[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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I'm not that hardcore with MW2 (yet :)), what's Spec ops? Is it playable on 360? Certain version of the game necessary? Thanks!

Spec Ops is a Co-Op game mode that is on all versions of the game (As far as I'm aware, I'm only dubious about the PC version). There is no version necessary to play this.

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Well once you've finished SP add tehspookeh on live if you need a co-op partner for Spec ops. :)

Ima add you today Spookie, if you don't mind :). My gamertag is veritas310. You're in the UK? Time difference might put a damper on the co-op but who knows!

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I'm not that hardcore with MW2 (yet :)), what's Spec ops? Is it playable on 360? Certain version of the game necessary? Thanks!

It's like the challenge rooms in Batman: AA. Only more difficult. :|

YEEEEEEEEAH just went on a rampage, killed 22 people in one life! Admittedly I only got 10, but my kill streak rewards included the Harrier. :D

Ima add you today Spookie, if you don't mind :). My gamertag is veritas310. You're in the UK? Time difference might put a damper on the co-op but who knows!

Done. I'm up at all hours so no worries. :p

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So who has played in MP on PC yet? I wanta see how IWnet works.

I have been playing most of the morning. Haven't had any major issues. Received the host migration message once, but that was all.

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Most of the unlocks are for vet.

Quick tip for MP, though the radar scrambler may seem cool at first, it's like a beacon saying "HI YEAH YOU FOUND ME". I've killed countless people with that today, ready down my sights before they could get a shot off.

Wait what?

Surely a scrambler is the opposite of a beacon no? :s

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I'm on the intro mission and halfway through the range my game gives me either a black screen or a white screen when I get to a similar spot each time. I just upgraded my PC too, hadn't reformatted. Anyone else having similar problems?

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Headed to Toys R Us after work to pick this up, since I have the gift card from ODST. They better still have copies! (I expect they will.)

Plan on going through on the easiest setting first playthrough, then on Veteran later on.

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oh man, that's just nasty. I *nearly* bought via steam and I'm glad I didn't. That's just down right nasty of them, if you buy PC retail and install it's unlocked, if you buy on steam it's locked another two days. Naturally the steam forums are RAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at the moment as there was nothing said about this before hand.

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Can anyone answer this as I am about to buy it.

To get COD Classic do I need to buy hardened edition or will they release it as an arcade game latter? I don't want to spend the extra 30 just for COD Classic.

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My Understanding is the Hardened Edition comes with it included for the MSRP of $79.99, but it will also be released as a downloadable arcade title later for eitehr 1200 or 1600 MS points.

Personally I would go buy the Hardened Edition at a Toys R Us if you have one so then you could get a $20 Gift Card as well.

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the trophies dont really bother me, the weaksauce sound mix is a is a big problem though, maybe i am just spoiled by uncharted2 and its great audio but mw2 doesnt even use the centre channel for voices making it hard to hear what people are saying.

Really? FS, that sucks hard.

I hate developers that trade off audio as if it's completely irrelevant. To me I'd even go as far to say audio > graphics. Poor show Infinity Ward if the above is true, you have the money to produce good audio.

Sainsburys have dispatched my copy, will arrive tomorrow. Was worth paying ?26 for it.

By the way, Play MW2 on PS3, win a Cpt. “Soap” MacTavish statue.

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Guys I bought it some hours ago for PC and one of the DVD-s didn't work! It just spinned around in the drive for hours. After a billion tries finally it started working...

I'm not going to buy another game from them, ever. Wish I had purchased Left 4 Dead 2 instead...

Anyway, will write my experience when I finally get to play it.

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Got the game this morning for ?17 after trading in 2 games. :DD

I'm loving it so far but I'm feeling the pacing isn't working as well for me as I think it is intended to. At parts I feel the game is trying to be some epic amazing fireworks show but I just don't always know what it wants me to do. It wants me to juggle where the hell I'm going as well as single handedly taking down an army of men!

The multiplayer is really where it's at for me, and I'm glad that this is up to scratch. So much to explore, so many perks, attachments, guns and kill/deathstreaks to try out.

So far the singleplayer, for me, is quite underwhelming but the multiplayer is top notch.

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