[Official] Forza 3 Gallery

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Hey guys I know we have a official topic about the game so I figured why not have a gallery showing off our cars and such. Here are 3 shots that I have taken so far and I will be adding more. Let me know what you think and hopefully this will be filled with pics soon :)




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  Snakehn said:
can anybody post a pic of the Nissan GTR?

This is the R34, hope this is the one you meant. :) I need to tweak the settings a little bit more, they were tweaked for my stangs colors and not a bright silver.



Here is a DBR9 as wel...


Nice shots, the Audi looks awesome.

Why are they so small though? Did Turn10 decrease the resolution or are you guys resizing them? You'd struggle to make an iPhone wallpaper out of those :p

  Audioboxer said:
Nice shots, the Audi looks awesome.

Why are they so small though? Did Turn10 decrease the resolution or are you guys resizing them? You'd struggle to make an iPhone wallpaper out of those :p

I think most people have them resized.. default I think is 1280x720. But you have to download to hard drive and then upload somewhere for hosting..that's probably why people resize them.. it looks nicer to me when it's a bit smaller... until Turn10 turns off that compression to have them crystal clear in big size.

This is a bit bigger one:





  Audioboxer said:

But that's quite a bit of messing around to get to the final product. That comparison really shows off the compression though


The compression is terrible! And 4 shots isn't all that much work, it takes maybe 5 minutes of my time, which is still way shorter than processing a real life shot.

I came up with the idea because it's the exact same thing I do in real life to compensate for my lower quality camera. I don't have an slr yet and my S5IS has terrible noise. But, by taking say 30 shots, as I did in the picture below, I can get amazing image quality. Odviously it doesn't work for anything but landscapes, but its a good substitute while I wait to get an SLR.


I think it's a disgrace that they can't allow people to do like 1920x1080 screens at least. I mean it's such BS and such minor bandwith thing and they get stingy like that. There are tons of services out there that offer photo and video services and hosting for FREE that go way beyond Forza 3 needs and we can't get quality screenshots? Bandwith testing my ass. Microsoft should pay for this freakin' hosting considering this is one of their premium titles, yet we get crappy compressed photos.

It's really annoying and extremely dissapointing. I'm really starting to dislike everything Microsoft does recently. They are just so cheap. And I paid $70-something almost $80 for a freakin' LCE version. I expect to get for that money everything in good quality, not something half-assed.

  Boifido said:
The compression is terrible! And 4 shots isn't all that much work, it takes maybe 5 minutes of my time, which is still way shorter than processing a real life shot.

I came up with the idea because it's the exact same thing I do in real life to compensate for my lower quality camera. I don't have an slr yet and my S5IS has terrible noise. But, by taking say 30 shots, as I did in the picture below, I can get amazing image quality. Odviously it doesn't work for anything but landscapes, but its a good substitute while I wait to get an SLR.


Put it this way you'll only be doing it with your prized photos not every single one :p

It's an interesting technique anyway, I never knew things like that could be manipulated in such ways. Shows you what I know about picture editing/photography :rofl:

Thanks for the tutorial, I will give it a shot. What really kills me is the pictures you download from the site (see below) are absolutely trash because of the compression. The original is 1280x720 and I resize them to half that just to get a good quality screenshot which totally sucks because I would love to make some wallpapers out of this and hopefully using this new found technique I will be able to. :)





I personally like my resized shot better. I am sure I could do alot of work to get it look as good as the resized version but I really should not have too.

Honestly as long as you don't scale up the pics they look ok. yeah sure maybe not great. BUT they're also effing game pics, they're not some artwork you rendered in 3DSMAX or went out with your DSLR to take.

on the other hand, once it cools down and everyone gets tired of uploading pics, they'll gives us better quality and maybe even sizes, and until then, you can always do the patchwork trick. If you're that serious about your gaming screenshots it shouldn't be too much of a bother anyways.

until then :)

Raptor 6, callsign reventon reporting takeoff :p



Kinda failed a bit on the DOF here, just a tad to shallow causing the back of the car to blur out, but it worked out anyways.




And just to show off my colored chrome alloys (neat trick)


This one's a bit too close and the objects used for the vinyl where a bit too much scaled up, and I think I chose the wrong color/paint type for the wheels :p


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