New Google Homepage

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Ok so I use Google quite often. I have noticed that for the past few months the website has been changing its interface a little bit. It is not a big difference but the logo is a little bit difference if you look closely and other things .

Most of the time the website has it the old design and then sometimes ( usually late at night ) I log in and the new Google page is up. I logged in my 2nd computer when this happens and it does not show the new Google homepage. I did not sign up for any new beta preview or anything.

My question is does this happen to anyone else? Why does it only happen on my one computer? Is Google testing out a slightly new updated design?

Basically the logo on the new site is smoother.



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I hate the new "feature" on Google's homepage where the menus appear sometime after the search box does

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I hate the new "feature" on Google's homepage where the menus appear sometime after the search box does

They appear when you move the mouse. Otherwise, it assumes you're just going to do what the millions of people do already: just search.

As for the changes, I really like them. Only see them on IE8 at the school. Loading up my Chrome Portable ends up with me back with the old look. :/

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Well not sure if it's just .com one but for google.. same old same look.

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I've been waiting for this homepage for ages. It's still not arrived for me :/

Oh well. I doubt it'll ever look as nice as Bing, so I'm not really that bothered; I just despise the shadows and colours of the current Google logo.

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I've had this for ages. I like it, and I don't think I could go back to the old one. Just waiting on the new beta one that's floating around right now.

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