[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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i may be wrong but, i couldve sworn it was THEIR servers that lacked. nothing to do with psn at all. they couldnt handle the load...awwwwwwww. apparently more people own ps3's than they thought.

matchmaking is done on their end. theres really no excuse for neglect.

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i may be wrong but, i couldve sworn it was THEIR servers that lacked. nothing to do with psn at all. they couldnt handle the load...awwwwwwww. apparently more people own ps3's than they thought.

matchmaking is done on their end. theres really no excuse for neglect.

Correctamundo! :yes:


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Played 3-4 hours MP yesterday and reached level 21

You dont unlock the hardcore modes until level 19 which is what I was aiming for

My god wtf have they done to this game? They certainly made more suitable for tacticool kids

Silencers on high caliber sniper rifles, light machine guns and ****in shotguns WTF!?

I enjoy the game very much but that is the dumbest **** I have ever seen

This is the average gun in MW2:




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Ah...so it was the match making servers that got hammered last night on the PSN network...pity ~I hope the sort it out soon....Just played a few hours last night on SP and had the goodness of dual wielding Uzi's!!

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Ah...so it was the match making servers that got hammered last night on the PSN network...pity ~I hope the sort it out soon....Just played a few hours last night on SP and had the goodness of dual wielding Uzi's!!

Activisions PS3 Matchmaking Server's were hammered. They felt they had sufficient servers online for ps3's mp demand.

boy were they wrong. they added more servers to allow 20,000 simultaneous queries.

they just felt they had to wash their hands by saying it was a psn issue for some reason. said 'it broke'. lol, riiiight.

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Btw. What movies did you find they inspired from in single player? Atleast one that stroke me as obvious was The Rock similarities. I mean shower room in gulag and green smoke on top of white house.



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I personally thought the story line was brilliant, after I understood what was happening I changed my opinion of it not making any sense.

Edited by Brad.
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Not to mention they said they had "15 brand new MP maps!" and like, 5 or 6 are just reskinned maps from COD2/4 lol again!

So which CoD4 maps have made a reappearance? Because I hope that Crash and Crossfire are back!

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Going through Veteran at the moment, I'm happy they toned down how annoyingly broken it could be at the Veteran difficulty with the constant grenades and constant re-spawns.

WaW was highly highly annoying for this, but MW2 seems to be the actual game, just harder.

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I care. I would've gotten the PC version if not for all the issues.

This. I have bought EVERY cod game so far until now, this is a huge slap in to face to all pc gamers and I can't believe they did this. It is incredibly stupid as well, they had a good model in mw1 that pc gamers loved, why do all this work on iwnet and such if all it is going to do is enrage their whole pc fanbase?

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Going through Veteran at the moment

Hats off to you there (and everyone else that's doing/done Veteran). I completed it last night on Hardened (loved it) and then started again on Veteran... Can't say I'm enjoying it as much because so far I've had my arse handed to me about 50 times in a row :(

I was a late-comer to the COD series (only picked up COD4 around this time last year) and my hopes of any decent online action went straight away when my mates invited me and I realised I had a pea-shooter whilst everyone else had full blown machine guns resulting in me being continually slaughtered (glad they've introduced death-streaks in MW2) and so I stuck to single player but never felt I was particularly good at it.

I think my main fault is coming from things like Halo where you can get in the open and take a battering without worrying too much means my style of play is completely wrong for games like this. I've started trying to adapt but I still screw up at times and get a bit gung-ho which quickly results in my death :p Any tips from you guys on how to tackle Veteran (or just general playing tips) would be welcomed if you don't mind.

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Are the PSN server working again, i.e. Invite/Join friends...

Servers are back up, party patch coming today I think.

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I personally thought the story line was brilliant, after I understood what was happening I changed my opinion of it not making any sense.

I hope it is because I haven't completed my first run through yet and at least in the game it's been more than once where I was "what the hell is happening"

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Played my first few games online, as usual I suck at fast paced FPS games haha. Always dieing, got a few kills.

Bloody DS charge ran out, gotta recharge it just now, I'll play some more later.

The matchmaking doesn't seem to do a good job of putting you with people your level, I had tons of high level players in my few games :/

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The matchmaking doesn't seem to do a good job of putting you with people your level, I had tons of high level players in my few games :/

We were actually just talking about this last night when I was playing, the matchmaking is more or less non existent, just once in awhile you end up with people on your level. I really do not think they do it.

So my K/D Ration first day of playing 1.22, after playing yesterday my K/D Ratio is now .63 or even lower as that was the last time I checked. I guess people know the maps already. LOL

And this is why I have a love / hate relationship with this MP game. I am either doing okay or doing horrible, no in between it seems, and I really wish there was a better matchmaking system in place cause when I am with people the same level as me I tend to do good or real good.

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We were actually just talking about this last night when I was playing, the matchmaking is more or less non existent, just once in awhile you end up with people on your level. I really do not think they do it.

So my K/D Ration first day of playing 1.22, after playing yesterday my K/D Ratio is now .63 or even lower as that was the last time I checked. I guess people know the maps already. LOL

And this is why I have a love / hate relationship with this MP game. I am either doing okay or doing horrible, no in between it seems, and I really wish there was a better matchmaking system in place cause when I am with people the same level as me I tend to do good or real good.

Sounds like I'm screwed then. I'll be able to play MP for the first time Friday but man I am getting nervous my KDR is going to take a dive from the start.

Wasn't this how matchmaking was more or less in the original though (level matchup wise)?

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Glad to see other people getting it. I was like there's no way the game has sold 6 million copies and counting and so far and EVERYONE is level 25+ :laugh:

Heck there's always level 1~9 characters in games, even months later.

It's pretty poor IMO, not that beginner friendly. I mean it does try to balance in that I had like a level 30+ player, and two high teens, where as the other team were in like the low/mid 20's. However me at level 1 trying to combat level 20's with better weapons/perks ect is rather unfair.

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