Clash of the Titans (2010)

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I saw this movie today with some friends. It's not bad but it definitely isn't good either. I'd say it's a decent popcorn flick. There's no real story to it and the characters are somewhat dull. Most of what went on in the movie seemed random and you often get a "of course, they'd do that" feeling. I haven't seen the 1981 original so I can't compare it to that. In terms of special effects, it was awesome. And there was a bit of comedy in it. All in all, I'd give it a 2.5 + 0.5 out of 5. An extra 0.5 for the stellar special effects.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw this movie today with some friends. It's not bad but it definitely isn't good either. I'd say it's a decent popcorn flick. There's no real story to it and the characters are somewhat dull. Most of what went on in the movie seemed random and you often get a "of course, they'd do that" feeling. I haven't seen the 1981 original so I can't compare it to that. In terms of special effects, it was awesome. And there was a bit of comedy in it. All in all, I'd give it a 2.5 + 0.5 out of 5. An extra 0.5 for the stellar special effects.


Do yourself a favor and watch the original, the effects look terrible but for some reason it doesnt take away from the movie at all. I have not seen the remake and refuse to do so when I heard there is a line in the movie "Whatever you do, don't look at the bit**es eyes" (referring to Medusa). Hearing that just sealed the fate of this movie for me. SKIP

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I don't the 1982 original has bad effects, that movie is one of my favorites hands down... This new one is WTF were they thinking NO BUBO? WHAT THE **** !? Not to mention dialogues are WHAT THE ****... and in the end when after Io appears again and Perseus looks up, man WHAT THE ****!

Oh and WHAT THE **** was up with the plot? Andromeda is supposed to stay with PERSEUS, Io is WTF... This isn't a remake, it's more of an adaptation of an old movie...

Seriously people anyone who's going to watch it, PLEASE do yourself a favor and watch the original first. Oh and yeah, bare in mind this wasn't made with 3-D in mind so skip that ,just normal 2-D...

In the end it's a WHAT THE **** did they do to the original story, but I guess it's 3/5 like anaron says, though more like a 2.5.

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I saw this movie today with some friends. It's not bad but it definitely isn't good either. I'd say it's a decent popcorn flick. There's no real story to it and the characters are somewhat dull. Most of what went on in the movie seemed random and you often get a "of course, they'd do that" feeling. I haven't seen the 1981 original so I can't compare it to that. In terms of special effects, it was awesome. And there was a bit of comedy in it. All in all, I'd give it a 2.5 + 0.5 out of 5. An extra 0.5 for the stellar special effects.


Yeah, I'd agree with that. It will entertain you for 1.5 hours and then leave you empty (and a bit poorer for it).

What surprised me was the simplistic good vs evil plot. It was all about Zeus and Hades. There was no jealousy, no intrigue, no inner conflict, no secret plots. Hera, Apollo and Athena were all either absent or reduced to parroting Zeus/Hades.

The "evil" Hades turning on the "good" father figure in Zeus was a transparent as glass and I don't know why I'm even bothering with these tags.

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@ Derf! Exactly Why put Athena, hera and apollo in to begin with? Cameos?! Like Bubo?! Heck in the original Bubo does the guiding, not some pretty faced chick ( Io )

Whom I'd bang to death btw

Not only that but

Wasn't Perseus supposed to CAPTURE Pegasus ?

and what about the invisibility helmet?

Man this movie had so many plot holes...

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it was awful I thought :sleep: story was boring and I felt like I wasted my money. I went not expecting a remake of the original but even

with that I found the story week and the characters as well. Even with the original having really poor special effects the story is much better

as well as the characters. Not one person I went with enjoyed it that much or talked about it after the fact. Usually on a good movie you talk

about it and things you like. It sticks with you and this one did not :)

Even worse was the previews of what is coming out

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I think I would have been much better off having not seen the original first.

When I look at the remake like that, it was actually pretty kewl. Not that I'm

talking about Oscar-worthy acting or anything like that, just that it was a

decent stand-alone fantasy film. If I judged my fantasy movies by plot holes

alone then every 80's movie I still love would be in the garbage.

Having seen the original, however, I couldn't help but notice the same

missing comparisons that others have pointed out:

The missing god gifts, outsmarting Pegasus, etc. It felt like I was sitting

there waiting for stuff that just didn't come. If I had gone in without those

expectations, I'm wondering what my reaction to the movie would have


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  • 3 weeks later...

I enjoyed it, but the end was kind of stupid. 3D was kind of annoying. I swear I ended up taking off the glasses for most of the movie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the best part of the movie is gemma aterton. ill be looking forward to see her in price of persia.

Damn right. And speaking of PoP, she was gorgeous in there.

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  • 1 month later...

ugh. Sam Worthington and Gemma Arterton have the emotive range of a coma patient, I really can't understand how both of them appear to be flavours of the month. Having said that, so were Jedward, so society really isn't up to much.

Quick question....

At the start you find out that Zeus basically raped Perseus's mum, but at the end of the film they (Zeus and Perseus) seemed like they were about to sit down and plait each others hair. Did I miss a plot point?

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lol - good point!! :D

At least now I know why Ed Norton was trying to take control of the editing suite in The Incredible Hulk!

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It had so much potential with that setting and cast, yet it's just dropped on the floor with a cheesy feel all the way through - I thought the movie was dreadful.


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I'd give it a pass 5/10. 5 because I really liked the Kracken's design ... a lot better than the original.

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the best part of the movie is gemma aterton. ill be looking forward to see her in price of persia.


watch the disappearance of alice creed she gets her jubblies out ;)

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What plot? :p

This movie went by a simple formula. Bankable actors + CG = Profit.

Bankable actors + CG + ??? = Profit

Is a way better formula imo :)

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Sorry, but this movie was not good :no:

I'd give this maybe.. 4/10 for the CG, but really? The acting was terrible and was overall a boring movie.. not my type of film.

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the best part of the movie is gemma aterton. ill be looking forward to see her in price of persia.


Agreed, her voice made the movie better.. but it did not save it from the terrible CGI and Subpar acting.

Was Perseus Aussie? :s

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Absolutely terrible remake. Had tons of potential, but they pretty much butchered it in every way possible. Think this one disappointed me even more than "Phantom Menace".

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