Finally , Thank God

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Today a blessing has occured. DSL has become available to me. Praise the lords!!! :D:D. Immediataly when they called and told me available i ordered. My DSL activation time is scheduled for next friday, i ordered a home install kit. Omg kick ass. im so happy.i just wanna say ]


[edit- by the way, for all wondering, i have been connecting at 28.8 k for the past 2 1/2 years. 2k download per second. 400 ping in games. HAHAHHA I CANT WAIT FOR DSL!!!!]

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ahh, good ol dsl, i have cable at the moment, dsl ain't available to me, but just as good, so fast, and my ping is either 50-90, sooo sweet, and faction, you got Icq, or Msn?:devious:

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yeah i have icq.. but i rarely use it.. [91788093] i use AIM [facti0n] :)

[lol.. alot of people copy me lately.. especially my "see my desktops" thing in my sig.. some people copy my desktop completely, but whatever, posing is the highest form of flattery :) guess you all just love my style :D]

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400 ping with a 28.8k ? I'd like to see that. When i had a 56K modem my ping times was around 400 and more. With my DSL i get around 60-100, 60 for European servers and 100 for most US servers.

Anyway congrats man, it will make your Internet addiction more fun or should i say even more addictive? :D :D :D

I guess we gonna see some Faction more often now lol :)

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lol no, probably less D:. Now that i can play games ill be there alot more!! :D:D:D. Fear not though, ill still be around just as much. :). i cant wait to play a smooth game of RTCW or CS.. wher eyou shoot and the bullet actually hits!

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Faction even with your modem you played good CS back in the day. I could still kick your ass though ;)

I need to ditch this POS @home. The other day every form of communication going into my house was dead: phone lines, TV cable, cable modem. AT&T is a monopoly and a crappy one at that. Atleast Micorosoft can come up with some decent products (err, not plural, read: XP)

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You're lucky to get DSL connection! I was subscribed with Telstra ADSL before but after 7 months of subscription, I decided to get out because of crappy service and laughable 3 gb monthly usage limit.

I wish to have broadband connection next year and see what I can afford.....if the price and deal is right, I will get into broadband connection again. For now, on 56k dialup everything is slow now because I have get used of fast connection before :)

I can't wait for broadband :(

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Yeah weasel.. not to brag but i was ****ing great on mindpolice / technogeeks server. that was some good ol days. i used to get like 250 ping on there. fun fun ****. i remember beating you and pH's ass somtimes [: read weasel and pH best palyers on server:] with my ping. lol... that was fun.. i would own people with 20 ping. thats when i was hella good. then i just gave up when the cheaters came, with my ping you can hella tell whos cheating, the bullets like drag you. ****ing cheaters ruined cs.

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Took you this long even in california?

well anyhow .. congrats. Hope your ISP doesnt go bankrupt or get hit by a plane (ugh.. i just realized what i said) ... because once you use high speed, there is NO going back.

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I have been stuck on a 56k dialup for ever, but now the god forsaken place has DSL now!!!! i got it about two weeks ago!!!

What are you paying, and who is it with?

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Me and Weasel are old school Counter-STrike players. We used to play in one of the coolest best servers, called Technogeeks then mindpolice. It had the best group of players and community. Best server ever. Then cheaters took over cs, and the server shut down, like most people in server were friends from knowing each other over the net. Me and weasel started a clan. We were pretty damn good, but then we lost a couple clan matches to *** cheaters, and the clan broke up.


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I have been using a split line forever, which limits my connection to 28 k, and i connect at 26 k. That means i download at a max of 3 kb per sec, and get like 350 - 400 ping these days. You dont know how important getting this dsl is.. god i have been like praying for it. I havnt been able to get it untill now. Finally. Thank god :D

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Im still stuck on a 56k modem, cant wait to get broadband, always on connection...its like a day will become true for me.

in the meantime, I'll jus keep dialin up!


:D :D :D :D :D

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