Multiple ISP LAN Setup

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I have a location that the ISP's are up and down depending on time of year and sometimes we are not there or I am away and can't provide tech support to the fam. I have two commercial ISP accounts that I mannually have to switch if one goes down. The cable out performs the DSL, but has the most issues. So, I want to setup the LAN so that each modem/router can feed into a 3rd wireless router to feed the LAN internet. Would this setup work?


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You could always use a pfsense machine with 2 network cards that wil lautomatically switch from one to the other when they go down . PFsense itself is free and all you need is a spare machine.

You can also buy a zyxel firewall which wil lalso do the same thing.

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Cisco Routers or normal netgear etc routers?

With a cisco router you could use different length routes ie 2 x /26 and 1 x /25 for example... the /26 will be preference but if the /26 goes down then the /25 will be propagated and will be taken.

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Not understanding why you think you need 3 routers? To do it correctly you need a router than has multiple wan interfaces. Sure pfsense can do it and would be great choice!!

Sure you can tie the lan of 2 different routers together to kind of accomplish what you want - but your still going to have a issue with how the clients pick the gateway (which router to use). Adding a 3rd router is not going to help.. What router do you plan on using for your wireless router there - does it support dual wan -- if so why not just use that 1 router connected to your cable and dsl connections.

Also Im curious if your dsl modem you list there is really a "modem" or is it a gateway doing nat? Your hard pressed to find just a plain jane dsl modem these days - they are all gateways with nat features. Best you can seem to hope for is your gateway supports bridge mode (turn it into just a modem)

the linksys RV042 is another router that has dual wan. There are quite a few on the market - just have to look for them.. But again I agree 110% with the pfsense distro if that is an option for you - would be a great choice! Its got many features for load balancing and HA with multiple wan interfaces.

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Wich linksys routers do you have?

IF they are linksys like you say and you dont have a spare machine you could put on dd-wrt on your linksys router and do that . With dd-wrt you can use one of the lan parts as another wan port and do a dual wan setup that way also.

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Right now have Linksys (CISCO) routers.

Which means you will still have to invest in two additional routers.

So why not just buy something like the Draytek Vigor 2820.

You can have ADSL, DSL and even a 3G USB modem connected.

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Get a ZyXEL ZyWALL series router. Use two of existing routers as modems.


Invest in a Cisco 1800 router with a DSL and a cable interface. Create a dialer interface for each interface. Configure static default route to each interface and enable load-sharing.

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Yup! But your going to be using that linksys wireless router as just an accesspoint right -- your not going to double nat. You will have a gateway the rv042, you don't need another wireless router (gateway) you just need to add wireless to your network - so accesspoint. Any wireless router can be used as one.

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That's the plan Budman. When I get closer to implementing I will touch base. I think I will pick up a few of these dual LAN's to have on hand for the Chitown house too. Thanks for the help as always!

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