Sony Miffed We Posted CEO's Email Address

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Sony Miffed We Posted CEO's Email Address

By Ben Popken on February 3, 2010 1:49 PM


Sony is peeved that we posted an email address for Jack Tretton, President and CEO Sony Computer Entertainment America, the man in charge of Playstation. They even go so far as to intimate that we have the wrong email address and are bad people. Thing is, we got it from a reader who used it successfully on his issue, and we checked it out. Playstation's director of blogopolis massage, Patrick Seybold, writes:

"Hi Ben,

Can you please remove the email you listed for Jack Tretton from your website? If you would like to have your readers contact us directly, you can send them to a variety of places, of which I've listed a few below. Not sure what you gain by posting what you think is Jack's email directly - it can and will confuse your readers.

PlayStation Blog: - we are extremely active in responding to comments and queries here.

Customer Knowledge Center:

They can call directly at 1800-345-7669

Thanks and your quick cooperation will be appreciated. I can't find your phone number anywhere to reach you directly, so please let me know as soon as you can.

Patrick Seybold

Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

Sony Computer Entertainment America"

No, we won't be removing Not sure what's so confusing about the email address,, Patrick. "When no one listens to you at Playstation, take it to" seems pretty easy to understand.

Source: Consumerist

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I kinda would be ****ed too if it was my private e-mail address and thousands of people were e-mailing me for support.

Edited by Anaron
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Yeah, that is just really messed up and truly unprofessional. I never heard of the Consumerist before this, and never probably would have heard of them if not for this little fiasco, they are looking for their 30 seconds of fame with this stunt.

Bottom line is if a person hands you their business card, it is honestly probably more out of courtesy than anything else, but the plain and simple fact is it is meant for you to contact them and no one else. Thanks to Neowin I have luckily met a few people that, while not the level of CEO of Sony, I am sure the gaming public would have a field day if I ever posted their email address'. You just never, ever put out anyone's information that you may have met out their for public consumption. It truly is unprofessional in all regards.

So no matter how they acquired his email address, whether it was someone at the Consumerist somehow met him or they had someone else supply it to them, someone somewhere is a scumbag as far as I see it. Just my opinion.

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its a buisness e-mail ( )so what, not his personal.

now if it was his personal email ( ) i would feel diffrently

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Oh ya, I almost forgot,,,,,,, and Interested in R & D? Contact

Enough email addresses? :laugh:

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its a buisness e-mail ( )so what, not his personal.

now if it was his personal email ( ) i would feel diffrently

That doesn't mean you want it on the keyboard of every gamer out there, it's business as in work. Can't get much work done when fanboys fill your inbox.

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Yeah, that is just really messed up and truly unprofessional. I never heard of the Consumerist before this, and never probably would have heard of them if not for this little fiasco, they are looking for their 30 seconds of fame with this stunt.

Bottom line is if a person hands you their business card, it is honestly probably more out of courtesy than anything else, but the plain and simple fact is it is meant for you to contact them and no one else. Thanks to Neowin I have luckily met a few people that, while not the level of CEO of Sony, I am sure the gaming public would have a field day if I ever posted their email address'. You just never, ever put out anyone's information that you may have met out their for public consumption. It truly is unprofessional in all regards.

So no matter how they acquired his email address, whether it was someone at the Consumerist somehow met him or they had someone else supply it to them, someone somewhere is a scumbag as far as I see it. Just my opinion.

The Consumerist is the sister site of Consumer Reports. They have ways of helping people "get issues fixed". So his e-mail was posted. Who cares? If I have a problem that cannot be fixed throught the normal channels then I welcome a upper execs info for contacting them.

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The Consumerist is the sister site of Consumer Reports. They have ways of helping people "get issues fixed". So his e-mail was posted. Who cares? If I have a problem that cannot be fixed throught the normal channels then I welcome a upper execs info for contacting them.

I'm sure normal channels work too, just not as quick. People being too impatient.

I'd be pretty peeved if end users got a hold of my e-mail at work, sure I could fix what issue they are having, but it's not my job. I'm busy doing other stuff, and sorting through that type of crap would reduce my productivity.

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I'm sure normal channels work too, just not as quick. People being too impatient.

I'd be pretty peeved if end users got a hold of my e-mail at work, sure I could fix what issue they are having, but it's not my job. I'm busy doing other stuff, and sorting through that type of crap would reduce my productivity.

I've read on Consumerist some of the stuff that gets fixed. A lot of the time its people getting the run around with legitimate grievances. Consumerist is a firm believer that launching what they call an Executive Email Carpet Bomb (EECB) gets things done. You can read more about the tactic here. The thinking is that most of the time you're being given the run around by low or middle management people. If someone at the executive level realized the problem they would do something about it. They try to have people use it responsibly, but I guess they don't know gamers. :p

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I'm sure normal channels work too, just not as quick. People being too impatient.

I'd be pretty peeved if end users got a hold of my e-mail at work, sure I could fix what issue they are having, but it's not my job. I'm busy doing other stuff, and sorting through that type of crap would reduce my productivity.

I see your point but you're not an upper level exec. If the problem wasn't solved I have no issue with someone contacting me directly- it's my job. I'll make time for anyone that has a problem.

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Usually, CEO's emails usually go straight to their office (and someone there will deal with it) and not the CEO himself. Usually considered the best course of action if all other avenues have failed.

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Yeah, that is just really messed up and truly unprofessional. I never heard of the Consumerist before this, and never probably would have heard of them if not for this little fiasco, they are looking for their 30 seconds of fame with this stunt.

Bottom line is if a person hands you their business card, it is honestly probably more out of courtesy than anything else, but the plain and simple fact is it is meant for you to contact them and no one else. Thanks to Neowin I have luckily met a few people that, while not the level of CEO of Sony, I am sure the gaming public would have a field day if I ever posted their email address'. You just never, ever put out anyone's information that you may have met out their for public consumption. It truly is unprofessional in all regards.

So no matter how they acquired his email address, whether it was someone at the Consumerist somehow met him or they had someone else supply it to them, someone somewhere is a scumbag as far as I see it. Just my opinion.

Gotta agree with this, with two Playstation Blogs setup for EU and US, the blog staff frequently reply to questions from users about all things PS3 related.

We already know what kind of world gaming has turned into nowadays, his email will be changed, because it's no doubt filled with death threats/hate/fanboy BS now from 14 year olds.

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