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I have been debating this for a bit. I don't seem interested in the ground battles though, is there good progression if they are skipped. And I hope it's single server like eve-online

I have been debating this for a bit. I don't seem interested in the ground battles though, is there good progression if they are skipped. And I hope it's single server like eve-online

I just pre-ordered it, thinking the same thing. The ground battles on youtube seemed REALLY lame.

Managed to get on the closed beta last night, after a little bug from cryptic allowing Pre-order keys access :p

Played for just over 1 hour. My opinions:

Was quite impressed with the graphics, even though I am running a 8600GT I did have to fine tune some settings.

I rushed through the char creator, as I was unsure how long I would be able to play.

The controls where similar to WoW for ground combat, and for ship control wsad worked well. I loved the space combat, ground was so so but worked well in the environments and adds that little extra to the game that I think will work well.

UI seemed to function well, running @ 1024x768, I probably could up that but didn't want to risk losing access :p But the UI did not seem cramped.

I managed to finish the tutorial, but it was fast approaching 12am and I had to go to bed as I was up at 6am.

Basically, after this little go, it makes me even more anxious for Tuesday, where I can slow the gameplay down and really enjoy it.

Well I have to say I enjoy the game, it still has lots of issues that need fixing, but even since I first played last weekend they have changed HUD and there are now animated login screens and a bazillion more customisation options for you're character, they added bridges initially, only aesthetic for the moment, Klingons and now Klingon women (with clothes, for a while they were naked so couldn't be played) but there are issues and I am sure open beta will help pick up more bugs.

I am a bit 'eugh' about the ground combat in all honesty but it'll improve I am sure...I do however love the space combat and it does have SFC feel to it which I really like :)

So it does have it's issues for sure, and I like Raktael LOVE space combat but don't really care for ground combat. I can see the game getting really repetitive though. I mean right now its beta so you are working on accomplishments and seeing how fast you can level up and get that next big ship, or trying to unlock Klingon like the cool kids (although Klingon's still have a lot of bugs) but overall its a good game. Still don't think I will buy it as I want to wait on Star Wars over this one and don't want to purchase this and 6 months later star wars comes out and I have to quit.

Its funny about the open beta access guys getting in last night. The game kicked me, then I had an authentification error for a while, which come to find out the login servers were down not only for us but for Champions also, then they come back up and get flooded with open beta guys getting in. I mean I know its beta and you have issues, but just seems like some of these issues are something you would see in a F2P game and not from a AAA title.

Anybody a Pre-Order that is also a FilePlanet Subscriber that wish's to part with their OB key, fileplanet has screwed me 5 ways from sunday and dont wish to give them my CC info again ( had a different card when i was a subscriber to FP )

so far Pre-Order and Paying FP are the only ways in the OB atm

I'm very excited for the release. I have been getting as much time in the beta as possible, and have been having a blast.

So was it an "Impulse" buy for you?

I'll go back to my corner now... But EB Games is screwing the dog on this one... I pre-ordered the CE in-store and I still haven't gotten my pre-order key...

Well I have spent time in the beta (closed) and expressed some of my views already, when/if you get into beta, remember you're still not playing a finished product and there are still bugs and thats why you're going in there!

I won't be playing much of beta because it will just be frustrating when I get to start the game for real lol.

I might see some of you tonight, message me: Raktael@Raktael will be my handle.

Oh I'm so going to be playing this either tonight or tomorrow once I get home. The open beta is up 24/7 so I can log in as soon as I get home tomorrow morning if that's the case, YAY. Maybe I can squirm my way out of going out today and play at 1 PM :D

yeah message me also in game if you need some help.

I will either be on nwb@smeltn or smeltn@smeltn in game.

For those of you who have not played yet. In order to message someone in game you must you the toon name they are playing on AND the @accountname at the end.. I absolutely HATE this, and I think it leaves way to much open for someone to steal your account since all they need to know is your password now, but hey, they wanted to be lazy and not put in some sort of block so 2 people can't have the same name and that's what you get.

hmm BTW did we have a character wipe for OB? I am just wondering if I have to start over tonight, or will I be able to fly to Earth dock and show off my Enterprise :)

because of the single server structure nature, im down with a Neowin Fleet

only issue is im still undecided on Klingon or Federation. iv seen the size of the High End Klingon

but my favorite StarTrek ships are the BOP's and Defiant

(Edit) here is a image i found, this isnt the one i found last night as it listed the loadouts and BO's of the klingon ships also, so this will be a placeholder untill i get home and check my browser history

(Edit2) i was wondering why there were 2 Constitutions listed, just realized 1 is Abrams 1 is TOS )


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