[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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In that game I had a stupid kill where it triggered a billion messages...headshots, kills from hip, kills with steady head, kills with stopping power, payback, revenge, stopping a kill streak, recovering from a death streak...it distracted me so much I got melee'd :angry:

Arf. :p

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The "host migration" is driving me crazy. I like the idea of the game continuing, what I do not like is 2 vs 6 games. Many times I have found myself on a 1 vs 5, 2 vs 6 game with no one joining in. It is crazy. Almost to the point I would rather have the game end when the host quits, just keep who is left in the lobby and restart or something. This is on a 360.

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Oh awesome. Apparently if you pirate the game, much like the 360 version, there is no loss in features. You can now play on IWnet too. So that cements that then- no MW3 on the PC at this rate.

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Just had what is definitely going to wind up being my best round ever, I went 14-0

I know for a lot of people that is a normal round, but for me who is usually a dying machine with a K/D Ratio of .73, that is pretty much the best I am going to get.

I actually really like this Mercenary Team Deathmatch mode for when I am just by myself not playing with anyone else. It does not allow any MW2 Parties at all, so just really lone wolfs looking to play and actually play, not teams who can just wind up dominating an entire match. I definitely dig it.

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Oh awesome. Apparently if you pirate the game, much like the 360 version, there is no loss in features. You can now play on IWnet too. So that cements that then- no MW3 on the PC at this rate.

Yes you can, a 'friend' just tried it, he wanted to see what MP was like before buying the game, its fully featured you play alongside all the legitimate players and you dont even need a cdkey or anything, all stats and unlocks get saved as well.

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Just had what is definitely going to wind up being my best round ever, I went 14-0

Just went 29-3 on the PC. :p

Funny how the PC gamers are diffrent to the console owners, lot more running an gunning on the PC, not as many silencers either.

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It's getting quite silly the amount of people asking you where you get certain titles; "OMG where u get GODHAND??????+" *sigh* how the hell should I know how I got like 99% of these titles, they seem so randomly awarded.

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It's getting quite silly the amount of people asking you where you get certain titles; "OMG where u get GODHAND??????+" *sigh* how the hell should I know how I got like 99% of these titles, they seem so randomly awarded.

amen to that.

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amen to that.

Also, is there a map like Wet Work in this game? Because I just saw someone easily go 25-0 there. (Barret sniping mind you).

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Spoiler if you havent completed the game

Umm so wtf

Shephard just went rogue with a huge army he got from where?

Why did he even betray us?

I am bat**** insanely confused :p

Why was MacTavish in Bulag?

Completed it on regular in 5:51 hours

What mode do you guys usually play on? I've found that Ground War is absolutely amazing :D

Switched to hardcore modes only the minute I unlocked them :p

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For the love of god, I finally got my thermal scope for the .50 cal and my computer decided to rebel. I re-installed Windows today and my FPS has taken a serious dip, looking at wide open spaces and it crawls to 20fps, thermal scope? 5-10 fps, it's unbearable! Same drivers, same settings, same everything!

So annoying!

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Got my first 5-kill streak and got myself a turret :cool:

The emergency drop is hilarious, 4 crates falling from the sky like you're playing Worms Armageddon. :D

Got a UAV, a chopper, an airstrike and sentry gun. :)

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I personally went for the Predator strike, Harrier strike and AC-130 - Seems to be the most effective combo for my use, plus the Harrier is extremely effective, an airstrike AN a super-accurate hovering jet? Yes please :p Like 80% of the time, when I get the harrier streak, I'm bound to get the AC-130 as well.

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I personally went for the Predator strike, Harrier strike and AC-130 - Seems to be the most effective combo for my use, plus the Harrier is extremely effective, an airstrike AN a super-accurate hovering jet? Yes please :p Like 80% of the time, when I get the harrier streak, I'm bound to get the AC-130 as well.

Mine is Drop/Pred, Harrier, Emergency.

I tend to always be 1 short of an AC-130 and there is a high chance I'll get it in my emergency drop.

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Some of that Spec Ops **** is hard.

Played with a friend tonight, I didn't get many stars though as most of it said something like "you cannot get stars as you haven't unlocked this yet" :(

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Some of that Spec Ops **** is hard.

Played with a friend tonight, I didn't get many stars though as most of it said something like "you cannot get stars as you haven't unlocked this yet" :(

I would assume that means he was playing on levels you hadn't opened yet.

Go through the easier ones first, wont take too longish to unlock most.

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I would assume that means he was playing on levels you hadn't opened yet.

Go through the easier ones first, wont take too longish to unlock most.

Yup "Overwatch" I think is the name with the AC130 mission

That one is easy to complete on veteran as the guy running on ground wont even have to fire a single shot :p

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