[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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I guess a good bit of it is still to do with learning the maps, seeing as I'm probably screwing up around camping hotspots or losing out to enemies taking shortcuts.

Thats my problem too...on the maps I know well (particularly, the highrise and airport maps), I do really well. But then if it's a map I don't know well, I absolutely suck until toward the end, when I start realizing where people like to hide, etc. Just gonna take some learning and some practice, I guess. :)

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What's some recommended setups for someone at level 20? I've been going with a silencer for a few levels now.

I'm level 23 now, and I've got the UMP .45 bling (holo sight & rapid fire), and the auto shotgun (forget the name). I rarely use the shotgun, as the ump is so awesome.

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really dont know why but i have had rubbishly crap games today O.o 0 kills to 6 deaths, that kinda thing, So much for my good day yesterday, was getting 42-27, 13-1 etc

Was only just recovering my ratio, back down to 0.67 now >.>

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Well, got to play this last night and my god... It's amazing. Loving the Intervention and SCAR already. Managed to get an AC130 too, just ended and someone was in front of me, so I knifed him!

Great fun, but you can't see the heartbeat in Split Screen. :\

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I love the FN SCAR-H, its my fav gun in real life as well, just unlocked the eotech for it, i want the bling perk so i can use the eotech and silencer at same time and thats the only weapon i will ever use.

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I dunno how people keep such low death scores.

I seem to be dead more than I'm alive :laugh: I'm not a bad player (can I find my overall stats anywhere?) I just seem to have absolutely horrible luck. Always seem to turn the wrong corner, turn my back at the wrong second, be the 1 guy picked off out the group of 3, etc etc :laugh:

Sucks :(

I guess a good bit of it is still to do with learning the maps, seeing as I'm probably screwing up around camping hotspots or losing out to enemies taking shortcuts.

Is there a recoil perk or something? Sometimes in death cam it seems like the enemy player who's killed me literally has absolutely no recoil. That's even on some of the large machine guns at times.

What's some recommended setups for someone at level 20? I've been going with a silencer for a few levels now.

stick with silencing your gun, helps if u dont know the maps. try the cold blooded perk perk along with it. what mode r u playing? i find that team deathmatch is a campers paradise... play headquarters or something

if u hold the trigger down when shooting, the recoil gets worse, try shooting in bursts

I'm still using the FAMAS - I've hardly used any other weapon.

Loving it with the thermal scope.

love that gun!

use famas on the smaller levels... m16 on the bigger levels

gonna set up a sniping class tonight for the biggest levels


Unless I'm reading the screen wrong!

u reading wrong !

but dont be fooled with the stats... they lie. all fmj does is add deep impact

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Unless I'm reading the screen wrong!

I think you might be. For me, it shows a very slight increase when added to the M4.

Do the extended mags change the way the gun looks, or just magically give you more bullets per magazine? It'd be awesome if it gave you a C mag for the M4, or barrel mag for the AK. :D

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I love the FN SCAR-H, its my fav gun in real life as well, just unlocked the eotech for it, i want the bling perk so i can use the eotech and silencer at same time and thats the only weapon i will ever use.

That gun and the 50 .cal and Intervention are the only guns I've used so far. Love it.

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They sound awesome and perhaps they are just playlist updates for the future, because IW didn't want a shed-load of game-modes available on day one?

You honestly believe that?

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I just provide alternatives instead of this new-age PC "cry your eyes out" paranoia solution to everything.

Yuh-huh. I just don't trust a company to give something for free after saying they'd charge more for games if they could.

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