Board stats for February 2010

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Board Stats for Feb 2010

FEB '10: 1,505 registrations, 4,220 new topics, 56,583 replies, 784 conversations and 1,302,521 topic views.

Top 5 forums for February

position, (last month) name

1. (2) Back Page News

2. (1) General Discussion

3. (3) Jokes & Funny Stuff

4. (6) Windows 7 Support

5. (4) Hardware Hangout

Not a good month, there are less days and we still had major problems with our upgrade, hopefully this is now sorted! I also suspect there is something wrong with the stats in IPB because I'm not seeing Feb 1st listed (even though I selected it) and March 1st is being displayed twice. My selections are always 1st to 1st (or one full month) usually I am given stats for days Feb 1st up till Feb 28th for that selection. I have alerted the devs to the problem.

Edit: Managed to get the proper stats by doing Jan 31 to March 1st and subtracting the second 1st March that appears. Bit better!

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weird for a tech forum to have GD and Funny section more popular then the sections that make Neowin what it is :unsure: , that being said I don't expect Media or GH to be on that list either.

not so much, tech problems are a dime a dozen, if one person has it, more than likely another does too and a new thread isnt created ect

weird for a tech forum to have GD and Funny section more popular then the sections that make Neowin what it is :unsure: , that being said I don't expect Media or GH to be on that list either.

I really don't think of Neowin as a tech forum any more. We have so much to offer here and we discuss everything under the sun, which I see as a good thing.

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