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I have all my pictures stored on my NAS device.

But as you can see from the attached image, the thumbnails are gone! It seems like there i no files inside the folders.

the thumbnails was ok yesterday, but i deletet the thumbnail cache and now they dont appear again. The thumbnails on all the other folders on the NAS is ok!

What is wrong here? Please help...


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This happens to me, too. I'm running 7x64 as well. Basically, for no reason at all, all thumbnail previews will disappear. Then they have to all rebuild from scratch. I have not seen a satisfactory explanation for this anywhere, so I can only assume it's a glitch with 7. Vista never spontaneously erased its thumbnails. Oh, and it happened on x86 7 as well once. No, I never cleared the cache or ran some cleaner.

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