PAX 2009: MAG producer explains the game's original server technology

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Making online, 256-player battles unfold without lag or disconnection issues is nothing short of pure techno-wizardry. However, according to producer Alan Van Slyke, who recently spoke with us at a PAX preview event, that's exactly what MAG will bring to the table thanks to a groundbreaking new form of server architecture.

"Before we started working on the front-end client technology, we started building the servers. We wiped the slate clean and asked 'what do we need to do to scale to these numbers to make sure it's not laggy, and make sure people can't exploit,'" Van Slyke explained. What they decided was that peer-to-peer hosting was insufficient -- instead, the MAG team created their own networking solution which would host and authenticate game data from a (presumably beefy) central server.

Van Slyke couldn't reveal the specifics of the technology (the patent for which is still pending), but promised that it would reduce latency and completely eliminate connection griefing which has plagued other multiplayer shooters in the past. In addition, he said Zipper's not worried about having its servers crushed by a day-one rush of new recruits, explaining that "we've invested a lot in our server technology and our load test harnesses and the things we can do to replicate the scalability of it to ensure that it's stable and rock solid."


Bold words, for the sake of day 1 launches let's hope its true. We get to check the beta out ourselves in 7 days I think.

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I had no idea there was a beta AB, but it is definitely a must have for something like this. The Kotaku PAX reviews of the game seemed positive for the most part.

Yeah there's a closed beta just now a few people on Neowin are in, but apparently an open beta starts on the 17th.

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Yes, but there's videos here from people who've broke NDA.

Damn, those videos actually have my hopes up way higher than they were.

I have never been able to quite explain it eloquently, but out of the two consoles the PS3 reminds me more of PC gaming than the 360 (and that is not a knock against the 360 at all), and this "scale" is more along the lines of PC as well, so glad to see it is coming along better than I had anticipated.

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Looks good connection and player wise, but are they doing anything about some of the smaller aspects? If you watch that second video when he pulls out the pistol, umm well it looks like something out of Goldeneye and the same thing goes for the grenade.

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