[Official] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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Don't go too far...

I think the campaign itself is too linear. Maybe it's like this in all other COD's too, but I don't know as this is the first I've played. It would be a lot better if it wasn't so archaic...and short.

I liked the length of the campaign, personally. I hate singleplayer games that drag on and just repeat themselves (see: Doom 3).

Glad I didn't buy the fail version aka PC version (N)

Was there ever any doubt which version you were getting? :laugh:

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haha its good though, just cannot be bothered to sit at my desk and play it. When i can lie on the sofa and play world at war 2. It must be lazy hehe

when was that one released :laugh:

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I liked the length of the campaign, personally. I hate singleplayer games that drag on and just repeat themselves (see: Doom 3).

Uncharted 2 was a great length and it was considerably longer.

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I don't get this. On multiplayer I get around four killstreaks, but when I was on the phone, I kept getting more I got to six. Off the phone, I suck. lol.

Haha, had the same a few nights ago - I was on a terrible streak that night, I then went to get my toothbrush and brushed my teeth while playing, I got an pretty nice killstreak :laugh:

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I don't get this. On multiplayer I get around four killstreaks, but when I was on the phone, I kept getting more I got to six. Off the phone, I suck. lol.

Whoever you were talking to made you so mad and furious you just had to express your anger somewhere.

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woop , finally got my first nuke :D ,before now i'd never seen/had one in game belive it or not , was playing domination on wasteland and went through my guns ammo plus 2 pickups off dead enemys , got 1 kill with the predator missile and then i managed to stay alive long enough to clean house with my chopper gunner before unleashing all hell with my nuke , it was a pretty satisfying feeling to be honest . And there was no way the other team could catch up so i thought what the hell , final score for me 36-1 and i garuntee right now i'll probobly not get another nuke for weeks or even months .

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Haha, had the same a few nights ago - I was on a terrible streak that night, I then went to get my toothbrush and brushed my teeth while playing, I got an pretty nice killstreak :laugh:

Haha nice.

Whoever you were talking to made you so mad and furious you just had to express your anger somewhere.

Nah I wasn't mad or furious.

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Haha nice.

Nah I wasn't mad or furious.

You were aroused.

My highest is a 5 killstreak. That any good, or what?

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woop , finally got my first nuke :D ,before now i'd never seen/had one in game belive it or not , was playing domination on wasteland and went through my guns ammo plus 2 pickups off dead enemys , got 1 kill with the predator missile and then i managed to stay alive long enough to clean house with my chopper gunner before unleashing all hell with my nuke , it was a pretty satisfying feeling to be honest . And there was no way the other team could catch up so i thought what the hell , final score for me 36-1 and i garuntee right now i'll probobly not get another nuke for weeks or even months .

I was under the impression that kill streak rewards don't actually count towards your kill streak? COD4 and WaW did but MW2 doesn't.

Anyhow congrats, 36 kills is impressive, I want to see a nuke!

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Veteran on this game is super easy. Nothing like WaW. SP is cool but really short.

What I love is the 3rd person mode. I prefer TPS over FPS.

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I was under the impression that kill streak rewards don't actually count towards your kill streak? COD4 and WaW did but MW2 doesn't.

Anyhow congrats, 36 kills is impressive, I want to see a nuke!

It just depends on what kind of killstreak reward you use. Predator missiles count towards your streak bu the sentry gun does not.

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Veteran on this game is super easy.

Because there's also Spec Ops mode now, which is also required to be completed on Veteran to get "1000/1000" in the game, as you'd call it -

I think it's a fair trade-off, because some of the Spec-ops missions on Veteran are a pain in the ass.

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Am I the only person who plays spec ops on veteran completes a map which takes you around 20 mins then at the end see that IW did it in around 2 minutes and just think WTF, how, theirs noway they can be doing this on veteran? wonder if they have any videos of them completing it.

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I don't think the sentry gun counts towards the kill streak becuase your not directly controlling it , you just plonk it down and let it get on with it and it's not leaving you vunerable on the ground like the predator missile and chopper gunners do , although saying that as far as im aware when your piloting the AC130 that actually takes you off the map so im not sure about that one . I just checked the barracks as well and it says my kill streak stands at 33 not 36 so im not sure what happened unless it takes some off for the team mates killed with the nuke even in regular mode .

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It just depends on what kind of killstreak reward you use. Predator missiles count towards your streak bu the sentry gun does not.

That's because the missile does bugger all in terms of killing :(

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It just depends on what kind of killstreak reward you use. Predator missiles count towards your streak bu the sentry gun does not.

Erm, I don't think so. I've had 5 kills, used Predator Missiles , got 2 kills but didn't give me my 7 kill streak award. :blink:

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You can get it onto third person? How?

It is available for several multiplayer game types.

Erm, I don't think so. I've had 5 kills, used Predator Missiles , got 2 kills but didn't give me my 7 kill streak award. :blink:

Maybe I'm wrong. I haven't used that killstreak reward in about 25 levels but I can double check today and see if it does.

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Predator DOES go towards your overall killstreak same with almost every other killstreak reward. ( Could be game-mode depending but it 100% does in TDM and S&D )

It goes towards your kill streak but doesn't help you getting the kill streak reward! I've never had it help me in any game mode! :s

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