New server ordered

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This is just a heads up that we have ordered another new server to replace the original (single) dedicated server we first bought in Feb 2005 (which is now dying).

Currently we have:

Server 1 - Main SQL (And email ever since the dev server died)

Server 2 - Dev server and uploads (server 3 was running out of disk space) <- this one will be removed from the mix

Server 3 - MySQL backup, Sphinx(search), IRC, Services (will be integrated with ignition), Staff folders

Server 4 - Apache

Server 5 - Apache

New server plan:

Server 1 - Main SQL 1 <- this was added last year

Server 2 - Main SQL 2 <- this will be the new server

Server 3 - Search, IRC, Staff Folders & Dev

Server 4 - Apache

Server 5 - Apache

This comes with our continuing commitment to offer streamlined service and strive for 100% uptime, and give back to the community a portion of our ad revenue to better services here.

The estimated structure change will most likely take place in December, and possibly coincide with the site upgrade to a completely new news content management system and upgrade to IPB3.

The new server is a Poweredge r300 Quad Core Xeon L5410 Processor2x6M Cache, 2.33GHz, 1333MHz FSB, which is the same as the server we bought last year.

Forgot to mention that we've increased the stock 16GB to 24GB RAM and we've ordered larger disks (not sure how big). :p

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