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Open authui.dll located in C:\Windows\system32

UIFILE > 12400 - button set 1

UIFILE > 12401 - button set 2

UIFILE > 12402 - button set 3

Changing text colours

User Name : Line: 508

Status Text: Line: 523

Connect Message: Line: 63

Switch User Button: Line: 198

Lines should look like this: foreground = "white"

you can replace "white" with name of the colour or

you replace Lines with this:


Line: must then look like this:

a=Alpha colour value

b=Red colour value

c=Green colour value

d=Blue colour value

Values are from 0 to 255

Changing Size of User List:

Line: 115

Changing height:

Line look like this:

<element resid="UserListTemplate" height="475rp" sheet="UsersStyle" layoutpos="client" layout="filllayout()">

here you can change hight of user list

value for hight looks like this:


Change 475 with size you want

Change width:

Replace line 115 with this:

<element resid="UserListTemplate" width="475rp" height="475rp" sheet="UsersStyle" layoutpos="client" layout="filllayout()">

now you can change width of user list

value for width looks like this:


Change 475 with size you want


changing size of user list will also affect password entering page and some other stuff!!!

I recommend minimum width and height of 330rp.

Changing positions of user list:

Line: 9

replace line with one of these:

Top left:

<element layoutpos="left" layout="verticalflowlayout(1,2,2,0)">

Top Middle:

<element layoutpos="client" layout="verticalflowlayout(1,2,2,0)">

Top Right:

<element layoutpos="right" layout="verticalflowlayout(1,2,2,0)">


<element layoutpos="left" layout="verticalflowlayout(1,2,2,2)">

Center (this is default position):

<element layoutpos="client" layout="verticalflowlayout(1,2,2,2)">


<element layoutpos="right" layout="verticalflowlayout(1,2,2,2)">

Bottom Left:

<element layoutpos="left" layout="verticalflowlayout(1,2,2,1)">


<element layoutpos="client" layout="verticalflowlayout(1,2,2,1)">

Bottom Right:

<element layoutpos="right" layout="verticalflowlayout(1,2,2,1)">

Status animation size:

Change size

Line: 75

change 20 at

width="20rp" height="20rp"

with size you want

if you don't want to have animation change "20rp" to "0rp" on both hight and width

Animation images are located in imageres.dll file

Change size of User picture on entering password page:

change size of overlay:

go to

Line: 627 and 628

Lines should look like this

width = "190rp"

height = "190rp"

change 190rp with size you want

Change position of user picture under overlay

go to Line: 641

Line: should look like this

padding="rect(32rp, 32rp, 32rp, 32rp)"

how margins work Left, Top, Right, Bottom

change 32rp

Change size of user picture inside overlay

go to

Line: 711 and 712

Lines should look like this

width = "126rp"
height = "126rp"

change 126 with size you want


Changing Size of user picture is important if you changed size of overlay

Change size of Password Submit Button:

Line: 113

Change 30rp in width="30rp"and height="30rp" to size you want

Change how far is submit button from password field:

go to

Line: 809

Line: should look like this

margin = "rect(4rp, 0rp, 0rp, 0rp)"

how margins work Left, Top, Right, Bottom

Password entering field:


765: width of password field image

766: height of password field image

768: margins of password field image (margin = "rect(Left, Top, Right, Bottom)")

770: defines margins where the password entering field will be based on background

image of password field (borderthickness = "rect(Left, Top, Right, Bottom)")

Enable overlay of scroll bar default state:


911 and 912 and make new Line between these two Lines so that Line: 912 will be 913

now you have one empty Line: add this to that Line:

content = "resbmp(12212,2,-1,0,0,1,1)" 

1st Note:

By default this image is black so if you didn't edited this image you will have black square on scroll bar, edit bitmap 12212!!!

2nd Note:

After adding this will be you have to add +1 to all Lines that are mentioned here and are after Line: 912!!!

Disable Branding Picture (picture that says "Windows 7 ****" at the bottom of the screen):

This Will hide only picture without the buttons

Line: 86

replace line with this:

<element id="atom(Branding)" layoutpos="none"/>

Move Shutdown and shutdown Options buttons to the left:

replace Line 91 with this

<element layout="flowlayout(0,1,2,2)" layoutpos="left">

Status Text Background:

Line 79:

replace Line with this:

<element id="atom(StatusText)" width="600rp" background="resbmp(999,7,-1,0,0,1,1)" borderthickness="rect(0rp, 75rp, 0rp, 0rp)" padding="rect(0rp, 0rp, 0rp, 0rp)"/>

You will need to add bitmap(*.bmp) image named 999 to "Bitmap" resource group and it must be at least 600px width

Move Status Animation on top of status text:

Replace Line 77 with one of the following:

Top Center

<element id="atom(Status)" visible="false" Enabled="false" layout="verticalflowlayout(0,0,2,2)" minsize="size(0rp,36rp)">

Top Right

<element id="atom(Status)" visible="false" Enabled="false" layout="verticalflowlayout(0,0,1,2)" minsize="size(0rp,36rp)">

Top Left

<element id="atom(Status)" visible="false" Enabled="false" layout="verticalflowlayout(0,0,0,2)" minsize="size(0rp,36rp)">

Add Window:

Replace Line 15 with this:

</div><div><element id="atom(Window)" background="resbmp(998,7,-1,0,0,1,1)" borderthickness="rect(left, top, right, bottom)" </div><div>padding="rect(left, top, right, bottom)" layout="borderlayout()"></div><div>

You will need to add bitmap(*.bmp) image named 998 to "Bitmap" resource group

Changing Sizing margins:

change left, top, right, bottom in borderthicknes

Change Position marines:

change left, top, right, bottom in padding but be aware that position margins is distance from sizing margins, you can also use negative values


You will need to add "rp" after each value, Sample:

borderthickness="rect(12rp, 12rp, 12rp, 44rp)" padding="rect(15rp, 16rp, 71rp, 71rp)"

Changing fonts:

1st Way:


Open file authui.dll.mui with restorator located in "C:\Windows\system32\en-US" (you may need to replace C:\ with your Windows 7 HDD partition letter and en-US with

your language folder) and expand "String"


Find lines 64 - 68 and modify them, Description:



This is not recommended to use if you want to release your logon to public

2nd Way:


Cut text from UIFILE your editing in Restorator and past it to notepad


Find and replace (press CTRL + H to open Replace window)



9;normal;shadow;Segoe UI

Used in Message, Short Message, Label, Locked Sub Message, Small Text, LargeText



9;normal;shadow|underline;Segoe UI

Used in Link, Label, Security Information, Command Links



11;normal;shadow;Segoe UI

Used in Label, Security Information, Command Links



12;normal;shadow;Segoe UI

Used in Message Caption, Connect Message



18;normal;shadow;Segoe UI

Used in Status Text, Locked Message, Large Text


Cut text from notepad and past it in to Restorator


You will need to change font before you replace it, see description in 1st Way of changing fonts

Make User List vertical:

Replace Line 117 with this:

<selector id="atom(UserList)" sheet="UsersStyle" layout="verticalflowlayout(1,1,0,0)" padding = "rect(12rp, 0, 0, 0)"/>

Move User Image to the left side of the text:

Replace Line 120 with this:

<UserTile resid="UserTileTemplate" margin="rect(0rp,10rp,0rp,10rp)" layout="flowlayout(0,2,2)" sheet="UsersStyle">

Move Options Bar To Top:

Bar That have Windows 7 branding image Shut down buttons and accessibility button

Replace Line 82 with one of this


<element layoutpos="top" layout="borderlayout()">


<element layout="borderlayout()">

I will add some more stuff ASAP

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 25/05/2010 at 13:21, Connor Jackson said:

Thanks for this tutorial.

I really wanted to change the startup screen font.


  On 25/05/2010 at 14:23, Angel Blue01 said:

This doesn't look that different from an XP logon screen. What about a 64-bit version of Windows. Ole Reshacker won't work on 64-bit resources

this is for windows 7 not xp

  On 25/05/2010 at 14:31, xSuRgEx said:

is their a gui tool that does all the above?

ive not bothered with the whole skinningthemeing thing since the early days of xp.

im working on the tool

and sorry for delay i forgot about this topic

  • 3 months later...
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