Massive earthquake strikes Chile

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This is only the begining!!

The closer we get too 2012 the more bad things are going to happen!

You can joke all you want but no one will be joking in 2012!!!! :(

Uh-huh...riiiiiight! :whistle:

On a serious note...

I'm at work and listening to CNN in the background. Some woman at a hotel in Hawaii was calling in to CNN. She was relaying what was happening at the hotel she and her family was staying at. She's telling them about the 'atmosphere' there. As she's describing it, shes telling them that the security guards are watching her and telling her to get her family out of there now.

What the **** is wrong with people? Shut your ****ing mouth, put the phone away and get your kids out of there! What is this idiot thinking? Are people so needy for feeling relevant that she'd put her family in even a slight chance of danger just so she can fulfill some need she has?

As the Doors put it, "This is the End." My faith in people's intelligence is completely gone.

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Uh-huh...riiiiiight! :whistle:

On a serious note...

I'm at work and listening to CNN in the background. Some woman at a hotel in Hawaii was calling in to CNN. She was relaying what was happening at the hotel she and her family was staying at. She's telling them about the 'atmosphere' there. As she's describing it, shes telling them that the security guards are watching her and telling her to get her family out of there now.

What the **** is wrong with people? Shut your ****ing mouth, put the phone away and get your kids out of there! What is this idiot thinking? Are people so needy for feeling relevant that she'd put her family in even a slight chance of danger just so she can fulfill some need she has?

As the Doors put it, "This is the End." My faith in people's intelligence is completely gone.

people still watching CNN this days? :pinch:

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people still watching CNN this days? :pinch:

I know, I know. :blush: It was the first thing I pulled up online. It works and they usually have decent video.

But the over-dramatic music and reporters are incredibly annoying. At least they'll freak out when things actually happen so I can turn around and watch. :D

Yep, too bad we haven't discovered plate tectonics yet.

Buwahahahahahahaha!!! :rofl:

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Yep, too bad we haven't discovered plate tectonics yet.

funny, im being serious here btw. im not talking about just today's events. the extreme weather we have had all over the world cannot be explained even by the experts. im not saying it's because of 2012 but then again no one knows for sure. i wish everyone the best during this tragedy. don't be soo quick to dismiss and debunk what our ancient ancestors predicted either.

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My brother and I were just talking about the tsunami, and whether it affected life undersea; I told him it didn't. He then looked at me funny and asked why we didn't have underwater cities.

D'uh, Splicers! :p

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My brother and I were just talking about the tsunami, and whether it affected life undersea; I told him it didn't. He then looked at me funny and asked why we didn't have underwater cities.

D'uh, Splicers! :p

Agreed. Those scare the crap outta me! :p

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So far nothing is happening in Hilo, Hawaii. The first and second waves are reportably about 2 meters. The first wave was not easily identified. But now it's clear.

Update: the third wave appears to be setting as the water is receeding again.

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OH NOEZ IT'S 2012!!!!11one

Seriously, how delusional can some of you be? Yes there's been a few devastating earthquakes in a relatively short time, but that means nothing outside of a few tectonic plates shifting.

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OH NOEZ IT'S 2012!!!!11one

Seriously, how delusional can some of you be? Yes there's been a few devastating earthquakes in a relatively short time, but that means nothing outside of a few tectonic plates shifting.

your wrong, there have been many very weird weather occurrences this year throughout the world. for example massive cold air and snowfall in areas that never see any snow. massive earthquakes, volcano eruptions. predictions are that this spring and summer could be worse with extreme heat, tornado's and severe weather. it's sorta like mother nature is letting out a huge can of whipa** all of the sudden that cannot be explained at all.

now im not saying this relates to the 2012 theory but then again no one knows for sure? i do know im a member of many weather blogs and many experts cannot explain what is going on lately.

So far nothing is happening in Hilo, Hawaii. The first and second waves are reportably about 2 meters. The first wave was not easily identified. But now it's clear.

Update: the third wave appears to be setting as the water is receeding again.

correct me if im wrong but 3ft of water will flood but that shouldn't kill anyone?

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I really need to know what's going on here.

We just had major snow falls in Dallas, I never in all my life seen it snow that badly before, the weather has dramatically shifted in its behavior around the world. It's quite unreal.

My condolences to the people of Chile.

Don't think I'm crazy for thinking this but I believe there's a chance HAARP could be responsible. I mean when you pump a decent amount of exajoules into the ionosphere, it does something.

Theoretically I ask myself why the Caribbean and South America? Why these nations?

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correct me if im wrong but 3ft of water will flood but that shouldn't kill anyone?


It can devastate sand castles and wash away beach towels and generally ruin your sun bathing experience. The effect on tourism alone is a major concern. I mean people would have to go to the movies or shopping and plan for a different day at the beach. :whistle:

I'm just making fun of the 2012 fanatics, luckily nothing is going to happen, at least so it seems thus far.

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your wrong, there have been many very weird weather occurrences this year throughout the world. for example massive cold air and snowfall in areas that never see any snow. massive earthquakes, volcano eruptions. predictions are that this spring and summer could be worse with extreme heat, tornado's and severe weather. it's sorta like mother nature is letting out a huge can of whipa** all of the sudden that cannot be explained at all.

now im not saying this relates to the 2012 theory but then again no one knows for sure? i do know im a member of many weather blogs and many experts cannot explain what is going on lately.

No your wrong, weather has nothing to do with earthquakes

correct me if im wrong but 3ft of water will flood but that shouldn't kill anyone?


It can devastate sand castles and wash away beach towels and generally ruin your sun bathing experience. The effect on tourism alone is a major concern. I mean people would have to go to the movies or shopping and plan for a different day at the beach. :whistle:

The Samoa tsunami was 1.5 meters high about 5 feet, just to give you a frame of reference. 3ft can do a lot of damage and yes given the right circumstances it can kill.

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your wrong, there have been many very weird weather occurrences this year throughout the world. for example massive cold air and snowfall in areas that never see any snow. massive earthquakes, volcano eruptions. predictions are that this spring and summer could be worse with extreme heat, tornado's and severe weather. it's sorta like mother nature is letting out a huge can of whipa** all of the sudden that cannot be explained at all.

now im not saying this relates to the 2012 theory but then again no one knows for sure? i do know im a member of many weather blogs and many experts cannot explain what is going on lately.

Weird weather compared to what? The last few hundred years? How long have we been keeping good scientific weather records anyway? The entire existence of humans on this planet is pretty insignificant compared to the age of this planet. None of this weather you speak of is as extreme as the last ice age which only ended 10,000 years ago.

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I really need to know what's going on here.

We just had major snow falls in Dallas, I never in all my life seen it snow that badly before, the weather has dramatically shifted in its behavior around the world. It's quite unreal.

el nino

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ah, yes, yellowstone. The super volcano in our backyard just waiting for everyone to blow all the money they have on saving haite. That way when it does blow up and kills 95% of the population who are you going to ask for money

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He there:

i am from Chile.

The earthquake & tsunami was really strong (8.8) and long (over 2 minutes long) but my country is pretty odd, for good or bad, we are pretty seasoned with disgraces :3 . Now :water supply is ok (a bit dark water but ok), electric now is working and even telephone/cellphone/internet is on, a small town is gone (an coastal town was razed by a tsunami-flood), some building are down and many cities are isolated but in the average we are doing it fine.

Boston pics

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