Ubuntu on a network?

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Well from there I see 8 connections to 139, and then see those connections to 10160.. Your running quickbooks on this server I think? Those are more connections that I do believe also count against your limit.

Looks like 13 inbound connections to me.

From this statement in the article "This limit includes all transports and resource sharing protocols combined."

From all transports, that would look like your over the limit to me.

edit: Im not sure if they count or not, to be honest I don't have not had much experience with this limit, since nobody in their right mind would use XP as a file server if you have more than say 2 or 3 users in a VERY SMALL setup.. Like HOME!! Companies would run SERVER OSes -- shoot its not like you don't have the money -- your spending $24K a year on backups ;)

Any customers I have done business with that are small ma and pop shops -- the reason they brought me in was to get their networks up to speed over a home setup ;) Ie a SERVER based os with a central userbase ;)

With the number of clients you have your going to have issues with this limit until you graduate from a HOME setup.

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I see. Yes we run QuickBooks.

Your over the connection limit, so once again as Budman suggested you need to upgrade to a server OS. Server 2008 or CC would be my recommendation.

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Also we turn off Windows Firewall it interferes with a lot of things. Just a suggestion. Its not going to help in this case just something to add. And there's nothing anymore I can say or anyone else on here for that matter, Thats not been said 1000 times before. Upgrade to another OS that doesnt limit connections. XP Pro was designed to be a client itself connecting to a server, Not been a server.

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Like I said I don't really have a lot of experience with the 10 connection limit, not for years and years - and it was before XP when dealing back in the day with win3.1, 95 and 98 --- back when the servers were NT3.51 and NT 4 just came out etc.. When companies were just moving away from mainframes to window servers and you the remote locations just running peer to peer networks, etc.

And then small companies I have moved to a server setup.. Yes I have seen quite a few soho setups having the issue -- but when I helped them it was to move them to a true server setup vs peertopeer network.. A peer to peer (just a bunch of workstations sharing - client as your server) is only viable when you have a couple of clients.. Your over that limit since your running into the the connection limit.

Its time you move to a true server OS that does not have the client limit of 10 connections. You can do this by moving to a MS server OS, be it 2k3, 2k8 (better choice than 2k3) or their SBS line (prob best choice for your setup) and then getting the correct amount of cals for your clients. Or you would have to go the linux route which does not have the limit of connections and is not restricted by the MS licensing issues with CALs to connect everything together, etc. I would suggest CC or SME, etc. since they are both designed for ease of use by new admins or even just reg folks that are clueless when it comes to IT.

But from the way I read the article "This limit includes all transports and resource sharing protocols combined." then yes I would assume your connections to quickbooks running on that XP "server" is going to count against your 10 connection limit.

Guess you could move your quickbooks to another client machine that does not share files as well -- but this would be taking 3 steps back vs the 1 step forward you should be taking.

YOU NEED TO MOVE AWAY FROM XP AS "SERVER" -- it works fine for sharing files with your family members in a HOME setup -- but it is not a business class model!! And was never designed to be -- why do you think MS put in the limit in the first place? To prevent its use of how your using it when you should be on one of their SERVER OSes. So they can get more money from you since your a business ;) hehehe

I would REALLY REALLY suggest you take a look at Small Business Server from MS, or take a look at the linux distros designed to be an alternative to SBS, like CC or SME. Sure you could go the 2k8 route -- but SBS would be a better fit for your company and the limited skill set of their IT ;)

I am willing to help you no matter which one you choose to go with.. But you NEED TO MOVE OFF XP as your "server"!!!

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I'm ready, but my boss does not want to for some unknown reason. He is like you need to fix this :s. How the hell am I suppose to fix it lol. I am telling him the solution. I guess he is scared something might get f'ed up.

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Its not possible for something to get messed up if you bring it up on a new server, and then copy your files over to the new machine.. You wont be touching the current setup in any way.. it will be a NEW SERVER, with a copy of your files.. Once you have it working and prove to your boss.. Then you can shut down the old xp server.

And I suggest you go with a SERVER class machine vs desktop hardware.. Entry level cost will not be that much more than a desktop but will support RAID for your data drives, and possible dual power supplies, etc.

The ability to hot swap drives out in case of failure with no down time, etc. and no need to recover data from your backup. Which since its online could take quite some time! Even if they shipped you the data on media or a hdd, etc.

I am really curious how many drives -- if just one, etc. are in your xp server. Could you post a screen shot of disk manager.



BTW there is NO way to fix the issue without moving away from XP -- there is no way to remove that limit in XP. You can try the autodisconnect time set to a very low number - that might help a bit.. But it is not a fix.

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When i get time later I will try to get a screen shot. I have to get/find an old PC i guess so I can test clarkconnect here and prove to him that everything will work fine :).

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Yeah thats fine for a TEST, but your going to need to do something -- so I would ORDER a NEW SERVER.. And then you can decide what OS to put on it after ;)

Dell has stuff preloaded with SBS on it -- so that might be a good option for you as well ;)

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Also BudMan, are you familiar with QuickBooks? Yesterday I was reformatting a PC here and after that I just installed quickbooks, logged into the server and pulled the company file. When I start using clarkconnect how will QB work?

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I have not worked with the current versions of quickbooks, I am not sure if they have a linux version - pretty much doubt it. So that might be a roadblock to going the linux route. But I they had a online version (which they do) -- you could always go that route ;)

If it was just shared files -- it would be no big deal.. But looks like your running a copy of the quickbooks on the server. If this is a requirement to run on the server - then your going to be have to go the windows route.. Or you could leave it where its at, and just use linux as your File Server, etc.

I have not worked with the current versions of quickbooks, I am not sure if they have a linux version - pretty much doubt it. So that might be a roadblock to going the linux route. But I they had a online version -- you could always go that route ;)

If it was just shared files -- it would be no big deal.. But looks like your running a copy of the quickbooks on the server. If this is a requirement to run on the server - then your going to be have to go the windows route.. Or you could leave it where its at, and just use linux as your File Server, etc.

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Wouldnt have a clue in $USD lol. Why don't you fork out for a Technet Subscription. Then you can test everything til your hearts content. If everything works fine then you can go out and buy a retail liscence for W2K3

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Well I just did a lookup on dell for a T300 with 4 2TB hot swap drives in raid 5 setup, a UPS and dual power supplies with a license for SBS standard and 15 cals, with 3 years NBD onsite support and remote help setting up SBS, etc. and was in the $7k range.

You could prob lower that cost by not going with hot swap and or dual power, and no ups and not getting the remote sbs help, etc. But that seemed very reasonable for a entry level server with that amount of space and all the MS licensing, etc.

If you going to make the move to a server, then I would HIGHLY suggest you get the features that make a server hardware worth it, dual power, hot swap drives, etc. So I would tell you boss your looking at like a $8 to 9K budget!!

edit: If you post a screen shot of your current xp servers disk manager we can see what hard drive space you have and how it being utilized, etc. This determine how much hard drive space you need to get started with, etc.

That cost can fluctuate a lot -- all depends on what exactly your looking for.. If your Boss would ok say a $10 budget you come in well under budget and gets some great entry level hardware! Plus lots of features like 3 years on site 4 hour response, etc.

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there you go - nice.. Keeps the linux option alive ;)

But I would still get server hardware for your move away from peertopeer.

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Hey budman, I installed CC on my personal computer. I got to the same part were i got on the other one when i installed it before. Welcome! Launch Text Mode or Launch Graphics mode. Nothing works!!!

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Actually when i go to text based it works, but then it says looking up localhost:82 and then it cannot connect to startfile and it gives me some IP.

on a new install of CC, formatted drive?

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Previously it had win xp on it now i just installed CC. it said everything will be deleted. I also went through the quick guide for clark connect and their thing does not look like mine its different and I have no place to configure dhcp..

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