordered and had it shipped to me. F that, never have, never will. i enjoy the experience too much to sit at home on my ass.

on another note, i got home and played some mp. lvl 9 and called it. i didnt get to play any sp at all cause my son/babymoms asleep. i like to hear the action. all the yelling, cries, especially my orders! lol so i settled for earpiece and some mp till later on today.

fantastic game. was great to listen to everyone ingame enjoying themselves as much as me. theres sooo much packed into the mp! will we ever finish?

And I stopped reading after that. Did you honestly think my entire reason for posting was so I didn't have to leave the house? :rolleyes: I was getting to the point of saying some of us lead slightly busy lives and dropping all that for a game seemed a bit silly.

Either way, after work and before class today I'll be grabbing mine. Won't have time to play it until I get back from class at 4:30pm. Unfortunately I have got an insane accounting test to study for this week, how cruel is that?!?

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