Opera voted the Best Desktop browser

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As expected, the Best Major Desktop Browser category turned out to be our most active; racking up over 25,000 votes. The winner may surprise a few people, as it doesn't boast a lion's share of the browser market. However, it does offer a fast and powerful browser which explains the exuberance of its followers.

This year's winner got off to a quick start as the voting period commenced, and held on throughout the weeks despite a formidable push from Firefox Nation. The people have spoken, and Opera 10.x is the winner of this year's Best Major Desktop Browser category!


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I was skeptical at first, but I bit my tongue and installed it anyway. Love it so much I removed Chrome!

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While in my opinion Opera 10.50 is, indeed, the best browser out there (hell it's the browser I use), I can't help but feel that Opera fanboys passed around this link to their friends.

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+1. Except for me I was with Firefox.

Opera 10.5 is awesome.

I was skeptical at first, but I bit my tongue and installed it anyway. Love it so much I removed Chrome!

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10.50 is good but i am glad that you can turn on the menu bar as would be lost without it but my only gripe is i don't really want jumplists as i prefered the way it was before when you clicked the icon it would bring up the page that was open but now you have to not only click the icon but you have to select a page instead of the page that was last open and going thru 80+ sites just to find the page that was open takes too long(it is tolerable but not wanted)if this could be turned off that would be sweet.

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10.50 is good but i am glad that you can turn on the menu bar as??would be lost without it but my only gripe is i don't really want jumplists as i prefered the way it was before when you clicked the icon it would bring up the page that was open but now you have to not only click the icon but you have to select a page instead of the page that was last open and going thru 80+ sites just to find the page that was open takes too long(it is tolerable but not wanted)if this could be turned off that would be sweet.

Jumplist can be turned off.


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opera fanboys are vicious, so id imagine once opera posted a link they rushed and voted, how can it be voted best overall when like..2% of ppl use it. Its just not possible. Plus, how many IE users go and read blogs about browsers.

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fanboys? jesus christ it's just an application for viewing websites... i've been using it for years now and it's working out great for me, if someone doesn't like it - there's plenty of others ;)

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While in my opinion Opera 10.50 is, indeed, the best browser out there (hell it's the browser I use), I can't help but feel that Opera fanboys passed around this link to their friends.

I hear that lol.

Don't see how it's the *best* browser.

Sure it's fast but that doesn't mean it's overall the best web browser.

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These kind of polls are an excellent way to advertise for free, which Opera realized.

And Mozilla themself to post in the official blog. Opera didn't. Only on twitter (that I can find).
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@x-byte: So? If they are confident enough that their users are happy enough with the product to vote it best, why not? Not that I really care, just saying.

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@x-byte: So? If they are confident enough that their users are happy enough with the product to vote it best, why not? Not that I really care, just saying.

I just pointed it out. To me it seemed that you claimed only Opera is interested.

I just think it's good to see a great browser is noticed. And that one with 2% market share have more votes than one with 20%.

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I just pointed it out. To me it seemed that you claimed only Opera is interested.

I just think it's good to see a great browser is noticed. And that one with 2% market share have more votes than one with 20%.

But I think that's exactly the point. Do you vote on a poll or do you vote with downloads? Do people even really care and just use what came with their system? The fact that it's usage is so low yet got so many votes sounds fishy. For example, I haven't used it, so I wouldn't vote for it. I doubt there are many people that decided to download each browser, put it through its paces, and then go vote.

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