Opera voted the Best Desktop browser

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I see your point. It isn't like we can invalidate any vote for a product because users didn't test every product them self. So why not take the vote for what it is?

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i had a poll in my house, virtually all computer users here favoured firefox, followed by chrome and opera was in last place.

blue and i voted for firefox, millie preferred chrome. one of the house mice voted for opera, but was disqualified as he was not a legal resident.

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I used Opera way back in the version 3 and 4 days but moved on until last year when I installed 10.10, and I've been hooked every since. It's my main browser now. I didn't vote but I would have voted Opera #1 and Chrome #2.

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While in my opinion Opera 10.50 is, indeed, the best browser out there (hell it's the browser I use), I can't help but feel that Opera fanboys passed around this link to their friends.

Exactly what happened.

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And Mozilla themself to post in the official blog. Opera didn't. Only on twitter (that I can find).

now we know hot it became the best browser since it was in twitter....

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Browser fanboys interest me to no end, I jump between the browsers like a kid in a cake shop because I just want to see what one I'm comfortable with at any given time - I have no hate for any browser, that's ridiculous laugh.gif

Good for Opera, I have noticed it to be a very fully featured browser out of the box, has a lot of things you need extensions for in other browsers, but for my personal usage I use another browser for now.

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This poll is bs honestly. I'm on Opera 10.5, so before you all think I've never tried it or just a Chrome fanboy or Firefox fanboy just stop in your tracks.

Opera 10.5 is good. It's still not as snappy as Chrome. But whatever, this isn't the thread for that.

I wonder how the polls would look if Google posted a link with the message "Vote for Google Chrome on About.Com's Best Browser" on their homepage... or even as a Sponsored result for some search queries. Imagine if Google actually cared that About.com (lame site to begin with) even had this poll. I see this as just a cheap way for Fanboys of a certain browser to spam the link to vote for whichever browser on their twitters/facebooks/etc. This is all that really happened here. I bet a lot of those votes were taken off of Internet Explorer to begin with. It's just silly. I'm not saying Opera is the worst, or the best, nor am I saying Chrome or FF is. I'm simply stating this poll means absolutely jack.

Here's a method for trying to find the best based off of a poll: Go to 100 or 1000 random people on the street and ask them what Internet Browser they believe is the best. Heck, even give them a choice between IE, FF, Chrome, or Opera. I bet you Opera will be last. In the end it's all opinion based/whoever can spam the link the most and get the most fans to vote for them. The difference between speed in a browser is so little it rarely makes a difference... and we all know Chrome is the most secure right now... so it's whatever, pick what you want and use what you use, no need for useless polls though.

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Opera looks nothing like Chrome, aside from that.. 10.5 final runs good but it's kinda sluggish doesn't feel as snappy as the previous builds.

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If you hold the same poll tomorrow someone else will win simply due to people knowing the poll exists. I was unaware there was a poll going on for it to be voted best browser.

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This poll is bs honestly. I'm on Opera 10.5, so before you all think I've never tried it or just a Chrome fanboy or Firefox fanboy just stop in your tracks.

Opera 10.5 is good. It's still not as snappy as Chrome. But whatever, this isn't the thread for that.

I wonder how the polls would look if Google posted a link with the message "Vote for Google Chrome on About.Com's Best Browser" on their homepage... or even as a Sponsored result for some search queries. Imagine if Google actually cared that About.com (lame site to begin with) even had this poll. I see this as just a cheap way for Fanboys of a certain browser to spam the link to vote for whichever browser on their twitters/facebooks/etc. This is all that really happened here. I bet a lot of those votes were taken off of Internet Explorer to begin with. It's just silly. I'm not saying Opera is the worst, or the best, nor am I saying Chrome or FF is. I'm simply stating this poll means absolutely jack.

Here's a method for trying to find the best based off of a poll: Go to 100 or 1000 random people on the street and ask them what Internet Browser they believe is the best. Heck, even give them a choice between IE, FF, Chrome, or Opera. I bet you Opera will be last. In the end it's all opinion based/whoever can spam the link the most and get the most fans to vote for them. The difference between speed in a browser is so little it rarely makes a difference... and we all know Chrome is the most secure right now... so it's whatever, pick what you want and use what you use, no need for useless polls though.

Christ. Serious undertones of "Chrome is better" detected here, combined with "but I didn't actually say that, so it's your fault for going off topic if you dispute it".

In the end it's all opinion based? No **** Sherlock? :) You really don't like the result produced, do you?

Anyway, congrats to Opera. Using multiple browsers is a part of my job, and I'm fairly impressed by 10.5's design. It doesn't surprise me that Chrome, Firefox and Opera are developing in the directions they are.

What a surprise the browser with the most recently released stable version won something.

I don't think it would have had that much of an effect. Opera 10.5 is barely out the door, Fx 3.6 barely launched a few weeks ago, Chrome 4 came out very recently, and IE9 has recently been in the news.

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I hear that lol.

Don't see how it's the *best* browser.

Sure it's fast but that doesn't mean it's overall the best web browser.

eff the speed, it's all about:

- Built in mouse gestures that actually work

- Opera sync (keeps my bookmarks, searches, history, etc. synchronized across my browser in Windows and my browser in Linux and my cell phone's browser, plus I can access all of them online from any computer), plus if I reformat I don't need to worry about backing up these things

- The beautiful interface

- Speed dial

- Custom searches from any search box anywhere

- Single letter shortcuts for them

- Private tabs (as opposed to private windows)

I could go on, but you get the point, and you get all of this out of the box without relying on sloppily written extensions.

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eff the speed, it's all about:

- Built in mouse gestures that actually work

- Opera sync (keeps my bookmarks, searches, history, etc. synchronized across my browser in Windows and my browser in Linux and my cell phone's browser, plus I can access all of them online from any computer), plus if I reformat I don't need to worry about backing up these things

- The beautiful interface

- Speed dial

- Custom searches from any search box anywhere

- Single letter shortcuts for them

- Private tabs (as opposed to private windows)

I could go on, but you get the point, and you get all of this out of the box without relying on sloppily written extensions.

Have to agree.

I also love the fact that Opera actually creates most of the ideas(such as being the first browser to have tabs and the speed dial).

Firefox being open source just steal all the ideas. Very creative.

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Is it just me or does Opera 10.5 look exactly like what Firefox is doing with 4.0 ? Just looks like they did it "first"

I must say I used to be a firefox fanboy, LOVED IT!! Then Chrome got extensions and I use it full time right now, but I HATE the look of chrome.

I am going to give Opera 10.5 a download and see what the fuss is about.

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Here's a method for trying to find the best based off of a poll: Go to 100 or 1000 random people on the street and ask them what Internet Browser they believe is the best.

That would not be a poll on what browser is the best. It would be a poll on which browsers they have heard of. To know which one is the best you have to use each one and then compare.

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Christ. Serious undertones of "Chrome is better" detected here, combined with "but I didn't actually say that, so it's your fault for going off topic if you dispute it".

In the end it's all opinion based? No **** Sherlock? :) You really don't like the result produced, do you?

Anyway, congrats to Opera. Using multiple browsers is a part of my job, and I'm fairly impressed by 10.5's design. It doesn't surprise me that Chrome, Firefox and Opera are developing in the directions they are.

Mmm I waited for someone to respond to what I said. Haha.

Actually, I've stated multiple times that IMO Chrome is better. I'll state it again too. It is better for ME.

I don't care about the end result of the poll actually, but, I simply proved how much bs it really is. There is no clear winner when it comes to browsers. That's why I use Chrome + Opera + FF. I switch constantly. On Opera right now, but will probably switch back to Chrome due to the extension support it has.

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Main reason I use opera/fx over chrome is customization. Even though chrome has extensions you cannot customize the toolbar at all the the skin support is very limited. And Opera either has most stuff I need out of the box, or I can get it via userjs/usercss.

When I need extensions firefox still by far has the best customization, chrome isn't quite there yet for me. All 3 are pretty good, I switch between them quite often. Recently I've gone from using only fx to using opera (and sometimes chrome) for browsing and fx for downloading (downthemall ftw)

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lol best browser? But barely anyone uses it?


Well Opera users are giving it the support it deserves :) They're in a tough crowd, so anything to gain them some more users or at least for people to consider or remember is a good thing.

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