[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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So much for boycotting...



I guess (now closed) L4D2 boycott group will look the same come nov 17th.


I'm quite done.

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Decent amount of experience with the first, but IW can't really make a game based off the belief EVERYONE who'll buy the sequel played the hell out of the first.

Anyway before it looks like I'm angry about this I'm not, I just think it's a little careless and kicks off MW2 as frustrating more than fun for me when I finish with 2 kills, 16 deaths :p Most of that not because I'm REALLY bad, but I have no clue about the maps and I'm playing with rank 30+ players who know them back to front.

For the first couple of ranks at least it should try to keep you with players say 10~13 and under, then after that for the sake of speed open it up to higher ranks. Just IMO anyway. Obviously 9 months after the games released and you're playing it for the first time that might be harder.

I dunno, in COD you cant really tell a persons skill by the level that person is - more like how long they have played.

The game is so straightforward not to mention you level very fast that even lvl1s can own lvl30+ people :p

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Ok guys I need help with the Pitt so I can get the achievment! Could someone please tell me the combination of guns to use because I have a feeling it's just a matter of using up one gun and switching guns instead of reloading (be ause it's faster) and the using your knife for the last target before the final run to the finish am I wayy off?

I ran through it once so I could get the USP. Then I used an M9 and that pistol, used the M9 till the stairs or the entrance to the first building. I then swapped to the USP reloading when I jumped down. Ended up with a time of 35 odd seconds then got -5.7 knocked off due to hitting all the targets and not wasting a bullet.

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So much for boycotting...



I guess (now closed) L4D2 boycott group will look the same come nov 17th.

That was to be expected. How many people online do you think actually mean what they say.... Too many hypocrites running around this world. I'm boycotting it. Playing MW1 still :p

I'd be boycotting l4d2 as well, but since my friend knows someone with EA, I'm getting a free copy with luieville bat :)

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Played the first level in campaign and went straight to MP. ****ing amazing upgrade from previous COD games, I love everything about it. I just need to get used to it again.

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Right, since no one is out this weekend I'm taking it as an omen to **** off the 360 version and buy the PC. I can't use the pad it's a retardization of the KB+M and I'm sick of it.

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I played through the singleplayer, and I found it pretty weak as a game. The locations, the characters and the weapons all looked amazing. But for the most part the gameplay was just generic and bloody annoying. I continually found myself lost or cornered with no cover! Most of the levels open with stunning landscapes but before long my screen is red and I am searching for cover as my team wait for me do something. I had these problems with COD4 but they seem alot worse in MW2. The story wasn't bad, but it was continually over the top which gets old fast. The best bits, for me, were non-combat bits.

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Man way to get a well spoken member of the gaming community on to take part in the debate. :laugh:

I never heard of this thirsty gamer, but wow he was not eloquent whatsoever, in fact it seemed like he was so damn pleased just to be on camera that he almost forgot how to talk completely. My assumption has to be they contacted a few more reputable gaming news sources and none of them wanted to participate in the discussion since they realized it was just sensationalism, so they wound up with this guy, but seriously while he may have been trying to make a decent point and argument, he really was a poor representation for the gaming community at large.

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Is it me or is this one alot harder in MP than CoD4 was? CoD4 was hard enough with all the random things that can happen, stray bullets going through walls and hitting you in the head, random grenades, stray noob toobs etc. but with all the other variables thrown in this one it makes it really REALLY hard to be consistently good.

All these killstreaks we can unlock are hard to get excited about due to them being really f*cking hard to unlock! In CoD4 I could get a helicopter on average once every game, in MW2 I'm lucky to get 1 UAV.

I'm no newbie to shooters, I've played them since I can remember, so I'm not so sure it's my lack of skill as much as it is the unbalance of this game.

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Has anyone noticed that the emblem in your callsign (the background bit you can change) that the irish and italian flags are the wrong way around?

Awsome game can't fault it so far

you just did lol.

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