Microsoft Tinker (and other Ultimate Extras) on Windows 7!

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Vista Ultimate Extras wasn't as awesome as everybody hoped, but we did get a few things out of it. Tinker was one of them, and I never really got to play around with it before I switched to Windows 7 Beta. Well, there is good news if you're upgrading from Vista Ultimate to Windows 7 Ultimate! Just back up C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Tinker and restore it when you're on Windows 7, then run the game in Vista SP2 compatibility mode (if you don't it'll fail and tell you it only runs on Vista), and it just works! Yay! I would imagine Hold-Em Poker should work the same way, but I haven't tried it.

You can back up your sound schemes from C:\Windows\Media\Schemes, too! Though you'll have to manually associate the sounds with each action and save the sound scheme.

Additionally, I am unsure if having Windows 7 Ultimate is a requirement. I just happen to be running that, but for all I know the games could run on other editions, too. I'm not willing to install a lesser edition to test this, but feel free to experiment on your own.

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Luckily, even if Microsoft doesn't wish so, all of the Ultimate Extras run on Windows 7. Here's how:

- DreamScene (the leaked "hacked" version that got updated for RC simply registers the DreamScene DLL) runs on RTM. Also, Stardocks' DeskScapes 3.0 will be released by 2009-end or Q1 2010 and will be Windows 7 compatible (.Dream format too!). The Vista Dreamscene dll (don't ask for the link here) works but sometimes your icon labels don't show properly as they should. DeskScapes 3.0 will fully bring DreamScene to Windows 7.

- BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool is now part of the OS.

- Secure Online Key Backup: This one's nuked but you can always export your key locally and store it online.

- Hold 'Em Poker (this one's a secret-don't make it too popular or else MS might pull down the DLL-since Hold'Em is protected by Windows licensing APIs). Download this ZIP file ( and extract slc.dll of the relevant architecture (x86/x64) to Hold 'Em Poker's folder. Hold' Em runs as well. You might want to copy help files too from %Windir%\Help

- MUI language packs: Are going to be available for Windows 7 owners too

- Sound Schemes: Just save the sound files and export the sound scheme from the Vista registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\), HKLM too if required copy those files to Windows 7 and import the sound scheme in the registry.

- Microsoft Tinker: Runs as mentioned above by Darrian on Windows 7. Doesn't have any licensing protection. The Tinker Level Editor which is downloadable also runs.

- As a bonus, you can run InkBall (the Vista version too) in Windows 7 if you copy Slc.dll to its folder. Be sure to copy its help files as well.

Edited by tuxplorer
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I haven't yet got Windows Meeting Space to work. That was a real gem as it allowed screen sharing, file transfer and messaging over a wireless P2P WLAN without requiring internet access. There's SharedView but that'll only work as long as Microsoft operates the SharedView servers. Meeting Space will work forever even after Vista's lifecycle ends.

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  • 1 month later...
IIRC, some ppl managed to hack it back in the beta days. Could be my faulty memory, though..

Works for me, but still buggy as heck! Just google it, but it's not worth it. Explorer is unstable as hell now.

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Microsoft Tinker

64 bit:

32 bit :

I'm try to figure it out how to use package manager to install it.Anyone here have an idea?

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Microsoft Tinker

64 bit:

32 bit :

I'm try to figure it out how to use package manager to install it.Anyone here have an idea?

What program so I use to extract and install this? Explorer opens the cab file fine but the cab file contains a bunch of unknown file formats :blink:

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They won't install on Windows 7. If you want to install on Vista, enter at an elevated cmd prompt:

pkgmgr /ip /m:<path to cab file> /s:<temporary directory or %tmp>

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