Reputation system enabled & explained

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Online friends to bump?

I have nearly 25k posts on this board and like what, 3 "friends"? By that I mean people I'll talk to outside of the board.

I think you overestimate online friendships, people like Sethos/DM who I do class as friends online ARE only going to vote topics I post that are worthy or ratings, why the heck would they want to bump my karma, they'd want to downgrade it :laugh:

People are looking into this too much as an e-penis competition, its more about the posts themselves, someone sees a guide with 65 ratings and thinks oh this might be worth reading, not "ohhh Charlie got 65 points from this".

Yeah but its open to people that will just +1 for the fun of it and that means half the posts are pointless, like in this thread for example 90% of the people have been given rep and for what...replying in a thread about it?...again totally pointless.

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I wonder why...

Put a system that shows you who downvoted/upvoted you and a reason why. This helps on improving posts. If someone is specifically targeting your posts, you'll be able to see who and report accordingly. E.g. +5-10 downvotes in a couple of minutes on different posts of yours.

Because I uphold an opinion/preference many feel different about on this board? Yeah that's a great reason for my posts to be down voted. Just like nearly every topic I post in the Sony section gets 1 star voted, yay, great reason Audioboxer posted a topic, it deserves 1 star cause it's Audioboxer, yay!

Again it's about post quality, NOT person quality. Moderators decide person quality based upon rules and warnings.

Negative voting would be abused terribly and cause the moderators far more pressure having to deal with daily complaints that people are voting them down.

Moderators are the police around here, not us, they decide your negative karma and that is your warning rating.

Yeah but its open to people that will just +1 for the fun of it and that means half the posts are pointless, like in this thread for example 90% of the people have been given rep and for what...replying in a thread about it?...again totally pointless.

Big deal, 1 vote. People will scroll by those kinds of posts, someone sees a post with 5-10+ votes, catch their eye.

Again if they can implement a system like I explained earlier to view your highest posts rated by members then everyone can get to see where you qualities for Neowin are best at work.

It's pretty similar to all the social networking sites equivalent of "I like this" button.

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Posative voting can be abused just as much as negative voting can to be fair, it's just peole dont mind if the positive is being abused because it all goes on the + for their epeen's

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Posative voting can be abused just as much as negative voting can to be fair, it's just peole dont mind if the positive is being abused because it all goes on the + for their epeen's

Do you really think there is swarms of people on Neowin trailing people around to go out their way to +1 all their posts?


All you ever get on messageboards is drama, people fighting, arguing, and people wanting to "DOWNVOTE" others. Nearly every person around here with a high post count has about 32424234 "enemies". Moderators are targeted like chicken in front of a rocket launcher by half the board whining about warnings, so you really think there's some Saints for the Church of Christ ready to go around +1 voting every topic by certain members? Ehhh no.

I like to show my appreciation for good work, but am I hell bothering my ass to push that green button on every post of the members I like, I'm a sensible person, I'll use it when someone helps me/helps someone else, or posts something that's taken effort.

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There will be jokers among the IRC regulars for instance who are going to abuse the system somewhat - see brentaal's reputation, which comes mostly from certain IRC regulars giving him their votes. It's unavoidable.

For the most part though I can see the system work well in the mid- to long-term.

The lack of down voting is not a flaw in my opinion. As AB stated already - there would be members (like the aforementioned jokers among the IRC regulars clique*) with a strong dislike for certain members who would bury their posts in an instant. No thank you.

*The word clique was used on purpose. The elitist attitude of some IRC regulars is really getting on my nerves at times; but that is an entirely different discussion.

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Why are you even arguing with me? both can be abused thats a fact.

Because the degrees of abuse are heavily weighted on one side, the other side has many positives.

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One thing I can tell you about life people would rather make their thoughts clear about moaning/whining/ranting/fighting/getting into arguments than ever saying thanks/I appreciate that or going out their way to click a button to show appreciation. That's generalised society for you, much more willing to be upfront and belittle/downvote someone, than to upvote someone of use.

Negative ratings, now THEY would be abused. I'd be at about -33423444, seeing as I've already ran into my 12 dupe accounts ratings all my topics 1 star in the past.

People would use negative rating not based on the quality of the post, but because they don't like someone and/or their opinion.

For once I can agree with you Audioboxer. Negative ratings, from what I've seen on other boards, turn out to be a lot more work than everyone thinks. Even with clear guidelines on a reputation system for giving a negative vote, they are always abused. On one board I post on there was a user who talked about leaving the community for x reasons, so everyone gave him a +1 and even some a +2. Six months later he got into an argument with someone on the IRC channel, and everyone in that channel (I believe there was about 80 people) all ganged up and gave him a -1 vote. Little stuff like that turns into a headache for the entire community, and always leads to drama.

So use the reputation system we have in place to simply give a +1 to posts you like. This community is too big to have negative reputations because of the amount of debates, arguments, and other nonsense that goes on at times.

P.S. This is not an "official" explanation of the system either, or how to use it. Simply what I'm going by as I use the system.

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Because the degrees of abuse are heavily weighted on one side, the other side has many positives.

So IF both are set up the same way AKA people can only do 5 positive and 5 negative votes a day both are open to the same level of abuse aka mis use, you are saying because the positive is good for the user then the abuse doesnt matter? and the negative one does?

what im trying to say is both shoudl be enabled and not just one because both are open to the same level of abuse.

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So IF both are set up the same way AKA people can only do 5 positive and 5 negative votes a day both are open to the same level of abuse aka mis use, you are saying because the positive is good for the user then the abuse doesnt matter? and the negative one does?

what im trying to say is both shoudl be enabled and not just one because both are open to the same level of abuse.

Why would you even want a negative voting system anyway?

Useless posts get ignored, or if they're against the rules reported.

As I've already said the "negative vote" is your warning rating, and that is decided by the moderators, not 20,000+ community members.

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I wouldn't want a post of mine to be voted down simply because someone disagrees with me or dislikes my opinion. Instead, I'd prefer them to ignore my post or vote it up if they find it helpful. Allowing posts to be voted down is a recipe for e-drama. I'm glad the admins decided leave it out.

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Could say the same thing about positive voting, why would you want that? isnt thread voting enough for people to be able to tell if the thread is full of good info or not?? to me it just seems like a epeen thing along with post count and star rating on the user id seems totally pointless. to me it just sees like it's there to make the user feel better about themselfs but thats just me.

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I wouldn't want a negative one, I just don't want to see countless users get endless rep for something completely pointless like a joke or a fail image.

I for one won't be using my rep system ever because I don't like the system but don't want to see it used stupidly for the people who do like it.

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Could say the same thing about positive voting, why would you want that? isnt thread voting enough for people to be able to tell if the thread is full of good info or not?? to me it just seems like a epeen thing along with post count and star rating on the user id seems totally pointless. to me it just sees like it's there to make the user feel better about themselfs but thats just me.

Thread voting gets abused because.... ta da, people can vote it down. Go ask the mods all the cleanup they did for people voting my posts 1 star constantly. Ask the mods how many people vote 2/3/4 stars, it's black and white, you hate the person you 1 star, then people try 5 starring to get the post rating back up.

There is a limit on how many times you can vote per day to curve abuse, and if anything even if it is e-peen if you spend hours writing a guide for Neowin and see 30 people vote it good it makes you feel good. Don't care what anyone says, praise is a good thing at times, this system is the members "mini" version of MVC IMO.

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Thread voting gets abused because.... ta da, people can vote it down. Go ask the mods all the cleanup they did for people voting my posts 1 star constantly. Ask the mods how many people vote 2/3/4 stars, it's black and white, you hate the person you 1 star, then people try 5 starring to get the post rating back up.

There is a limit on how many time you can vote per day to curve abuse, and if anything even if it is e-peen if you spend hours writing a guide for Neowin and see 30 people vote it good it makes you feel good. Don't care what anyone says, praise is a good thing at times, this system is the members "mini" version of MVC IMO.

Exactly. That is how I see the reputation system in a nutshell.

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Maybe just maybe people down vote threads because it's A: pointless or B: maybe they dotn agree and decided to down vote after all people who DO agree can upvote so why not let those that dont agree down vote, seems all one way to me :) thinking that people down vote for the simpyk reasont hey dont like you is rather egotistical dont you think?

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Maybe just maybe people down vote threads because it's A: pointless or B: maybe they dotn agree and decided to down vote after all people who DO agree can upvote so why not let those that dont agree down vote, seems all one way to me :) thinking that people down vote for the simpyk reasont hey dont like you is rather egotistical dont you think?

Trust me, the GH was just a battlefield of people voting topics 1 star due to their console preference, and because of people they didn't like. Why would an official topic for a game that took someone upwards of an hour deserve to be voted 1 star due to it's author, not based upon it's content and contribution to the board?

You must be a bit naive about the Neowin crowds around here ;)

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Personally I would have a +/- system, but so that the minimum is 0 and can't go into negatives.

I've seen plenty of posts so far that are pointlessly being +, for what seems absolutely no reason, it is easily going to be abused as Rappy and others have pointed out.

I can understand the use, but it will either get pointless as people go round rep'ing everybody and their dog, or people will just stop using it.

I am thankful that total reputation is only shown on the profile as some will have needlessly high numbers for pointless and useless things.

Just my opinion on it all.

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Maybe just maybe people down vote threads because it's A: pointless or B: maybe they dotn agree and decided to down vote after all people who DO agree can upvote so why not let those that dont agree down vote, seems all one way to me :)

You haven't understood Audioboxer's or my point. Down-voting would lead to people like the IRC Clique ganging up and burying certain member's posts. How often have people on IRC pointlessly moaned about single users - think back to Rappy being promoted to MVC?

It's really difficult to comprehend that only positive voting does NOT make the forums a 'nanny state' of sorts, isn't it.

/me eyes Fubar and Akuma

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Personally I would have a +/- system, but so that the minimum is 0 and can't go into negatives.

I've seen plenty of posts so far that are pointlessly being +, for what seems absolutely no reason, it is easily going to be abused as Rappy and others have pointed out.

I can understand the use, but it will either get pointless as people go round rep'ing everybody and their dog, or people will just stop using it.

I am thankful that total reputation is only shown on the profile as some will have needlessly high numbers for pointless and useless things.

Just my opinion on it all.

yeah the only good thing from all this is its hidden on the profile (Y)

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that's a bit weird, you don't have a counter...

I'm an institution man, boss.

There will be jokers among the IRC regulars for instance who are going to abuse the system somewhat - see brentaal's reputation, which comes mostly from certain IRC regulars giving him their votes. It's unavoidable.


brentaal's reputation is well deserved because unlike many he doesn't troll for food. He brings casual intelligent discussion on Neowin, and that makes him a true neowinian.

I can't even vote for him, so my hands are clean on your vile accusations!

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I'm an institution man, boss.


brentaal's reputation is well deserved because unlike many he doesn't troll for food. He brings casual intelligent discussion on Neowin, and that makes him a true neowinian.

I can't even vote for him, so my hands are clean on your vile accusations!


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