[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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grrr. Can't see it from work.. Is it a youtube video? Cause if so I can see it on my iphone

yeah it's a YT video.

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What gun are you guys using online? I can't seem to figure out a gun that I'm happy with yet...I'm only level 13 so far though.

Can players see the red-sight thing when your using the it to aim?

I started with the M4A1 and then when i had unlocked all its stuff i went onto the SCAR

As for attachments i normall use holographic sight and heartbeat monitor, with the Bling perk, and the perk that increases bullet damage (before i got the bling perk i used the slight of hand perk to decrease reload time)

And no if you aim at sum1 they wont know, well not from the sight anyway

As for secondary i use the AA12 shotgun - beast of a gun, whip it out when going round a corner, no1 stands a chance due to its fast fire rate, its just a bit inaccurate until u unlock the grip for it

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With all the hype of the PC version being horrible, the multiplayer experience has not been that bad.

The only flaws I see are that I cannot quit a laggy match without penalty, and sometimes the matchmaking will kick my friends out and we have to remake our party.

If gameplay can be slightly smoother overall, and these flaws fixed, I'd say this system is quite acceptable. Perhaps even prefered.

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Yeah so far the MP has been quite smooth for me on PC as well. Very surprised in fact. I've only seen a host migrated twice and it migrated instantly both times to a new host, took all of maybe 6 seconds to complete the change. I have zero problem finding a game to play in, I just wish I could choose which map I want to play that's all.

And playing Spec Ops with my friend in Alaska is all but impossible because of lag. That isn't IW's fault though sadly lol

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yeah high power rifles using silenceres! that is fake as hell

oh wait



wish the silncers on the shotgun was bigger though. it is much to small

Yah a homemade one of a kind research shotgun doesnt really count. Im sure a AA12 would destroy that silencer in half a burst lol.

Also that sniper was designed with silence in mind, not something you easily attach :p you also mentioned the wiener silencer sizes they use in MW2 compared to real ones.

I wouldnt be surprised if MW3 had akimbo Barrett .50 cal or something even more tacticool stupid crap lol :p

Side note: Anyone notice how much better and wanted the ACOG scope is compared to the crappy COD4 one? :p

Yes! it was useless in COD4 :)

Loving the new one.

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OK, I got to the last level last night (on the easiest setting), and I have to say, while the game is definitely good, it's not a game changer or worthy of the massive hype (I'm only referring to the singleplayer here).

There was no time in the game where I thought "wow, I have never done something like this before!" In fact, to the contrary, it just felt like "well, I guess this is the stereotypical sniper/defense/find the captive level." And I don't mean that in a bad or good way... I mean it's just not any different. It felt less like a Call of Duty game and more like they were trying to throw in all the generic levels of other FPS games. And while none of the levels were bad, none of them set themselves apart.

The story is also rather bad as well. Anyone who ever gave Gears of War grief over its story can't say a thing about this one, as I'd say it's easily far worse.

It's definitely a good game. I will be playing the hell out of it for a long time to come. I'd say the singleplayer is a solid 8/10.

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anyone have any tips on the Timed Submarine mission? I always either run out of time or die Those AGMs take too f***ing long to load up. *btw I'm on Veteran

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I personally thought the story line was brilliant, after I understood what was happening I changed my opinion of it not making any sense.

I fully agree. The story is not bad at all, the storytelling could use some more work though. I do love how they executed the plot twists. But overall it was just chaos all over. Which kinda suits the gameplay in a way. Very intense game. Loved every minute of it.

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Getting the hang of MP - game top in my last 2 games (one on losing side, one of winning side) and one of them was 3rd person domination. 3rd person FEELS slow but I actually enjoyed it.

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Getting the hang of MP - game top in my last 2 games (one on losing side, one of winning side) and one of them was 3rd person domination. 3rd person FEELS slow but I actually enjoyed it.

If you like slower gameplay I suggest you try the hardcore modes.

They usually play out slower and force you to listen to your surroundings instead of the interface telling you anything and everything about your enemies.

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If you like slower gameplay I suggest you try the hardcore modes.

They usually play out slower and force you to listen to your surroundings instead of the interface telling you anything and everything about your enemies.

Hardcore S&D is the only hardcore mode I like, Hardcore Team Deathmatch is full of camping to the point I find every match boring or frustrating, or a mix of both.

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'Heavy Rain' Developer Comments On 'Modern Warfare 2' Controversy


"Heavy Rain" is definitely for mature audiences, since it features nudity, violence and crazy, murderous junk yard owners. It also features a level of realism which may disturb some players, even adult players, placing them in scenes that are stomach-churningly intense. It's this level of maturity and realism that made me wonder what the developers of "Heavy Rain" thought of the airport scene in "Modern Warfare 2." At a recent demo in New York City, I spoke to Guillaume de Fondaumiere, co-CEO of Quantic Dream and executive producer of "Heavy Rain," about the scene:

"My take on it is very simple. I don't see any reason why video games should be treated differently than movies, for instance. I think that we should leave game creators free of expressing their vision as they see fit. I think the guys at Infinity Ward had something very precise in mind when they did this scene. The real danger for me is, when you put out such a scene out of context. I can take any movie and take a sequence and make up a story and it will look like something that's amoral or that crosses the line. This is most of the time what happens in video games [in the media]."

It's worth noting that nothing I've seen in "Heavy Rain" comes close to the level or quantity of violence depicted in "Modern Warfare 2," and probably won't have any of the same controversy surrounding it, but it's interesting to see two adult-centric game developers basically agreeing with one another on what should be allowed in the medium.

Source: http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2009/11/13/...e-2-controversy

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I find it it strange that the HR guy didn't find the airport scene "out of context" because it was massively out of context. There was no subtle build-up in terrorist atrocities. It basically went from Teletubbies to MASSIVE GAPING WOUNDS IN THE FACE after one loading screen.

So mother russia should just invade America for the funsies or what? :p

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So mother russia should just invade America for the funsies or what? :p

It's like going from Die Hard 4 to a Paul Verhoeven film about terrorists then back again.

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That has nothing to do with context though - it seems to me like IW couldn't be arsed to provide a decent measured build-up and instead went from a coordinated taskforce dealing with russian nationalists in the ice fields to defcon 5 civilian slaughter just to speed the singleplayer campaign up a notch.

I'm not saying they sought controversy but instead took a shortcut.

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That has nothing to do with context though - it seems to me like IW couldn't be arsed to provide a decent measured build-up and instead went from a coordinated taskforce dealing with russian nationalists in the ice fields to defcon 5 civilian slaughter just to speed the singleplayer campaign up a notch.

I'm not saying they sought controversy but instead took a shortcut.

Yeah it seems they really lacked any good in-game story telling or missions building up the story was mostly vague chatter and moving around the map that left end user lining up the dots more then anything up until the end.

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Yeah it seems they really lacked any good in-game story telling or missions building up the story was mostly vague chatter and moving around the map that left end user lining up the dots more then anything up until the end.

They focused completely in MP/Spec OPS and it's like SP was an afterthought just to keep it in the game. COD normally has some of the best stories to tell, but this one is just complete blah.

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anyone have any tips on the Timed Submarine mission? I always either run out of time or die Those AGMs take too f***ing long to load up. *btw I'm on Veteran


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Just finished campaign mode. The story didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense in places, and some of the early missions seemed really dull. But the second and third act really picked up and I had to keep playing till I'd finished. Definitely a step up from MW1s campaign in terms of gameplay and set pieces. Shame I had to wiki the story to figure out what the hell happened though! :p

Spec Ops is a heck of a lot of fun. I really need to put some hours into unlocking all the missions. If anyone on PS3 is up for some Spec Ops online in the future add me, PSN ID ziadoz. :)

This fruitcake is NOT happy with MW2! :p

Edited by ziadoz
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Just finished campaign mode. The story didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense in places, and some of the early missions seemed really dull. But the second and third act really picked up and I had to keep playing till I'd finished. Definitely a step up from MW1s campaign in terms of gameplay and set pieces. Shame I had to wiki the story to figure out what the hell happened though! :p

Spec Ops is a heck of a lot of fun. I really need to put some hours into unlocking all the missions. If anyone on PS3 is up for some Spec Ops online in the future add me, PSN ID ziadoz. :)

This fruitcake is NOT happy with MW2! :p

haha at that video!

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