Official Zune HD thread

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well i got tired of posting new threads about the zune HD so i decided to make this threads were we can just keep posting news about anything Zune HD here

so far

Zune HD Reviews

Zune HD's packaging, release Date released september 15th

Zune HD's leaked price 16gb for $220 and 32gb for 290

Zune HD Hands on

Zune HD's On-screen keyboard and browser

Zune HD's FCC Shots

Zune HD Specs

Zune HD Pictures


get the Zune HD for $246!


amazing deal for the Zune HD

No plans for the Zune HD out of state

Hands On Zune Original(beautiful)

Edited by jonhapimp
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Looking forward to this! However, I hope it will have a lot of apps that can be added; otherwise it doesn't really stack up against the iPod touch in terms of mobile computing (though in terms of actual media playback it may be superior, seeing as it can show bio information from the internet, it has the 'pins' feature, etc.)

  • 3 weeks later...
  jonhapimp said:
i guess because of supply and demand probably wont have enough because i heard some places are already sold out

I guess... but I figured they would offer it to at least the first xx amount of pre-orders. I pre-ordered mine like literally seconds after it went up on Amazon.

I would buy it from one of the local retailers (Best Buy), but I hate giving them money.

I'm really just being a whiner because it says I should get it Sep. 16... so I guess it really is not that big of a deal.

  S00N3R FR3AK said:
Well my 120gb zune just crapped out on me and due tto the warrnty(a mist have form bets buy) I am getting a zune HD as they had no zunes in stock at all.

I bought my 8GB Zune (now "classic", I guess?) on Saturday from Future Shop, and they had very few left. They're clearing them out, got mine for $100, and they threw in the car adapter kit (which they normally sell, I think, for $60+).

Good value? Sure. Leaps and bounds better than any of the little-known brand name players I've tried so far. But I'm not deluding myself comparing this first-gen product with any iPod (before this devolves into a religious war)...

Got a question for you all.

If you are importing the Zune, what won't work? I assume the radio and the store won't work, but is there anything else that would limit it's capabilities?

I really want one, I'm still stuck with a first gen iPod touch.

  .KICK said:
I want one but it won't be out in the UK for a while...if ever! :( Any sites selling the Zune HD ship internationally?

You can buy them in the UK from I'm considering this but I'm not sure about the potential compatibility issues (i.e. How does it charge from a UK plug? Will the radio work?).

I really wish MS would just release this worldwide or explain why they can't.

Edit: It looks like a lot of my questions are answered when you click on the All Zune HD Details Here! link on that site.

  jakem1 said:
You can buy them in the UK from I'm considering this but I'm not sure about the potential compatibility issues (i.e. How does it charge from a UK plug? Will the radio work?).

I really wish MS would just release this worldwide or explain why they can't.

Radio should work as it is just FM but as the rest I don't know. You can charge via USB too. I think I may just wait and see how other people in the UK manage with it.

  .KICK said:
Radio should work as it is just FM but as the rest I don't know. You can charge via USB too. I think I may just wait and see how other people in the UK manage with it.

Yeah think I will too. I was looking at getting one and then they decided just to release them in the US :( I'm sure they'd be a big seller over here.

  .KICK said:
Radio should work as it is just FM but as the rest I don't know. You can charge via USB too. I think I may just wait and see how other people in the UK manage with it.

Yes, you're right about the FM. It's a shame they won't pick up DAB radio although I wouldn't even expect MS to support that with an official release given their history of poor support for non-US broadcast standards in Media Centre.

The one I ordered arrived this afternoon, unfortunately it is a useless brick until they update their website, which seems to be tomorrow. I guess they really are serious about the street date. All I can do is view the little demo video preloaded on it.

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